Design Smells

If you are lucky, you start a project with a clear picture of what you want the system to be. The design of the system is a vital image in your mind. If you are luckier still, the clarity of that design makes it to the first release.

But then something goes wrong. The software starts to rot like a piece of bad meat. As time goes by, the rotting continues. Ugly, festering sores and boils accumulate in the code, making it more and more difficult to maintain. Eventually, the sheer effort required to make even the simplest of changes becomes so onerous that the developers and front-line managers cry for a redesign.

Such redesigns rarely succeed. Although the designers start out with good intentions, they find that they are shooting at a moving target. The old system continues to evolve and change, and the new design must keep up. The warts and ulcers accumulate in the new design before it ever makes it to its first release.

Design SmellsThe Odors of Rotting Software

You know that the software is rotting when it starts to exhibit any of the following odors.

  • Rigidity

  • Fragility

  • Immobility

  • Viscosity

  • Needless complexity

  • Needless repetition

  • Opacity


Rigidity is the tendency for software to be difficult to change, even in simple ways. A design is rigid if a single change causes a cascade of subsequent changes in dependent modules. The more modules that must be changed, the more rigid the design.

Most developers have faced this situation in one way or another. They are asked to make what appears to be a simple change. They look the change over and make a reasonable estimate of the work required. But later, as they work through the change, they find that there are unanticipated repercussions to the change. The developers find themselves chasing the change through huge portions of the code, modifying far more modules than they had first estimated, and discovering thread after thread of other changes that they must remember to make. In the end, the changes take far longer than the initial estimate. When asked why their estimate was so poor, they repeat the traditional software developers lament: "It was a lot more complicated than I thought!"


Fragility is the tendency of a program to break in many places when a single change is made. Often, the new problems are in areas that have no conceptual relationship with the area that was changed. Fixing those problems leads to even more problems, and the development team begins to resemble a dog chasing its tail.

As the fragility of a module increases, the likelihood that a change will introduce unexpected problems approaches certainty. This seems absurd, but such modules are not at all uncommon. These are the modules that are continually in need of repair, the ones that are never off the bug list. These modules are the ones that the developers know need to be redesigned, but nobody wants to face the spectre of redesigning them. These modules are the ones that get worse the more you fix them.


A design is immobile when it contains parts that could be useful in other systems, but the effort and risk involved with separating those parts from the original system are too great. This is an unfortunate but very common occurrence.


Viscosity comes in two forms: viscosity of the software and viscosity of the environment. When faced with a change, developers usually find more than one way to make that change. Some of the ways preserve the design; others do not (i.e., they are hacks). When the design-preserving methods are more difficult to use than the hacks, the viscosity of the design is high. It is easy to do the wrong thing but difficult to do the right thing. We want to design our software such that the changes that preserve the design are easy to make.

Viscosity of environment comes about when the development environment is slow and inefficient. For example, if compile times are very long, developers will be tempted to make changes that don't force large recompiles, even though those changes don't preserve the design. If the source code control system requires hours to check in just a few files, developers will be tempted to make changes that require as few check-ins as possible, regardless of whether the design is preserved.

In both cases, a viscous project is one in which the design of the software is difficult to preserve. We want to create systems and project environments that make it easy to preserve and improve the design.

Needless Complexity

A design smells of needless complexity when it contains elements that aren't currently useful. This frequently happens when developers anticipate changes to the requirements and put facilities in the software to deal with those potential changes. At first, this may seem like a good thing to do. After all, preparing for future changes should keep our code flexible and prevent nightmarish changes later.

Unfortunately, the effect is often just the opposite. By preparing for many contingencies, the design becomes littered with constructs that are never used. Some of those preparations may pay off, but many more do not. Meanwhile, the design carries the weight of these unused design elements. This makes the software complex and difficult to understand.

Needless Repetition

Cut and paste may be useful text-editing operations, but they can be disastrous code-editing operations. All too often, software systems are built on dozens or hundreds of repeated code elements. It happens like this: Ralph needs to write some code that fravles the arvadent.[2] He looks around in other parts of the code where he suspects other arvadent fravling has occurred and finds a suitable stretch of code. He cuts and pastes that code into his module and makes the suitable modifications.

[2] For those of you who do not have English as your first language, the term fravle the arvadent is composed of nonsense words and is meant to imply some nondescript programming activity.

Unbeknownst to Ralph, the code he scraped up with his mouse was put there by Todd, who scraped it out of a module written by Lilly. Lilly was the first to fravle an arvadent, but she realized that fravling an arvadent was very similar to fravling a garnatosh. She found some code somewhere that fravled a garnatosh, cut and paste it into her module, and modified it as necessary.

When the same code appears over and over again, in slightly different forms, the developers are missing an abstraction. Finding all the repetition and eliminating it with an appropriate abstraction may not be high on their priority list, but it would go a long way toward making the system easier to understand and maintain.

When there is redundant code in the system, the job of changing the system can become arduous. Bugs found in such a repeating unit have to be fixed in every repetition. However, since each repetition is slightly different from every other, the fix is not always the same.


Opacity is the tendency of a module to be difficult to understand. Code can be written in a clear and expressive manner, or it can be written in an opaque and convoluted manner. Code that evolves over time tends to become more and more opaque with age. A constant effort to keep the code clear and expressive is required in order to keep opacity to a minimum.

When developers first write a module, the code may seem clear to them. After all, they have immersed themselves in it and understand it at an intimate level. Later, after the intimacy has worn off, they may return to that module and wonder how they could have written anything so awful. To prevent this, developers need to put themselves in their readers' shoes and make a concerted effort to refactor their code so that their readers can understand it. They also need to have their code reviewed by others.

Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#
Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#
ISBN: 0131857258
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 272 © 2008-2017.
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