
The MEDIATOR pattern also imposes policy. However, whereas FACADE imposes its policy in a visible and constraining way, MEDIATOR imposes its policies in a hidden and unconstraining way. For example, the QuickEntryMediator class in Listing 23-1 sits quietly behind the scenes and binds a text-entry field to a list. When you type in the text-entry field, the first list element that matches what you have typed is highlighted. This lets you type abbreviations and quickly select a list item.

Listing 23-1. QuickEntryMediator.cs

using System; using System.Windows.Forms; /// <summary> /// QuickEntryMediator. This class takes a TextBox and a /// ListBox. It assumes that the user will type /// characters into the TextBox that are prefixes of /// entries in the ListBox. It automatically selects the /// first item in the ListBox that matches the current /// prefix in the TextBox. /// /// If the TextField is null, or the prefix does not /// match any element in the ListBox, then the ListBox /// selection is cleared. /// /// There are no methods to call for this object. You /// simply create it, and forget it. (But don't let it /// be garbage collected...) /// /// Example: /// /// TextBox t = new TextBox(); /// ListBox l = new ListBox(); /// /// QuickEntryMediator qem = new QuickEntryMediator(t,l); ///  // that's all folks. /// /// Originally written in Java /// by Robert C. Martin, Robert S. Koss /// on 30 Jun, 1999 2113 (SLAC) /// Translated to C# by Micah Martin /// on May 23, 2005 (On the Train) /// </summary> public class QuickEntryMediator {   private TextBox itsTextBox;   private ListBox itsList;   public QuickEntryMediator(TextBox t, ListBox l)   {     itsTextBox = t;     itsList = l;     itsTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler(TextFieldChanged);   }   private void     TextFieldChanged(object source, EventArgs args)   {     string prefix = itsTextBox.Text;     if (prefix.Length == 0)     {       itsList.ClearSelected();       return;     }     ListBox.ObjectCollection listItems = itsList.Items;     bool found = false;     for (int i = 0; found == false &&               i < listItems.Count; i++)     {       Object o = listItems[i];       String s = o.ToString();       if (s.StartsWith(prefix))       {         itsList.SetSelected(i, true);         found = true;       }     }     if (!found)     {       itsList.ClearSelected();     }   } }

The structure of the QuickEntryMediator is shown in Figure 23-2. An instance of QuickEntryMediator is constructed with a ListBox and a TextBox. The Quick-EntryMediator registers an EventHandler with the TextBox. This EventHandler invokes the TextFieldChanged method whenever there is a change in the text. This method then finds a ListBox element that is prefixed by the text and selects it.

Figure 23-2. QuickEntryMediator

The users of the ListBox and TextField have no idea that this MEDIATOR exists. It quietly sits there, imposing its policy on those objects without their permission or knowledge.

Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#
Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#
ISBN: 0131857258
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 272 © 2008-2017.
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