Functions and CALL Routines by Category

Table 4.2: Categories and Descriptions of Functions and CALL Routines


Functions and CALL Routines



'DIM Function' on page 499

Returns the number of elements in an array


'HBOUND Function' on page 577

Returns the upper bound of an array


'LBOUND Function' on page 624

Returns the lower bound of an array

Bitwise Logical Operations

'BAND Function'on page 328

Returns the bitwise logical AND of two arguments


'BLSHIFT Function' on page 331

Returns the bitwise logical left shift of two arguments


'BNOT Function' on page 331

Returns the bitwise logical NOT of an argument


'BOR Function' on page 332

Returns the bitwise logical OR of two arguments


'BRSHIFT Function' on page 333

Returns the bitwise logical right shift of two arguments


'BXOR Function' on page 333

Returns the bitwise logical EXCLUSIVE OR of two arguments

Character String Matching

'CALL PRXCHANGE Routine' on page 354

Performs a pattern-matching replacement


'CALL PRXDEBUG Routine' on page 356

Enables Perl regular expressions in a DATA step to send debug output to the SAS log


'CALL PRXFREE Routine' on page 358

Frees unneeded memory that was allocated for a Perl regular expression


'CALL PRXNEXT Routine' on page 359

Returns the position and length of a substring that matches a pattern and iterates over multiple matches within one string


'CALL PRXPOSN Routine' on page 361

Returns the start position and length for a capture buffer


'CALL PRXSUBSTR Routine' on page 364

Returns the position and length of a substring that matches a pattern


'CALL RXCHANGE Routine' on page 385

Changes one or more substrings that match a pattern


'CALL RXFREE Routine' on page 387

Frees memory allocated by other regular expression (RX) functions and CALL routines


'CALL RXSUBSTR Routine' on page 388

Finds the position, length, and score of a substring that matches a pattern


'PRXCHANGE Function' on page 739

Performs a pattern-matching replacement


'PRXMATCH Function'on page 743

Searches for a pattern match and returns the position at which the pattern is found


'PRXPAREN Function' on page 747

Returns the last bracket match for which there is a match in a pattern


'PRXPARSE Function' on page 748

Compiles a Perl regular expression (PRX) that can be used for pattern matching of a character value


'PRXPOSN Function' on page 750

Returns the value for a capture buffer


'RXMATCH Function' on page 799

Finds the beginning of a substring that matches a pattern


'RXPARSE Function'on page 800

Parses a pattern


'ANYALNUM Function' on page 298

Searches a character string for an alphanumeric character and returns the first position at which it is found


'ANYALPHA Function' on page 300

Searches a character string for an alphabetic character and returns the first position at which it is found


'ANYCNTRL Function'on page 302

Searches a character string for a control character and returns the first position at which it is found


'ANYDIGIT Function' on page 303

Searches a character string for a digit and returns the first position at which it is found


'ANYFIRST Function' on page 304

Searches a character string for a character that is valid as the first character in a SAS variable name under VALIDVARNAME=V7, and returns the first position at which that character is found


'ANYGRAPH Function' on page 306

Searches a character string for a graphical character and returns the first position at which it is found


'ANYLOWER Function' on page 307

Searches a character string for a lowercase letter and returns the first position at which it is found


'ANYNAME Function' on page 309

Searches a character string for a character that is valid in a SAS variable name under VALIDVARNAME=V7, and returns the first position at which that character is found


'ANYPRINT Function' on page 311

Searches a character string for a printable character and returns the first position at which it is found


'ANYPUNCT Function' on page 313

Searches a character string for a punctuation character and returns the first position at which it is found


'ANYSPACE Function' on page 314

Searches a character string for a white-space character (blank, horizontal and vertical tab, carriage return, line feed, form feed) and returns the first position at which it is found


'ANYUPPER Function'on page 316

Searches a character string for an uppercase letter and returns the first position at which it is found


'ANYXDIGIT Function' on page 317

Searches a character string for a hexadecimal character that represents a digit and returns the first position at which that character is found


'BYTE Function' on page 334

Returns one character in the ASCII or the EBCDIC collating sequence


'CALL CATS Routine' on page 337

Concatenates character strings and removes leading and trailing blanks


'CALL CATT Routine' on page 338

Concatenates character strings and removes trailing blanks


'CALL CATX Routine' on page 340

Concatenates character strings, removes leading and trailing blanks, and inserts separators


'CALL COMPCOST Routine' on page 342

Sets the costs of operations for later use by the COMPGED function


'CALL MISSING Routine' on page 347

Assigns a missing value to the specified character or numeric variables .


'CALL SCAN Routine' on page 389

Returns the position and length of a given word from a character expression


'CALL SCANQ Routine' on page 391

Returns the position and length of a given word from a character expression, and ignores delimiters that are enclosed in quotation marks


'CAT Function' on page 411

Concatenates character strings without removing leading or trailing blanks


'CATS Function' on page 412

Concatenates character strings and removes leading and trailing blanks


'CATT Function'on page 414

Concatenates character strings and removes trailing blanks


'CATX Function' on page 416

Concatenates character strings, removes leading and trailing blanks, and inserts separators


'CHOOSEC Function' on page 435

Returns a character value that represents the results of choosing from a list of arguments


'CHOOSEN Function' on page 436

Returns a numeric value that represents the results of choosing from a list of arguments


'COALESCEC Function' on page 442

Returns the first non-missing value from a list of character arguments.


'COLLATE Function' on page 443

Returns an ASCII or EBCDIC collating sequence character string


'COMPARE Function' on page 445

Returns the position of the left most character by which two strings differ , or returns 0 if there is no difference


'COMPBL Function' on page 448

Removes multiple blanks from a character string


'COMPGED Function' on page 449

Compares two strings by computing the generalized edit distance


'COMPLEV Function' on page 454

Compares two strings by computing the Levenshtein edit distance


'COMPRESS Function' on page 458

Removes specific characters from a character string


'COUNT Function' on page 468

Counts the number of times that a specific substring of characters appears within a character string that you specify


'COUNTC Function' on page 470

Counts the number of specific characters that either appear or do not appear within a character string that you specify


'DEQUOTE Function' on page 491

Removes matching quotation marks from a character string that begins with an individual quotation mark and deletes everything that is to the right of the closing quotation mark


'FIND Function' on page 533

Searches for a specific substring of characters within a character string that you specify


'FINDC Function' on page 535

Searches for specific characters that either appear or do not appear within a character string that you specify


'IFC Function' on page 584

Returns a character value of an expression based on whether the expression is true, false, or missing


'IFN Function' on page 586

Returns a numeric value of an expression based on whether the expression is true, false, or missing


'INDEX Function'on page 589

Searches a character expression for a string of characters


'INDEXC Function' on page 590

Searches a character expression for specific characters


'INDEXW Function' on page 591

Searches a character expression for a specified string as a word


'LEFT Function' on page 626

Left aligns a SAS character expression


'LENGTH Function' on page 627

Returns the length of a non-blank character string, excluding trailing blanks, and returns 1 for a blank character string


'LENGTHC Function' on page 628

Returns the length of a character string, including trailing blanks


'LENGTHM Function' on page 629

Returns the amount of memory (in bytes) that is allocated for a character string


'LENGTHN Function' on page 631

Returns the length of a non-blank character string, excluding trailing blanks, and returns 0 for a blank character string


'LOWCASE Function' on page 641

Converts all letters in an argument to lowercase


'MISSING Function' on page 648

Returns a numeric result that indicates whether the argument contains a missing value


'NLITERAL Function' on page 662

Converts a character string that you specify to a SAS name literal (n-literal)


'NOTALNUM Function' on page 665

Searches a character string for a non-alphanumeric character and returns the first position at which it is found


'NOTALPHA Function' on page 667

Searches a character string for a non-alphabetic character and returns the first position at which it is found


'NOTCNTRL Function' on page 669

Searches a character string for a character that is not a control character and returns the first position at which it is found


'NOTDIGIT Function' on page 670

Searches a character string for any character that is not a digit and returns the first position at which that character is found


'NOTFIRST Function' on page 673

Searches a character string for an invalid first character in a SAS variable name under VALIDVARNAME=V7,and returns the first position at which that character is found


'NOTGRAPH Function' on page 674

Searches a character string for a non-graphical character and returns the first position at which it is found


'NOTLOWER Function' on page 676

Searches a character string for a character that is not a lowercase letter and returns the first position at which that character is found


'NOTNAME Function' on page 678

Searches a character string for an invalid character in a SAS variable name under VALIDVARNAME=V7, and returns the first position at which that character is found


'NOTPRINT Function' on page 679

Searches a character string for a non-printable character and returns the first position at which it is found


'NOTPUNCT Function' on page 680

Searches a character string for a character that is not a punctuation character and returns the first position at which it is found


'NOTSPACE Function' on page 682

Searches a character string for a character that is not a white-space character (blank, horizontal and vertical tab, carriage return, line feed, form feed) and returns the first position at which it is found


'NOTUPPER Function' on page 684

Searches a character string for a character that is not an uppercase letter and returns the first position at which that character is found


'NOTXDIGIT Function' on page 686

Searches a character string for a character that is not a hexadecimal digit and returns the first position at which that character is found


' NVALID Function' on page 688

Checks a character string for validity for use as a SAS variable name in a SAS statement


'PROPCASE Function' on page 737

Converts all words in an argument to proper case


'QUOTE Function' on page 763

Adds double quotation marks to a character value


'RANK Function' on page 779

Returns the position of a character in the ASCII or EBCDIC collating sequence


'REPEAT Function' on page 785

Repeats a character expression


'REVERSE Function' on page 786

Reverses a character expression


'RIGHT Function' on page 787

Right aligns a character expression


'SCAN Function' on page 815

Selects a given word from a character expression


'SCANQ Function' on page 816

Returns the n th word from a character expression, ignoring delimiters that are enclosed in quotation marks


'SOUNDEX Function' on page 826

Encodes a string to facilitate searching


'SPEDIS Function' on page 827

Determines the likelihood of two words matching, expressed as the asymmetric spelling distance between the two words


'STRIP Function' on page 834

Returns a character string with all leading and trailing blanks removed


'SUBPAD Function' on page 836

Returns a substring that has a length you specify, using blank padding if necessary


'SUBSTR (left of =) Function' on page 837

Replaces character value contents


'SUBSTR (right of =) Function' on page 838

Extracts a substring from an argument


'SUBSTRN Function' on page 840

Returns a substring, allowing a result with a length of zero


'TRANSLATE Function' on page 858

Replaces specific characters in a character expression


'TRANTAB Function' on page 859

Transcodes a data string by using a translation table


'TRANWRD Function' on page 860

Replaces or removes all occurrences of a word in a character string


'TRIM Function' on page 862

Removes trailing blanks from character expressions and returns one blank if the expression is missing


'TRIMN Function' on page 864

Removes trailing blanks from character expressions and returns a null string (zero blanks) if the expression is missing


'UPCASE Function' on page 866

Converts all letters in an argument to uppercase


'VERIFY Function' on page 882

Returns the position of the first character that is unique to an expression

Currency Conversion

'EUROCURR Function' on page 514

Converts one European currency to another


'KCOMPARE Function' on page 616

Returns the result of a comparison of character strings


'KCOMPRESS Function' on page 616

Removes specific characters from a character string


'KCOUNT Function' on page 616

Returns the number of double-byte characters in a string


'KCVT Function' on page 616

Converts data from an encoding code to another encoding code


'KINDEX Function' on page 617

Searches a character expression for a string of characters


'KINDEXC Function' on page 617

Searches a character expression for specific characters


'KLEFT Function' on page 617

Left aligns a character expression by removing unnecessary leading DBCS blanks and SO/SI


'KLENGTH Function' on page 617

Returns the length of an argument


'KLOWCASE Function' on page 617

Converts all letters in an argument to lowercase


'KREVERSE Function' on page 618

Reverses a character expression


'KRIGHT Function' on page 618

Right aligns a character expression by trimming trailing DBCS blanks and SO/SI


'KSCAN Function' on page 618

Selects a specific word from a character expression


'KSTRCAT Function' on page 618

Concatenates two or more character strings


'KSUBSTR Function' on page 618

Extracts a substring from an argument


'KSUBSTRB Function' on page 619

Extracts a substring from an argument according to the byte position of the substring in the argument


'KTRANSLATE Function' on page 619

Replaces specific characters in a character expression


'KTRIM Function' on page 619

Removes trailing DBCS blanks and SO/SI from character expressions


'KTRUNCATE Function' on page 619

Truncates a numeric value to a specified length


'KUPCASE Function' on page 620

Converts all single-byte letters in an argument to uppercase


'KUPDATE Function' on page 620

Inserts, deletes, and replaces character value contents


'KUPDATEB Function' on page 620

Inserts, deletes, and replaces the contents of the character value according to the byte position of the character value in the argument


'KVERIFY Function' on page 621

Returns the position of the first character that is unique to an expression

Date and Time

'DATDIF Function' on page 479

Returns the number of days between two dates


'DATE Function' on page 481

Returns the current date as a SAS date value


'DATEJUL Function' on page 481

Converts a Julian date to a SAS date value


'DATEPART Function' on page 482

Extracts the date from a SAS datetime value


'DATETIME Function' on page 483

Returns the current date and time of day as a SAS datetime value


'DAY Function' on page 483

Returns the day of the month from a SAS date value


'DHMS Function' on page 496

Returns a SAS datetime value from date, hour , minute, and second


'HMS Function' on page 578

Returns a SAS time value from hour, minute, and second values


'HOUR Function' on page 579

Returns the hour from a SAS time or datetime value


'INTCK Function' on page 598

Returns the integer count of the number of interval boundaries between two dates, two times, or two datetime values


'INTNX Function' on page 602

Increments a date, time, or datetime value by a given interval or intervals, and returns a date, time, or datetime value


'JULDATE Function' on page 614

Returns the Julian date from a SAS date value


'JULDATE7 Function' on page 615

Returns a seven-digit Julian date from a SAS date value


'MDY Function' on page 643

Returns a SAS date value from month, day, and year values


'MINUTE Function' on page 647

Returns the minute from a SAS time or datetime value


'MONTH Function' on page 655

Returns the month from a SAS date value


'NLDATE Function' on page 662

Converts the SAS date value to the date value of the specified locale using the date-format modifiers


'NLDATM Function' on page 662

Converts the SAS datetime values to the time value of the specified locale using the datetime format modifiers


'NLTIME Function' on page 662

Converts the SAS time or datetime value to the time value of the specified locale using the time-format modifiers


'QTR Function' on page 760

Returns the quarter of the year from a SAS date value


'SECOND Function' on page 819

Returns the second from a SAS time or datetime value


'TIME Function' on page 855

Returns the current time of day


'TIMEPART Function' on page 855

Extracts a time value from a SAS datetime value


'TODAY Function' on page 858

Returns the current date as a SAS date value


'WEEK Function' on page 914

Returns the week number value


'WEEKDAY Function' on page 914

Returns the day of the week from a SAS date value


'YEAR Function' on page 914

Returns the year from a SAS date value


'YRDIF Function' on page 916

Returns the difference in years between two dates


'YYQ Function' on page 918

Returns a SAS date value from the year and quarter

Descriptive Statistics

'CSS Function' on page 472

Returns the corrected sum of squares


'CV Function' on page 473

Returns the coefficient of variation


'GEOMEAN Function' on page 567

Returns the geometric mean


'GEOMEANZ Function' on page 568

Returns the geometric mean, using zero fuzzing


'HARMEAN Function' on page 574

Returns the harmonic mean


'HARMEANZ Function' on page 575

Returns the harmonic mean, using zero fuzzing


'IQR Function' on page 612

Returns the interquartile range


' KURTOSIS Function' on page 620

Returns the kurtosis


'LARGEST Function' on page 623

Returns the k th largest non-missing value


'MAD Function' on page 642

Returns the median absolute deviation from the median


'MAX Function' on page 643

Returns the largest value


'MEAN Function' on page 644

Returns the arithmetic mean (average)


'MEDIAN Function' on page 645

Computes median values


'MIN Function' on page 646

Returns the smallest value


'MISSING Function' on page 648

Returns a numeric result that indicates whether the argument contains a missing value


'N Function' on page 660

Returns the number of nonmissing values


' NMISS Function' on page 664

Returns the number of missing values


'ORDINAL Function' on page 692

Returns any specified order statistic


'PCTL Function' on page 694

Computes percentiles


'RANGE Function' on page 778

Returns the range of values


'RMS Function' on page 788

Returns the root mean square


' SKEWNESS Function' on page 822

Returns the skewness


'SMALLEST Function' on page 824

Returns the k th smallest nonmissing value


'STD Function' on page 830

Returns the standard deviation


'STDERR Function' on page 830

Returns the standard error of the mean


'SUM Function' on page 843

Returns the sum of the nonmissing arguments


'USS Function' on page 869

Returns the uncorrected sum of squares


'VAR Function' on page 870

Returns the variance

External Files

'DCLOSE Function' on page 484

Closes a directory that was opened by the DOPEN function


'DINFO Function' on page 501

Returns information about a directory


'DNUM Function' on page 502

Returns the number of members in a directory


'DOPEN Function' on page 503

Opens a directory and returns a directory identifier value


'DOPTNAME Function' on page 505

Returns directory attribute information


'DOPTNUM Function' on page 506

Returns the number of information items that are available for a directory


'DREAD Function' on page 507

Returns the name of a directory member


'DROPNOTE Function' on page 508

Deletes a note marker from a SAS data set or an external file


'FAPPEND Function' on page 518

Appends the current record to the end of an external file


'FCLOSE Function' on page 519

Closes an external file, directory, or directory member


'FCOL Function' on page 521

Returns the current column position in the File Data Buffer (FDB)


'FDELETE Function' on page 522

Deletes an external file or an empty directory


'FEXIST Function' on page 526

Verifies the existence of an external file associated with a fileref


'FGET Function' on page 527

Copies data from the File Data Buffer (FDB) into a variable


'FILEEXIST Function' on page 528

Verifies the existence of an external file by its physical name


'FILENAME Function' on page 529

Assigns or deassigns a fileref to an external file, directory, or output device


'FILEREF Function' on page 532

Verifies that a fileref has been assigned for the current SAS session


'FINFO Function' on page 539

Returns the value of a file information item


'FNOTE Function' on page 548

Identifies the last record that was read and returns a value that FPOINT can use


'FOPEN Function' on page 550

Opens an external file and returns a file identifier value


'FOPTNAME Function'on page 552

Returns the nameof an item of information about a file


'FOPTNUM Function' on page 553

Returns the number of information items that are available for an external file


'FPOINT Function'on page 554

Positions the read pointer on the next record to be read


'FPOS Function' on page 556

Sets the position of the column pointer in the File Data Buffer (FDB)


'FPUT Function' on page 557

Moves data to the File Data Buffer (FDB) of an external file, starting at the FDB's current column position


'FREAD Function' on page 558

Reads a record from an external file into the File Data Buffer (FDB)


'FREWIND Function' on page 559

Positions the file pointer to the start of the file


'FRLEN Function' on page 561

Returns the size of the last record read, or, if the file is opened for output, returns the current record size


'FSEP Function' on page 562

Sets the token delimiters for the FGET function


'FWRITE Function' on page 564

Writes a record to an external file


'MOPEN Function' on page 656

Opens a file by directory id and member name, and returns the file identifier or a 0


'PATHNAME Function' on page 692

Returns the physical name of a SAS data library or of an external file, or returns a blank


'SYSMSG Function' on page 847

Returns the text of error messages or warning messages from the last data set or external file function execution


'SYSRC Function' on page 851

Returns a system error number

External Routines

'CALL MODULE Routine' on page 348

Calls the external routine without any return code


'CALL MODULEI Routine' on page 351

Calls the external routine without any return code (in IML environment only)


'MODULEC Function' on page 651

Calls an external routine and returns a character value


'MODULEIC Function' on page 652

Calls an external routine and returns a character value (in IML environment only)


'MODULEIN Function' on page 652

Calls an external routine and returns a numeric value (in IML environment only)


'MODULEN Function' on page 653

Calls an external routine and returns a numeric value


'COMPOUND Function' on page 457

Returns compound interest parameters


'CONVX Function'on page 464

Returns the convexity for an enumerated cash flow


'CONVXP Function' on page 465

Returns the convexity for a periodic cash flow stream, such as a bond


'DACCDB Function' on page 474

Returns the accumulated declining balance depreciation


'DACCDBSL Function' on page 475

Returns the accumulated declining balance with conversion to a straight-line depreciation


'DACCSL Function' on page 476

Returns the accumulated straight-line depreciation


'DACCSYD Function' on page 477

Returns the accumulated sum-of-years-digits depreciation


'DACCTAB Function' on page 478

Returns the accumulated depreciation from specified tables


'DEPDB Function' on page 486

Returns the declining balance depreciation


'DEPDBSL Function' on page 487

Returns the declining balance with conversion to a straight-line depreciation


'DEPSL Function' on page 488

Returns the straight-line depreciation


'DEPSYD Function' on page 489

Returns the sum-of-years-digits depreciation


'DEPTAB Function' on page 490

Returns the depreciation from specified tables


'DUR Function' on page 510

Returns the modified duration for an enumerated cash flow


'DURP Function' on page 511

Returns the modified duration for a periodic cash flow stream, such as a bond


'INTRR Function' on page 608

Returns the internal rate of return as a fraction


'IRR Function' on page 613

Returns the internal rate of return as a percentage


'MORT Function' on page 659

Returns amortization parameters


'NETPV Function' on page 660

Returns the net present value as a fraction


'NPV Function' on page 687

Returns the net present value with the rate expressed as a percentage


'PVP Function' on page 759

Returns the present value for a periodic cashflow stream with repayment of principal at maturity, such as a bond


'SAVING Function' on page 814

Returns the future value of a periodic saving


'YIELDP Function' on page 915

Returns the yield-to-maturity for a periodic cash flow stream, such as a bond


'COSH Function' on page 468

Returns the hyperbolic cosine


'SINH Function' on page 822

Returns the hyperbolic sine


'TANH Function' on page 854

Returns the hyperbolic tangent


'CALL EXECUTE Routine' on page 344

Resolves an argument and issues the resolved value for execution


'CALL SYMPUT Routine' on page 403

Assigns DATA step information to a macro variable


'CALL SYMPUTX Routine' on page 404

Assigns a value to a macro variable and removes both leading and trailing blanks


'RESOLVE Function' on page 785

Returns the resolved value of an argument after it has been processed by the macro facility


'SYMEXIST Function' on page 844

Returns an indication of the existence of a macro variable


'SYMGET Function' on page 844

Returns the value of a macro variable during DATA step execution


'SYMGLOBL Function' on page 845

Returns an indication as to whether a macro variable is in a global scope to the DATA step during DATA step execution.


'SYMLOCAL Function' on page 846

Returns an indication as to whether a macro variable is in a local scope to the DATA step during DATA step execution


'ABS Function' on page 294

Returns the absolute value


'AIRY Function' on page 297

Returns the value of the airy function


'BETA Function' on page 329

Returns the value of the beta function


'CALL ALLPERM Routine' on page 335

Generates all permutations of the values of several variables


'CALL LOGISTIC Routine' on page 346

Returns the logistic value


'CALL SOFTMAX Routine' on page 396

Returns the softmax value


'CALL STDIZE Routine' on page 397

Standardizes the values of one or more variables


'CALL TANH Routine' on page 407

Returns the hyperbolic tangent


'CNONCT Function' on page 439

Returns the noncentrality parameter from a chi-squared distribution


'COALESCE Function' on page 441

Returns the first non-missing value from a list of numeric arguments.


'COMB Function' on page 444

Computes the number of combinations of n elements taken r at a time


'CONSTANT Function' on page 461

Computes some machine and mathematical constants


'DAIRY Function' on page 479

Returns the derivative of the AIRY function


' DEVIANCE Function' on page 493

Computes the deviance


'DIGAMMA Function' on page 498

Returns the value of the Digamma function


'ERF Function' on page 512

Returns the value of the (normal) error function


'ERFC Function' on page 513

Returns the value of the complementary (normal) error function


'EXP Function' on page 516

Returns the value of the exponential function


'FACT Function' on page 517

Computes a factorial


'FNONCT Function' on page 547

Returns the value of the noncentrality parameter of an F distribution


'GAMMA Function' on page 566

Returns the value of the Gamma function


'IBESSEL Function' on page 583

Returns the value of the modified bessel function


'JBESSEL Function' on page 613

Returns the value of the bessel function


'LGAMMA Function' on page 632

Returns the natural logarithm of the Gamma function


'LOG Function' on page 634

Returns the natural (base e) logarithm


'LOG10 Function' on page 635

Returns the logarithm to the base 10


'LOG2 Function' on page 636

Returns the logarithm to the base 2


'LOGBETA Function' on page 636

Returns the logarithm of the beta function


'MOD Function' on page 649

Returns the remainder from the division of the first argument by the second argument, fuzzed to avoid most unexpected floating-point results


'MODZ Function' on page 654

Returns the remainder from the division of the first argument by the second argument, using zero fuzzing


'PERM Function' on page 714

Computes the number of permutations of n items taken r at a time


'SIGN Function' on page 820

Returns the sign of a value


'SQRT Function' on page 829

Returns the square root of a value


'TNONCT Function' on page 856

Returns the value of the noncentrality parameter from the student's t distribution


'TRIGAMMA Function' on page 861

Returns the value of the Trigamma function


'CDF Function' on page 418

Computes cumulative distribution functions


'LOGCDF Function' on page 637

Computes the logarithm of a left cumulative distribution function


'LOGPDF Function' on page 638

Computes the logarithm of a probability density (mass) function


'LOGSDF Function' on page 640

Computes the logarithm of a survival function


'PDF Function' on page 695

Computes probability density (mass) functions


'POISSON Function' on page 716

Returns the probability from a Poisson distribution


'PROBBETA Function' on page 717

Returns the probability from a beta distribution


'PROBBNML Function' on page 718

Returns the probability from a binomial distribution


'PROBBNRM Function' on page 719

Computes a probability from the bivariate normal distribution


'PROBCHI Function' on page 720

Returns the probability from a chi-squared distribution


'PROBF Function 'on page 721

Returns the probability from an F distribution


'PROBGAM Function' on page 722

Returns the probability from a gamma distribution


'PROBHYPR Function' on page 722

Returns the probability from a hypergeometric distribution


'PROBMC Function' on page 724

Computes a probability or a quantile from various distributions for multiple comparisons of means


'PROBNEGB Function' on page 734

Returns the probability from a negative binomial distribution


'PROBNORM Function' on page 735

Returns the probability from the standard normal distribution


'PROBT Function' on page 736

Returns the probability from a t distribution


'SDF Function' on page 817

Computes a survival function


'BETAINV Function' on page 330

Returns a quantile from the beta distribution


'CINV Function' on page 437

Returns a quantile from the chi-squared distribution


'FINV Function' on page 540

Returns a quantile from the F distribution


'GAMINV Function' on page 565

Returns a quantile from the gamma distribution


'PROBIT Function' on page 723

Returns a quantile from the standard normal distribution


'QUANTILE Function' on page 761

Computes the quantile from a specified distribution


'TINV Function' on page 855

Returns a quantile from the t distribution

Random Number

'CALL RANBIN Routine' on page 366

Returns a random variate from a binomial distribution


'CALL RANCAU Routine' on page 368

Returns a random variate from a Cauchy distribution


'CALL RANEXP Routine' on page 370

Returns a random variate from an exponential distribution


'CALL RANGAM Routine' on page 371

Returns a random variate from a gamma distribution


'CALL RANNOR Routine' on page 373

Returns a random variate from a normal distribution


'CALL RANPERK Routine' on page 375

Randomly permutes the values of the arguments, and returns a permutation of k out of n values


'CALL RANPERM Routine' on page 376

Randomly permutes the values of the arguments


'CALL RANPOI Routine' on page 377

Returns a random variate from a Poisson distribution


'CALL RANTBL Routine' on page 379

Returns a random variate from a tabled probability distribution


'CALL RANTRI Routine' on page 382

Returns a random variate from a triangular distribution


'CALL RANUNI Routine' on page 384

Returns a random variate from a uniform distribution


'CALL STREAMINIT Routine' on page 401

Specifies a seed value to use for subsequent random number generation by the RAND function


'NORMAL Function' on page 665

Returns a random variate from a normal distribution


'RANBIN Function' on page 764

Returns a random variate from a binomial distribution


'RANCAU Function' on page 765

Returns a random variate from a Cauchy distribution


'RAND Function' on page 766

Generates random numbers from a specified distribution


'RANEXP Function' on page 776

Returns a random variate from an exponential distribution


'RANGAM Function' on page 777

Returns a random variate from a gamma distribution


'RANNOR Function' on page 780

Returns a random variate from a normal distribution


'RANPOI Function' on page 781

Returns a random variate from a Poisson distribution


'RANTBL Function' on page 781

Returns a random variate from a tabled probability distribution


'RANTRI Function' on page 783

Returns a random variate from a triangular distribution


'RANUNI Function' on page 784

Returns a random variate from a uniform distribution


'UNIFORM Function' on page 866

Returns a random variate from a uniform distribution

SAS File I/O

'ATTRC Function' on page 322

Returns the value of a character attribute for a SAS data set


'ATTRN Function' on page 324

Returns the value of a numeric attribute for the specified SAS data set


'CEXIST Function' on page 434

Verifies the existence of a SAS catalog or SAS catalog entry


'CLOSE Function' on page 438

Closes a SAS data set


'CUROBS Function' on page 472

Returns the observation number of the current observation


'DROPNOTE Function' on page 508

Deletes a note marker from a SAS data set or an external file


'DSNAME Function' on page 509

Returns the SAS data set name that is associated with a data set identifier


'EXIST Function' on page 514

Verifies the existence of a SAS data library member


'FETCH Function' on page 523

Reads the next nondeleted observation from a SAS data set into the Data Set Data Vector (DDV)


'FETCHOBS Function' on page 524

Reads a specified observation from a SAS data set into the Data Set Data Vector (DDV)


'GETVARC Function' on page 572

Returns the value of a SAS dataset character variable


'GETVARN Function' on page 573

Returns the value of a SAS dataset numeric variable


'IORCMSG Function' on page 610

Returns a formatted error message for _IORC_


'LIBNAME Function' on page 632

Assigns or deassigns a libref for a SAS data library


'LIBREF Function' on page 634

Verifies that a libref has been assigned


'NOTE Function' on page 671

Returns an observation ID for the current observation of a SAS data set


' OPEN Function' on page 690

Opens a SAS data set


'PATHNAME Function' on page 692

Returns the physical name of a SAS data library or of an external file, or returns a blank


'POINT Function' on page 715

Locates an observation identified by the NOTE function


'REWIND Function' on page 787

Positions the data set pointer at the beginning of a SAS data set


'SYSMSG Function' on page 847

Returns the text of error messages or warning messages from the last dataset or external file function execution


'SYSRC Function' on page 851

Returns a system error number


'VARFMT Function' on page 871

Returns the format assigned to a SAS data set variable


'VARINFMT Function' on page 872

Returns the informat assigned to a SAS dataset variable


'VARLABEL Function' on page 874

Returns the label assigned to a SAS data set variable


'VARLEN Function' on page 875

Returns the length of a SAS data set variable


'VARNAME Function' on page 876

Returns the name of a SAS data set variable


'VARNUM Function' on page 877

Returns the number of a variable's position in a SAS data set


'VARTYPE Function' on page 881

Returns the data type of a SAS data set variable


'ADDR Function' on page 295

Returns the memory address of a numeric variable on a 32-bit platform


'ADDRLONG Function' on page 296

Returns the memory address of a character variable on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms


'CALL POKE Routine' on page 352

Writes a value directly into memory on a 32-bit platform


'CALL POKELONG Routine' on page 353

Writes a value directly into memory on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms


'CALL SLEEP Routine' on page 395

Suspends the execution of a program that invokes this call routine for a specified period of time


'CALL SYSTEM Routine' on page 406

Submits an operating environment command for execution


'DIF Function' on page 497

Returns differences between the argument and its n th lag


'GETOPTION Function' on page 570

Returns the value of a SAS system or graphics option


'INPUT Function' on page 592

Returns the value produced when a SAS expression that uses a specified informat expression is read


'INPUTC Function' on page 594

Enables you to specify a character informat at run time


'INPUTN Function' on page 596

Enables you to specify a numeric informat at run time


'LAG Function' on page 621

Returns values from a queue


'PEEK Function' on page 708

Stores the contents of a memory address into a numeric variable on a 32-bit platform


'PEEKC Function' on page 709

Stores the contents of a memory address in a character variable on a 32-bit platform


'PEEKCLONG Function' on page 712

Stores the contents of a memory address in a character variable on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms


'PEEKLONG Function' on page 713

Stores the contents of a memory address in a numeric variable on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms


'PTRLONGADD Function' on page 753

Returns the pointer address as a character variable on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms


'PUT Function' on page 754

Returns a value using a specified format


'PUTC Function' on page 756

Enables you to specify a character format at run time


'PUTN Function' on page 758

Enables you to specify a numeric format at run time


'SLEEP Function' on page 823

Suspends the execution of a program that invokes this function for a specified period of time


'SYSGET Function' on page 846

Returns the value of the specified operating environment variable


'SYSPARM Function' on page 848

Returns the system parameter string


'SYSPROCESSID Function' on page 849

Returns the process id of the current process


'SYSPROCESSNAME Function' on page 850

Returns the process name associated with a given process id or the name of the current process


'SYSPROD Function' on page 851

Determines if a product is licensed


'SYSTEM Function' on page 852

Issues an operating environment command during a SAS session and returns the system return code


'UUIDGEN Function' on page 870

Returns the short or binary form of a Universal Unique Identifier (UUID)

State and ZIP Code

'FIPNAME Function' on page 541

Converts two-digit FIPS codes to uppercase state names


'FIPNAMEL Function' on page 542

Converts two-digit FIPS codes to mixed case state names


'FIPSTATE Function' on page 543

Converts two-digit FIPS codes to two-character state postal codes


'STFIPS Function' on page 831

Converts state postal codes to FIPS state codes


'STNAME Function' on page 832

Converts state postal codes to uppercase state names


'STNAMEL Function' on page 833

Converts state postal codes to mixed case state names


'ZIPCITY Function' on page 919

Returns a city name and the two-character postal code that corresponds to a ZIP code


'ZIPFIPS Function' on page 920

Converts ZIP codes to two-digit FIPS codes


'ZIPNAME Function' on page 921

Converts ZIP codes to uppercase state names


'ZIPNAMEL Function' on page 923

Converts ZIP codes to mixed case state names


'ZIPSTATE Function' on page 924

Converts ZIP codes to two-character state postal codes


'ARCOS Function' on page 319

Returns the arccosine


'ARSIN Function' on page 319

Returns the arcsine


'ATAN Function' on page 320

Returns the arc tangent


'ATAN2 Function' on page 321

Returns the arc tangent of two numeric variables


'COS Function' on page 467

Returns the cosine


'SIN Function' on page 821

Returns the sine


'TAN Function' on page 853

Returns the tangent


'CEIL Function' on page 431

Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the argument, fuzzed to avoid unexpected floating-point results


'CEILZ Function' on page 433

Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the argument, using zero fuzzing


'FLOOR Function' on page 544

Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the argument, fuzzed to avoid unexpected floating-point results


'FLOORZ Function' on page 546

Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the argument, using zero fuzzing


'FUZZ Function' on page 563

Returns the nearest integer if the argument is within 1E-12


'INT Function' on page 597

Returns the integer value, fuzzed to avoid unexpected floating-point results


'INTZ Function' on page 609

Returns the integer portion of the argument, using zero fuzzing


'ROUND Function' on page 789

Rounds the first argument to the nearest multiple of the second argument, or to the nearest integer when the second argument is omitted


'ROUNDE Function' on page 796

Rounds the first argument to the nearest multiple of the second argument, and returns an even multiple when the first argument is half way between the two nearest multiples


'ROUNDZ Function' on page 797

Rounds the first argument to the nearest multiple of the second argument, with zero fuzzing


'TRUNC Function' on page 865

Truncates a numeric value to a specified length

Variable Control

'CALL LABEL Routine' on page 345

Assigns a variable label to a specified character variable


'CALL SET Routine' on page 393

Links SAS data set variables to DATA step or macro variables that have the same name and data type


'CALL VNAME Routine' on page 408

Assigns a variable name as the value of a specified variable

Variable Information

'CALL VNEXT Routine' on page 409

Returns the name, type, and length of a variable that is used in a DATA step


'VARRAY Function' on page 878

Returns a value that indicates whether the specified name is an array


'VARRAYX Function' on page 879

Returns a value that indicates whether the value of the specified argument is an array


'VARTRANSCODE Function' on page 880

Returns the transcode attribute of a SAS data set variable


'VFORMAT Function' on page 883

Returns the format that is associated with the specified variable


'VFORMATD Function' on page 884

Returns the format decimal value that is associated with the specified variable


'VFORMATDX Function' on page 885

Returns the format decimal value that is associated with the value of the specified argument


'VFORMATN Function' on page 886

Returns the format name that is associated with the specified variable


'VFORMATNX Function' on page 887

Returns the format name that is associated with the value of the specified argument


'VFORMATW Function' on page 888

Returns the format width that is associated with the specified variable


'VFORMATWX Function' on page 889

Returns the format width that is associated with the value of the specified argument


'VFORMATX Function' on page 890

Returns the format that is associated with the value of the specified argument


'VINARRAY Function' on page 891

Returns a value that indicates whether the specified variable is a member of an array


'VINARRAYX Function' on page 892

Returns a value that indicates whether the value of the specified argument is a member of an array


'VINFORMAT Function' on page 894

Returns the informat that is associated with the specified variable


'VINFORMATD Function' on page 895

Returns the informat decimal value that is associated with the specified variable


'VINFORMATDX Function' on page 896

Returns the informat decimal value that is associated with the value of the specified argument


'VINFORMATN Function' on page 897

Returns the informat name that is associated with the specified variable


'VINFORMATNX Function' on page 898

Returns the informat name that is associated with the value of the specified argument


'VINFORMATW Function' on page 899

Returns the informat width that is associated with the specified variable


'VINFORMATWX Function' on page 900

Returns the informat width that is associated with the value of the specified argument


'VINFORMATX Function' on page 901

Returns the informat that is associated with the value of the specified argument


'VLABEL Function' on page 902

Returns the label that is associated with the specified variable


'VLABELX Function' on page 903

Returns the variable label for the value of the specified argument


'VLENGTH Function' on page 904

Returns the compile-time (allocated) size of the specified variable


'VLENGTHX Function' on page 905

Returns the compile-time (allocated) size for the value of the specified argument


'VNAME Function' on page 906

Returns the name of the specified variable


'VNAMEX Function' on page 907

Validates the value of the specified argument as a variable name


'VTRANSCODE Function' on page 909

Returns a value that indicates whether transcoding is on or off for the specified character variable


'VTRANSCODEX Function' on page 909

Returns a value that indicates whether transcoding is on or off for the specified argument


'VTYPE Function' on page 909

Returns the type (character or numeric) of the specified variable


'VTYPEX Function' on page 910

Returns the type (character or numeric) for the value of the specified argument


'VVALUE Function' on page 911

Returns the formatted value that is associated with the variable that you specify


'VVALUEX Function' on page 912

Returns the formatted value that is associated with the argument that you specify

Web Tools

'HTMLDECODE Function' on page 580

Decodes a string containing HTML numeric character references or HTML character entity references and returns the decoded string


'HTMLENCODE Function' on page 581

Encodes characters using HTML character entity references and returns the encoded string


'URLDECODE Function' on page 867

Returns a string that was decoded using the URL escape syntax


'URLENCODE Function' on page 868

Returns a string that was encoded using the URL escape syntax

SAS 9.1 Language Reference Dictionary, Volumes 1, 2 and 3
SAS 9.1 Language Reference Dictionary, Volumes 1, 2 and 3
Year: 2004
Pages: 704 © 2008-2017.
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