Target property

GCHandle class, 154

WeakReference class, 234

Task Manager, 279

PerfMon, compared to, 288

Performance Tab, 282

Processes tab, 280

Processes Tab, 281

viewing use of weak references, 235


certification authorities, 514

Thread class

Abort() method, 431

example of using, 374

compared to ProcessThread class, 338

CurrentThread property, 341

CurrentUICulture property, 195

GetHashCode() method, 343

IsAlive property, 378

IsBackground property, 342

Join() method, 434

Priority property, 344

ResetAbort() method, 373

Sleep() method, 431

Start() method, 341

System.Threading, 338

ThreadState property, 344

thread Identity, 342

thread synchronization

AutoResetEvent class, 361

blocked threads, 357

compared to delegates, 431

data synchronization issues, 356

deadlocks, 362

Interlocked class, 361

lock statement, 357

ManualResetEvent class, 368

Monitor class, 364

multithreading, 356

Mutex class, 359

protected code, 357

races, 363

ReaderWriterLock class, 360

semaphores, 361

SyncLock statement, 357

WaitHandle class, 360


example of using, 375

System.Threading, 373

threading, see multithreading.

ThreadPool class

GetAvailableThreads() method, 340

GetMaxThreads() method, 340

QueueUserWorkItem() method, 341

System.Threading, 340

thread-pool threads, 340

ThreadPriority enumeration

System.Threading, 344

ThreadPriorityLevel enumeration

System.Diagnostics, 344


background threads, 342

control of threads by garbage collector, 212

foreground thread, 342

managed threads, 338

non-thread-pool threads, 341

thread-pool threads, 340

unmanaged threads, 338

enumerating, 343

user-interface thread, 342

worker threads, 342

Threads property

Process class, 343

ThreadStart delegate

System.Threading, 341

ThreadState enumeration

System.Diagnostics, 344

System.Threading, 344

ThreadState property

ProcessThread class, 344

Thread class, 344

TickCount property

Environment class, 298


Windows message, 417

Timer class, 369

callback method, 376

System.Threading, 368

System.Timers, 369

System.Windows.Forms, 369

timers, multithreading, 344


COM Interoperability, use in, 144

tokens, see metadata tokens.

ToPointer() method

IntPtr structure, 154

ToString() method

Byte structure, 79

Enum class, 86

Int32 structure, 82

StringBuilder class, 350

ToXml() method

ISecurityEncodable interface, 484

TransformBlock() method

ICryptoTransform interface, 501

TransformFinalBlock() method

ICryptoTransform interface, 501

transient assembly

reflection, 313

TranslateMessage() API call

message loop, 419

trapdoor functions

asymmetric encryption, 504


certificate security issues, 518

Type Library Importer, see tblimp.exe.

type safety, 136

arrays, lack of danger in, 140

cross platform type safety, 138

ECMA algorithm, 139

need for, 137

Partition III CIL, guidelines in, 140

problems in implementation, 137

verifiably type-safe, 137

TypeBuilder class

CreateType() method, 321

GetMethod() method, 317

typedref type, 27

Advanced  .NET Programming
Advanced .NET Programming
ISBN: 1861006292
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 124

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