Handling Embedded Blanks in Column Names

Handling Embedded Blanks in Column Names

DB2, DB2/2, DB2/6000, ORACLE, and ODBC column names can contain blanks. Th e SQL Query Window encloses column names in double quotation marks for these access modes to support any blanks within the column name string. Some ODBC drivers might not support double-quoted column names. To avoid conflicts with ODBC drivers, follow these steps:

  1. Select
    Profile Set Preferences

  2. In the Preference Settings for Profile window, set Access Mode to ODBC . Enter the data source, user name, and password, and select OK .

  3. In the Preference Settings for ODBC Access Mode window, select Exclude double quote around column names.

SAS 9.1 SQL Query Window. Users Guide
SAS 9.1 SQL Query Window: Users Guide
ISBN: 1590472098
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 54
Authors: SAS Institute

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