5.4 Operations and Maintenance Guide (OMG)

 < Day Day Up > 

The OMG describes the technical operation and maintenance specifications for the finished product. It should include installation procedures, product features, specifications, and troubleshooting steps. This guide is the handbook used by systems administration personnel to maintain the system during its production life cycle. The OMG provides continuity when personnel change from job to job and serves as a quick reference material for administrators responsible for maintaining 30 to 40 applications on average in an enterprise. Without such references, there will be much chaos when a systems administrator departs an organization.

 < Day Day Up > 

Managing Software Deliverables. A Software Development Management Methodology
Managing Software Deliverables: A Software Development Management Methodology
ISBN: 155558313X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 226

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