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closeJava Programming with Oracle SQLJ
  Table of Contents
 open1. Introduction
 open2. Relational Databases, SQL, and PL/SQL
 open3. Fundamental SQLJ Programming
 open4. Database Objects
 open5. Collections
 open6. Deploying SQLJ in the JServer
 open7. Large Objects
 open8. Contexts and Multithreading
 open9. Advanced Transaction Control
 open10. Performance Tuning
 close11. Combining JDBC, SQLJ, and Dynamic SQL
   11.1 Static and Dynamic SQL
  11.2 Sharing Database Connections
   11.3 SQLJ Iterators and JDBC Result Sets
 openA. Java and Oracle Type Mappings
 openB. Oracle Java Utilities Reference
 openC. SQLJ in Applets, Servlets, and JavaServer Pages

Database > Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ > 11. Combining JDBC, SQLJ, and Dynamic SQL > 11.2 Sharing Database Connections


11.2 Sharing Database Connections

When a connection to the database is established by a SQLJ program using the connect( ) or getConnection( ) methods, an underlying JDBC connection is created. Through that connection, communication between the program and the database takes place. You can extract this underlying JDBC connection from the SQLJ connection context and use it to access the database using JDBC statements. In this way, one connection is used for both SQLJ and JDBC statements. Similarly, you can also create or re-use a JDBC connection and use it to create a SQLJ connection context, which may then be used by SQLJ statements to access the database.

Shared database connections also share the same database session and transaction.

I discuss sharing a SQLJ connection with JDBC first, and then discuss sharing a JDBC connection with SQLJ.

11.2.1 Sharing a SQLJ Connection with JDBC

To share a database connection established by a SQLJ connection context with JDBC, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Call the getConnection( ) method in the sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext class using a SQLJ connection context; this method returns the underlying JDBC connection for the connection context.

  2. Assign the JDBC connection returned by getConnection( ) to a JDBC connection object.

The following example creates a SQLJ connection context named sqlj_conn_context that accesses the fundamental_user schema. It then retrieves and assigns the underlying JDBC connection from this connection context to a new JDBC connection named jdbc_conn:

// create a SQLJ connection context DefaultContext sqlj_conn_context = Oracle.getConnection(   "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl",   "fundamental_user",   "fundamental_password" ); // assign the underlying JDBC connection for the SQLJ connection // context to a new JDBC connection Connection jdbc_conn = sqlj_conn_context.getConnection(  );

Subsequent JDBC statements may now use jdbc_conn to access the fundamental_user schema. You can also share the underlying JDBC connection for the default SQLJ connection context created when you call the Oracle.connect( ) method to connect to the database. The following example creates a default SQLJ connection context, and then retrieves and assigns the underlying JDBC connection to jdbc_conn2:

// create a default SQLJ connection context Oracle.connect(   "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl",   "fundamental_user",   "fundamental_password" ); // assign the underlying JDBC connection for the default SQLJ connection // context to a new JDBC connection Connection jdbc_conn2 =   DefaultContext.getDefaultContext().getConnection(  );

The getDefaultContext( ) method returns the default connection context, and the getConnection( ) method returns the underlying JDBC connection. The underlying JDBC connection is then assigned to the JDBC connection object jdbc_conn2.

When an underlying JDBC connection in a SQLJ connection context is shared with JDBC, the database session and transaction are also shared. This means that any SQL operations that modify the database are visible to both, regardless of whether they are performed using the SQLJ connection context or the JDBC connection; this includes COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements. For example, if you update a row in the customers table using the SQLJ connection context sqlj_conn_context, this change is also visible to the JDBC connection jdbc_conn.

11.2.2 Sharing a JDBC Connection with SQLJ

You may also share a database connection established by JDBC with SQLJ. To do this, pass the JDBC connection object to the constructor of the DefaultContext class when creating a new SQLJ connection context. The following example creates a JDBC connection to the fundamental_user schema, which is then passed to the DefaultContext( ) constructor used to create a new SQLJ connection context:

// create a JDBC connection Connection jdbc_conn = DriverManager.getConnection(   "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl",   "fundamental_user",   "fundamental_password" ); // create a new SQLJ connection context and pass the JDBC connection // into the constructor of DefaultContext, this shares the database // connection with SQLJ DefaultContext sqlj_conn_context = new DefaultContext(jdbc_conn);

The JDBC connection jdbc_conn is assigned to the underlying JDBC connection for sqlj_conn_context, which may then be used by subsequent SQLJ statements to access the fundamental_user schema. By default, JDBC connections are created with the auto-commit flag set to true; you can set it to false using the following statement:


11.2.3 Closing Shared Database Connections

When closing a SQLJ connection, you can either keep the underlying JDBC connection open, or you can close it. A SQLJ connection context is closed using the close( ) method, which accepts one optional parameter. This parameter may be set to one of the following predefined constants. These two constants are defined in the sqlj.runtime.ConnectionContext interface, which you should import into your SQLJ program if you want to use it, and they indicate whether the underlying JDBC connection for the connection context should also be closed.


Closes the underlying JDBC connection.


Keeps the underlying JDBC connection open.

If you don't specify a parameter to the close( ) method, SQLJ's default behavior is to close the underlying JDBC connection. The following example closes the connection context sqlj_conn_context, and by default closes the underlying JDBC connection, which in this case is jdbc_conn:

sqlj_conn_context.close(  );

The following example closes sqlj_conn_context but keeps the underlying JDBC connection (jdbc_conn in this case) open:


By keeping jdbc_conn open, you allow jdbc_conn and any subsequent JDBC statements that use it to continue to access the database.

11.2.4 Example Program: JdbcSqljExample1.sqlj

This section contains a complete program, JdbcSqljExample1.sqlj (Example 11-2), that illustrates the sharing of database connections and transactions between SQLJ and JDBC. The program performs the following steps:

  1. Creates a SQLJ connection context, named sqlj_conn_context, that accesses the fundamental_user schema.

  2. Shares the database connection for sqlj_conn_context with a new JDBC connection named jdbc_conn.

  3. Displays the first_name and last_name columns for customer #1 in the customers table using sqlj_conn_context.

  4. Displays the same columns using jdbc_conn.

  5. Updates the same columns using sqlj_conn_context. Because jdbc_conn shares the database transaction, this update is also visible to jdbc_conn.

  6. Displays the columns using both sqlj_conn_context and jdbc_conn, demonstrating that the update is indeed visible to both.

  7. Performs a rollback, undoing the previous update.

  8. Closes sql_conn_context, keeping the underlying JDBC connection open so that jdbc_conn can still access the database.

  9. Displays the columns again using jdbc_conn, demonstrating that it can indeed still access the database.

  10. Closes jdbc_conn.

  11. Creates a new JDBC connection named jdbc_conn2. The database connection is then shared with a new SQLJ connection context named sqlj_conn_context2.

  12. Displays the columns using sqlj_conn_context2, demonstrating that this connection context can access the database using the shared connection.

  13. Closes sqlj_conn_context2, which also closes jdbc_conn2.

Example 11-2. JdbcSqljExample1.sqlj
/*   The program JdbcSqljExample1.sqlj illustrates the use of sharing   database connections and transactions between SQLJ and JDBC. */ import java.sql.*; import oracle.sqlj.runtime.Oracle; import sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext; import sqlj.runtime.ConnectionContext; public class JdbcSqljExample1 {   public static void main(String [] args) {     try {       // create a SQLJ connection context       System.out.println("Connecting to the database using SQLJ.");       DefaultContext sqlj_conn_context = Oracle.getConnection(         "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl",         "fundamental_user",         "fundamental_password"       );       // assign the underlying JDBC connection for the default SQLJ       // connection context to a new JDBC connection       System.out.println("Sharing SQLJ connection with JDBC.");       Connection jdbc_conn = sqlj_conn_context.getConnection(  );       // display customer using SQLJ connection context       displayCustomer(sqlj_conn_context, 1);       // display customer using JDBC connection       displayCustomer(jdbc_conn, 1);       // update customer name using SQLJ connection context       System.out.println("Updating customer 1 name to Fred Heyson using " +         "SQLJ connection.");       #sql [sqlj_conn_context] {         UPDATE           customers         SET           first_name = 'Fred',           last_name  = 'Heyson'         WHERE           id = 1       };       // display customer using SQLJ connection context       displayCustomer(sqlj_conn_context, 1);       // display customer using JDBC connection, the update is       // visible because it shares the same transaction       // as the SQLJ connection context       displayCustomer(jdbc_conn, 1);       // perform an explicit ROLLBACK using SQLJ connection context       System.out.println("Performing rollback using SQLJ connection.");       #sql [sqlj_conn_context] { ROLLBACK };       // close the SQLJ connection context, but keep the underlying JDBC       // connection open       System.out.println("Closing SQLJ connection, but keeping JDBC " +         "connection open.");       sqlj_conn_context.close(ConnectionContext.KEEP_CONNECTION);       // display customer again, this shows that the JDBC connection is       // still open       displayCustomer(jdbc_conn, 1);       // close the JDBC connection       jdbc_conn.close(  );       // load the Oracle driver, this enables the JDBC driver manager       // to communicate with the Oracle database       DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver(  ));       // create a new JDBC connection       System.out.println("Connecting to the database using JDBC.");       Connection jdbc_conn2 = DriverManager.getConnection(         "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl",         "fundamental_user",         "fundamental_password"       );       // create a new SQLJ connection context and pass the JDBC connection       // into the constructor of DefaultContext, this shares the database       // connection with SQLJ       System.out.println("Sharing JDBC connection with SQLJ.");       DefaultContext sqlj_conn_context2 = new DefaultContext(jdbc_conn2);       displayCustomer(sqlj_conn_context2, 1);       // close the SQLJ connection context, which also closes the       // JDBC connection       sqlj_conn_context2.close(  );     } catch ( SQLException e ) {       System.err.println("SQLException " + e);       System.exit(1);     }   } // end of main(  )   private static void displayCustomer(     DefaultContext conn_context,     int id   ) throws SQLException {     String first_name;     String last_name;     #sql [conn_context] {       SELECT         first_name, last_name       INTO         :first_name, :last_name       FROM         customers       WHERE         id = :id     };     System.out.println("Customer " + id +       " details using SQLJ connection:");     System.out.println("first_name = " + first_name);     System.out.println("last_name = " + last_name);   } // end of displayCustomer(  )   private static void displayCustomer(     Connection jdbc_conn,     int id   ) throws SQLException {     String sql_statement = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM " +       "customers WHERE id = " + id;     // create a prepared statement     PreparedStatement prepared_statement =        jdbc_conn.prepareStatement(sql_statement);     // create and populate a result set with the retrieved rows from     // the prepared statement     ResultSet result_set = prepared_statement.executeQuery(  );     System.out.println("Customer " + id +       " details using JDBC connection:");     // process the result set and display the customer details     while (result_set.next(  )) {       System.out.println("first name = " + result_set.getString(1));       System.out.println("last name = " + result_set.getString(2));     }     // close the result set     result_set.close(  );     // close the prepared statement     prepared_statement.close(  );   } // end of displayCustomer(  ) }

The output from the program is as follows:

Connecting to the database using SQLJ. Sharing SQLJ connection with JDBC. Customer 1 details using SQLJ connection: first_name = John last_name = Smith Customer 1 details using JDBC connection: first name = John last name = Smith Updating customer 1 name to Fred Heyson using SQLJ connection. Customer 1 details using SQLJ connection: first_name = Fred last_name = Heyson Customer 1 details using JDBC connection: first name = Fred last name = Heyson Performing rollback using SQLJ connection. Closing SQLJ connection, but keeping JDBC connection open. Customer 1 details using JDBC connection: first name = John last name = Smith Connecting to the database using JDBC. Sharing JDBC connection with SQLJ. Customer 1 details using SQLJ connection: first_name = John last_name = Smith 

Index terms contained in this section

close( ) method 2nd
connect( ) method
database connections
            closing shared connections
            JDBC with SQLJ
            SQLJ with JDBC
DefaultContext( ) constructor
fundamental_user schema
getConnection( ) method
getDefaultContext( ) method
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
      shared database connections
Oracle.connect( ) method
sharing database connections
sqlj.runtime.ConnectionContext interface
sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext class
sqlj_conn_context 2nd 3rd

Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ
Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ
ISBN: 0596000871
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 150
Authors: Jason Price

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