Chapter 5_ Cardiac Abnormalities

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The student, through understanding normal cardiac function, diagnoses and appreciates the consequences of common cardiac abnormalities:

  • Detects common cardiac arrhythmias from the electrocardiogram, identifies their physiological bases, and describes their physiological consequences.
  • Lists four common valvular abnormalities for the left heart and describes the alterations in heart sounds, intracardiac pressures, and flow patterns that accompany them.

Cardiac Abnormalities: Introduction

Recall that effective, efficient ventricular pumping action depends on proper cardiac function in five basic respects. This chapter will focus on the abnormalities in three of these respects: (1) abnormal cardiac excitation and rhythmicity, (2) valvular stenosis (inadequate valve opening), and (3) valvular insufficiency (incomplete valve closure). Discussion of abnormalities in myocardial force production and cardiac filling will be presented in the last chapter.

Electrical Abnormalities & Arrhythmias

Many cardiac excitation problems can be diagnosed from the information in a single lead of an electrocardiogram. The lead II electrocardiogram trace at the top of Figure 5 1 is identified as normal sinus rhythm based on the following characteristics: (1) the frequency of QRS complexes are 1 per second indicating a normal beating rate, (2) the shape of the QRS complex is normal for lead II and its duration is less than 120 ms indicating rapid depolarization of the ventricles via normal conduction pathways, (3) each QRS complex is preceded by a P wave of proper configuration indicating sinoatrial (SA) nodal origin of the excitation, (4) the PR interval is less than 200 ms indicating proper conduction delay of the impulse propagation through the atrioventricular (AV) node, (5) the QT interval is less than half of the R-to-R interval indicating normal ventricular repolarization, and (6) there are no extra P waves indicating that no AV nodal conduction block is present. The subsequent electrocardiographic tracings in Figures 5 1 and 5 3 represent irregularities commonly found in clinical practice. Examination of each of these traces with the above characteristics in mind will aid in the differential diagnosis. The physiological consequences of abnormal excitation and conduction in the heart depend on whether the electrical abnormality evokes a tachycardia, which will limit the time for cardiac filling between beats; evokes a bradycardia, which is inadequate to support sufficient cardiac output; or decreases the coordination of myocyte contraction, which will reduce stroke volume.

Supraventricular Abnormalities

Traces 2 through 6 below the normal trace in Figure 5 1 represent typical supraventricular arrhythmias (ie, originating in the atria or AV node). Supraventricular tachycardia (shown in trace 2 of Figure 5 1 and sometimes called paroxysmal atrial tachycardia) occurs when the atria are abnormally excited and drive the ventricles at a very rapid rate. These paroxysms begin abruptly, last for a few minutes to a few hours, and then, just as abruptly, disappear and heart rate reverts to normal. QRS complexes appear normal (albeit frequent) with simple paroxysmal atrial tachycardia because the ventricular conduction pathways operate normally. The P and T waves may be superimposed because of the high heart rate. Low blood pressure and dizziness may accompany bouts of this arrhythmia because the extremely high heart rate does not allow sufficient diastolic time for ventricular filling.

There are two mechanisms that may account for supraventricular tachycardia. First, an atrial region, usually outside the SA node, may become irritable (perhaps because of local interruption in blood flow) and begin to fire rapidly to take over the pacemaker function. Such an abnormal pacemaker region is called an ectopic focus. Alternatively, atrial conduction may become altered so that a single wave of excitation does not die out but continually travels around some abnormal atrial conduction loop. In this case, the continual activity in the conduction loop may drive the atria and AV node at a very high frequency. This self-sustaining process is called a reentry phenomenon and is diagramed in Figure 5 2. This situation may develop as a result of abnormal repolarization and altered refractory periods in local areas of the myocardium. Atrial flutter is a special form of tachycardia of atrial origin in which a large reentrant pathway drives the atria at very fast rates (250 to 300 beats/min) and normal refractory periods of AV nodal tissue are overwhelmed. Thus, ventricular rate is often some fixed ratio of the atrial rate (2:1, 4:1) with frequencies often 150 to 220 beats/min. The electrocardiogram often shows a sawtooth pattern of merged P waves with intermittent normal QRS complexes.

Conduction blocks occur at the AV node and generally represent impaired conduction through this tissue. In first-degree heart block (trace 3 of Figure 5 1), the only electrical abnormality is unusually slow conduction through the AV node. This condition is detected by an abnormally long PR interval (> 0.2 seconds). Otherwise, the electrocardiogram may be completely normal. At normal heart rates, the physiological effects of a first-degree block are inconsequential. The danger, however, is that the slow conduction may deteriorate to an actual interruption of conduction.

A second-degree heart block (trace 4 of Figure 5 1) is said to exist when some but not all atrial impulses are transmitted through the AV node to the ventricle. Impulses are blocked in the AV node if the cells of the region are still in a refractory period from a previous excitation. The situation is aggravated by high atrial rates and slower than normal conduction through the AV nodal region. In second-degree block, some but not all P waves are accompanied by corresponding QRS complexes and T waves. Atrial rate is often faster than ventricular rate by a certain ratio (eg, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1). This condition may not represent a serious clinical problem as long as the ventricular rate is adequate to meet the pumping needs.

In third-degree heart block (trace 5 of Figure 5 1), no impulses are transmitted through the AV node. In this event, some area in the ventricles often in the common bundle or bundle branches near the exit of the AV node assumes the pacemaker role for the ventricular tissue. Atrial rate and ventricular rate are completely independent, and P waves and QRS complexes are totally dissociated in the electrocardiogram. Ventricular rate is likely to be slower than normal (bradycardia) and sometimes is slow enough to impair cardiac output.

Atrial fibrillation (trace 6 of Figure 5 1) is characterized by a complete loss of the normally close synchrony of the excitation and resting phases between individual atrial cells. Cells in different areas of the atria depolarize, repolarize, and are excited again randomly. Consequently, no P waves appear in the electrocardiogram although there may be rapid irregular small waves apparent throughout diastole. The ventricular rate is often very irregular in atrial fibrillation because impulses enter the AV node from the atria at unpredictable times. Fibrillation is a self-sustaining process. The mechanisms behind it are not well understood, but impulses are thought to progress repeatedly around irregular conduction pathways (sometimes called circus pathways, which imply a reentry phenomenon as described earlier and in Figure 5 2). However, because atrial contraction usually plays a negligible role in ventricular filling, atrial fibrillation may be well tolerated by most patients as long as ventricular rate is sufficient to maintain the cardiac output.1

1 The real danger with atrial fibrillation lies in the tendency for blood to form clots in the atria in the absence of the normal vigorous coordinated atrial contraction. These clots can fragment and move out of the heart to lodge in small artries throughout the systemic circulation. These emboli can have devastating effects on critical organ function. Consequently, anticoagulant therapy is usually prescribed for patients in atrial fibrillation.

Ventricular Abnormalities

Traces 2 through 6 below the normal trace in Figure 5 3 show typical ventricular electrical abnormalities. Conduction blocks called bundle branch blocks or hemiblocks (trace 2 of Figure 5 3) can occur in either of the branches of the Purkinje system of the intraventricular septum often as a result of a myocardial infarction. Ventricular depolarization is less synchronous than normal in the half of the heart with the nonfunctional Purkinje system. This results in a widening of the QRS complex (> 0.12 seconds) because a longer time is required for ventricular depolarization to be completed. The direct physiological effects of bundle branch blocks are usually inconsequential.

Premature ventricular contractions (trace 3 of Figure 5 3) are caused by action potentials initiated by and propagated away from an ectopic focus in the ventricle. As a result, the ventricle depolarizes and contracts before it normally would. A premature ventricular contraction is often followed by a missed beat (called a compensatory pause) because the ventricular cells are still refractory when the next normal impulse emerges from the SA node. The highly abnormal ventricular depolarization pattern of a premature ventricular contraction produces the large-amplitude, long-duration deflections on the electrocardiogram. The shapes of the electrocardiographic records of these extra beats are highly variable and depend on the ectopic site of their origin and the depolarization pathways involved. The volume of blood ejected by the premature beat itself is smaller than normal, whereas the stroke volume of the beat following the compensatory pause is larger than normal. This is partly due to the differences in filling times and partly to an inherent phenomenon of cardiac muscle called postextrasystolic potentiation. Single premature ventricular contractions (PVC) occur occasionally in most individuals and, although sometimes alarming to the individual experiencing them, are not dangerous. Frequent occurrence of PVCs, however, may be a signal of possible myocardial damage or perfusion problems.

Ventricular tachycardia (trace 4 of Figure 5 3) occurs when the ventricles are driven at high rates, usually by impulses originating from a ventricular ectopic focus. Ventricular tachycardia is a very serious condition. Not only is diastolic filling time limited by the rapid rate, but the abnormal excitation pathways make ventricular contraction less synchronous and therefore less effective than normal. In addition, ventricular tachycardia often precedes ventricular fibrillation.

Prolonged QT intervals (left side of trace 5 in Figure 5 3) are a result of delayed ventricular myocyte repolarization, which may be due to inappropriate opening of sodium channels or prolonged closure of potassium channels during the action potential plateau phase. Although the normal QT interval varies with heart rate, it is normally less than 40% of the cardiac cycle length (except at very high heart rates). Long QT syndrome (in which the interval is greater than 50% of the cycle duration) may be congenital in origin, may arise from several electrolyte disturbances (low blood levels of Ca2+, Mg2+ or K+) or may be induced by several pharmacological agents (including some antiarrhythmic drugs). The prolongation of the myocyte refractory period, which accompanies the long QT syndrome, extends the vulnerable period during which extra stimuli can evoke tachycardia or fibrillation. Patients with long QT syndrome are predisposed to a particularly dangerous type of ventricular tachycardia called torsades de pointes ("twisting of points" as shown on the right side of trace 5 in Figure 5 3). This differs from the ordinary ventricular tachycardia in that the ventricular electrical complexes cyclically vary in amplitude around the baseline and can deteriorate rapidly into ventricular fibrillation.

In ventricular fibrillation (trace 6 of Figure 5 3), various areas of the ventricle are excited and contract asynchronously. The mechanisms are similar to those in atrial fibrillation. The ventricle is especially susceptible to fibrillation whenever a premature excitation occurs at the end of the T wave of the previous excitation, ie, when most ventricular cells are in the "hyperexcitable" or "vulnerable" period of their electrical cycle. In addition, because some cells are repolarized and some are still refractory, circus pathways can be triggered easily at this time. Since no pumping action occurs with ventricular fibrillation, the situation is fatal unless quickly corrected by cardiac conversion. During conversion, the artificial application of large currents to the entire heart (via paddle electrodes applied across the chest) may be effective in depolarizing all heart cells simultaneously and thus allowing a normal excitation pathway to be reestablished.

Valvular Abnormalities

Pumping action of the heart is impaired when the valves do not function properly. Abnormal heart sounds, which usually accompany cardiac valvular defects, are called murmurs. These sounds are caused by abnormal pressure gradients and turbulent blood flow patterns that occur during the cardiac cycle. A number of techniques, ranging from simple auscultation (listening to the heart sounds) to echocardiography or cardiac catheterization, are used to obtain information about the nature and extent of the malfunction. A brief overview of four of the common valve defects influencing left ventricular function is given in Figure 5 4. (Similar abnormalities can occur in right ventricular valve function.)

Aortic Stenosis

Some consequences of aortic stenosis are shown in Figure 5 4A. Normally, the aortic valve opens widely and offers a pathway of very low resistance through which blood leaves the left ventricle. If this opening is narrowed (stenotic), resistance to flow through the valve increases. A significant pressure difference between the left ventricle and the aorta may be required to eject blood through a stenotic aortic valve. As shown in Figure 5 4A, intraventricular pressures may rise to very high levels during systole while aortic pressure rises more slowly than normal to a systolic value that is subnormal. Pulse pressure is usually low with aortic stenosis. High intraventricular pressure development is a strong stimulus for cardiac muscle cell hypertrophy, and an increase in left ventricular muscle mass invariably accompanies aortic stenosis. This tends to produce a leftward deviation of the electrical axis. (The mean electrical axis will fall in the upper right-hand quadrant of the diagram in Figure 4 5.) Blood being ejected through the narrowed orifice may reach very high velocities, and turbulent flow may occur as blood enters the aorta. This abnormal turbulent flow can be heard as a systolic (or ejection) murmur with a properly placed stethoscope.

Mitral Stenosis

Some consequences of mitral stenosis are shown in Figure 5 4B. A pressure difference of more than a few millimeters of mercury across the mitral valve during diastole is distinctly abnormal and indicates that this valve is stenotic. The high resistance mandates an elevated pressure difference to achieve normal flow across the valve ( = P/R). Consequently, as shown in Figure 5 4B, left atrial pressure is elevated with mitral stenosis. The high left atrial pressure is reflected back into the pulmonary bed and, if high enough, causes pulmonary congestion and "shortness of breath." A diastolic murmur associated with turbulent flow through the stenotic mitral valve can often be heard.

Aortic Insufficiency

Typical consequences of aortic regurgitation (insufficiency) are shown in Figure 5 4C. When the leaflets of the aortic valve do not provide an adequate seal, blood regurgitates from the aorta back into the left ventricle during the diastolic period. Aortic pressure falls faster and further than normal during diastole, which causes a low diastolic pressure and a large pulse pressure. In addition, ventricular end-diastolic volume and pressure are higher than normal because of the extra blood that reenters the chamber through the incompetent aortic valve during diastole. Turbulent flow of the blood reentering the left ventricle during early diastole produces a characteristic diastolic murmur. Often the aortic valve is altered so that it is both stenotic and insufficient. In these instances, both a systolic and a diastolic murmur are present.

Mitral Regurgitation

Typical consequences of mitral regurgitation (insufficiency) are shown in Figure 5 4D. When the mitral valve is insufficient, some blood regurgitates from the left ventricle into the left atrium during systole. A systolic murmur may accompany this abnormal flow pattern. Left atrial pressure is raised to abnormally high levels, and left ventricular end-diastolic volume and pressure increase. Mitral valve prolapse is a common form of mitral insufficiency in which the valve leaflets evert into the left atrium during systole.

Key Concepts

Cardiac arrhythmia can often be detected from a single electrocardiographic lead.
Physiological consequences of abnormal excitation and conduction in the heart depend on whether the electrical abnormality limits the time for adequate cardiac filling or decreases the coordination of myocyte contractions resulting in inadequate pressure development and ejection.
Supraventricular arrhythmias are a result of abnormal action potential initiation at the sinoatrial node or altered propagation characteristics through the atrial tissue and the atrioventricular node.
Tachycardias may originate either in the atria or ventricles and are a result of increased pacemaker automaticity or of continuously circling pathways setting up a reentrant circuit.
Abnormal conduction through the atrioventricular node results in conduction blocks.
Abnormal conduction pathways in the Purkinje system or in the ventricular tissue result in significant QRS alterations.
Ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation represent severe abnormalities that are incompatible with effective cardiac pumping.
Failure of cardiac valves to open (stenosis) or close (insufficiency, regurgitation) normally result in systolic or diastolic murmurs, abnormal pressure gradients across valves, impaired ejection of blood, and congestion in upstream vascular beds.

Study Questions

5 1. Which of the following arrhythmias might result in a reduced stroke volume?
   a. Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
   b. Ventricular tachycardia
   c. Atrial fibrillation
   d. Ventricular fibrillation
   e. Third-degree heart block
5 2. Describe the primary pressure abnormalities associated with
   a. Aortic stenosis
   b. Mitral stenosis
5 3. You notice an abnormally large pulsation of your patient's jugular vein, which occurs at about the same time as heart sound S1. What is your diagnosis?
5 4. What alteration in jugular venous pulsations might accompany third-degree heart block?

See answers.

Suggested Readings

Carmeliet E. Cardiac ionic currents and acute ischemia: from channels to arrhythmias. Physiol Rev. 1999;79:917 1017. [PMID: 10390520]

Clancy CE, Kass RS. Inherited and acquired vulnerability to ventricular arrhythmias: cardiac Na+ and K+ channels. Physiol Rev. 2004;85:33 47.

Da Costa D, Brady WJ, Edhouse J. Bradycardias and atrioventricular conduction block. BMJ. 2002;324535 538.

Jalife J. Ventricular fibrillation: mechanisms of initiation and maintenance. Annu Rev Physiol. 2000;62:25 50. [PMID: 10845083]

LeClercq C, Hare JM. Ventricular resynchronization: current state of the heart. Circulation 2004;109: 296 299. [PMID: 14744953]

Maron BJ. Sudden death in young athletes. N Engl J Med. 2003;349:1064 1075. [PMID: 12968091]

Peters NS, Schilling RJ, Kanagaratnam P, Markides V. Atrial fibrillation: strategies to control, combat, and cure. Lancet. 2002;359:593 603. [PMID: 11867130]

Weiss JN, Qu Z, Chen PS, et al. The dynamics of cardiac fibrillation. Circulation 2005;112:1232 1240. [PMID: 16116073]

Zipes DP, Jalife J. Cardiac Electrophysiology, 4th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: WB Saunders and Company, 2004.

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Cardiovascular Physiology
Cardiovascular Physiology: Mosby Physiology Monograph Series, 9e (Mosbys Physiology Monograph)
ISBN: 0323034462
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 20 © 2008-2017.
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