I/O Manager ASIC, 635
IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), 634
IBGP (Internal Border Gateway Protocol), 374
configuring, 383–386
verifying, 386
case study, 440–441, 440–441
authentication, 448
design alternatives, 442–444, 443
load-balancing, 455–456
passive mode, 459–460
r1, 444–445, 460–461
r2, 461–463
r3, 463–464
r4, 445–446, 464–466
r5, 446, 466–467
r6, 447–448, 467–469
r7, 469–471
route redistribution, 448–455
route summaries, 456–459
confederations, 402
configuring, 402–413, 403–404
saving, 420
verifying, 413–420
defined, 634
export policy
confederations, 412
r5, 423–424
r6, 422–423
IGP operation for, 154
initial setup, 374–377, 375
policies, 377–383
redistribution policy, 429–432
route reflection, 386–387
configuring, 387–394, 387, 389
verifying, 395–402
summary, 439
timers and knobs, 421–422, 421
load balancing, 422–426
local preferences and communities in, 429–435
passive mode configuration, 427–429
timer modifications, 426–427
troubleshooting, 435–439
ibgp export policy, 412
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), 635
IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics), 634
idle neighbor state
defined, 633
in EBGP, 485
IEEE (Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers), 633
IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), 635
IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol), 635
ignore-attached-bit option, 314
IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol), 154, 374, 634
IKE (Internet Key Exchange) protocol, 635
ILMI (Integrated Local Management Interface), 89–90, 95–97
IMEI (International Mobile Station Equipment Identity), 634
import policies
in EBGP, 504
community tagging, 517–520
Martian filtering, 511–517, 560–571
route damping, 505–511
in RIP, 216–218
importing routes, 633
IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) information, 634
IN-ARP (Inverse ARP)
in ATM, 98
in Frame Relay, 80, 82
incoming traffic flow in EBGP, 543–547
inet.0 routing table, 633
inet.1 routing table, 633
inet.2 routing table, 633
inet.3 routing table, 633
inet.4 routing table, 633
inet protocol for unnumbered interfaces, 125
inet6.0 routing table, 633
infinity metric, 633
ingress routers, 633
init adjacency state, 633
insert command, 633
Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE), 633
Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE), 634
Integrated Local Management Interface (ILMI), 89–90, 95–97
inter-AS routing, 634
intercluster reflection, 634
interdependency in EBGP peering, 481
interface all keyword, 265
interface configurations
aggregated interfaces
Ethernet, 114–117, 114
SONET, 117–119
ATM. See ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
case study, 129–131, 129
r1, 131–133
r2, 133–136
r3, 136–139
r4, 139–141
r5, 142–145
r6, 146–147
r7, 148
Ethernet. See Ethernet interfaces
leaky bucket rate limiting
configuring, 119–121
verifying, 121–124, 122–123
lo0 interface
configuring, 60–61
verifying, 61–64
POS. See POS(Packet Over SONET) interfaces
summary, 128
unnumbered interfaces, 124–125, 125
configuring, 125–126
verifying, 126
interface costs, 634
interface keyword, 23
interface routes, 634
interface-to-level mappings, 322–323
Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP), 154, 374, 634
Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System. See IS-IS (Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System)
Intermediate Systems (ISs), 634
Internal Border Gateway Protocol. See IBGP (Internal Border Gateway Protocol)
Internal Ethernet, 634
internal timing with POS interfaces, 65
International Mobile Station Equipment Identity (IMEI), 634
International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) information, 634
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 634
International Telecommunications Union (ITU), 634
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), 634
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), 635
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 635
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP), 635
Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol, 635
Internet Processor ASIC, 635
Internet Protocol (IP), 635
Internet Protocol Security (IPSec)
defined, 635
in IBGP, 383
Internet routing tables with EBGP, 499
Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP), 635
Internet service providers (ISPs), 635
intra-AS routing, 635
Inverse ARP (IN-ARP)
in ATM, 98
in Frame Relay, 80, 82
inverse-arp keyword, 98
IOS prompt, escape sequence for, 6
IP (Internet Protocol), 635
IP addresses
and adjacency, 276
in ATM, 89
for Ethernet interfaces, 102
for loopback interfaces, 60, 62–63
for OoB management network configuration, 8
rename feature for, 127–128
for VRRP, 106
IPCP (IPv4 Control Protocol), 84
IPSec (Internet Protocol Security)
defined, 635
in IBGP, 383
IPv4 Control Protocol (IPCP), 84
IS-IS (Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System), 256
authentication, 278
area 49.0002, 282–283, 286
r3 and r4, 280–282
r5, 278–280
troubleshooting, 283–286
case study, 319–324, 320
authentication, 324–326
OSPF routers, 331–340
priority in, 330–331
r1, 345–347
r2, 347–349
r3, 349–353
r4, 353–356
r5, 356–360
r6, 360–363
r7, 363–365
route redistribution, 328–330
route summarization, 326–328, 340–345
defined, 634
knobs in, 313–316
multi-level. See multi-level IS-IS configuration
network types, 277–278
routing policies
area 49.0003 configuration, 287–290, 287
route leaking, 286–293
route redistribution. See route redistribution
summarization, 286–290, 293–297
summary, 318
ISAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol), 635
ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 634
iso protocol family, 258
ISPs (Internet service providers), 635
ISs (Intermediate Systems), 634
ITU (International Telecommunications Union), 634