

Santayana, George, on wisdom, 117
Schoenbauer, Ben, on life without failure, 195
seat time, 34, 35
self-paced methodology, 95, 96
selling the business case (Step 7), 157 “170
checklist for, 170
and closing the deal, 164 “165
as continuing process, 168 “170, 179
goals for, 157
importance of context in, 159 “161
and meeting with members of senior management, 162 “164
to middle management, 165 “168
at Rockwell Collins, 159 “170
and taking a "test ride," 161 “162
senior management, 162 “164
setting, baseline, 37 “40
shadowing, 189 “190
skills, repetitively taught, 220
SkillScape, 229
SmartForce, 115, 131, 132, 177, 180, 229
SME contract, 108
SMEs, see subject-matter experts
solution, finding a, 17 “20
sound cards, 121 “122
staff assessment, 246
standards, 189
for buying training, 114
training, 73, 75, 89, 102, 104
"standards for buying training" guide, 114
statistics, 33, 147, 150, 185, 186, 212
Strategic Interactive, 191
strategic planning (Step 4), 77 “116, 245
building the business case vs., 135 “136
checklist for, 116
and developing a unique implementation plan, 78
getting help from third parties in, 79
goals for, 77
importance of, 234 “236
management approval of, 152
and objectives, 78
at Rockwell Collins, 79 “95, 102, 104 “107, 109, 111 “116
role of learning and development department in, 80 “83
and vendor groups, 132
strategic plans, 7, 17, 62 “64
streamed process, 191, 217
subject-matter experts (SMEs), 102, 104, 105, 107, 108, 189, 217
importance of early, 115 “116, 241 “242
and training, 148 “151
support, asking for, 164 “165
about future needs, 230
categories on, 44 “45
development of, 245
organizational assessment with, 34, 35, 43 “53
phrasing of, 52 “53
politics of, 35 “36
sample of, 46 “51

Built to Learn. The Inside Story of How Rockwell Collins Became a True Learning Organization
Built to Learn: The Inside Story of How Rockwell Collins Became a True Learning Organization
ISBN: 0814407722
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 124 © 2008-2017.
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