Applying the Old Film Effect to the Clip

There are three old film effects available with Movie Maker. They include "Film Age, Old," which applies some graininess, scratches, and dust. This is the one we'll be using. "Film Age, Older" fades the clip and removes frames to add jumpiness to the clip. It also increases the scratches and dust. "Film Age, Oldest," is the most extreme, and causes the clip to look as if it were from the Wild West, being viewed in a Nickelodeon device. It causes extreme "damage" to the clip, and the clip is very faded with many frames removed.

Apply the "Film Age, Old," Video Effect Filter to the Clip

Click View video effects in the Edit Movie task list in Movie Maker.

Scroll in the Content pane until you find the Film Age, Old effect.

Drag and drop the Film Age, Old effect onto the clip on the storyboard. The effect applies immediately.

Did You Know?

You can read the stars to learn about effects. The "effects" star in the lower left corner of each clip is gray when no effects have been applied. Once you apply an effect, the star turns bright blue, as shown in the picture below. Multiple effects are indicated by two stars.

Did You Know?

Working among software packages is an accepted workflow in video editing. Moving a clip from program to program is a good skill to develop with video editing, and it is incorporated into many of the more advanced video editing workflows. For example, you might create a title in Adobe® Photoshop®, edit your video in Adobe® Premiere Pro®, add special effects in Adobe® After Effects®, and finally create a DVD menu using Adobe® Encore DVD®. Similar workflows can be followed with software suites from Apple®, Sony®, and Avid®.

Take a Look at Microsoft Windows Movie Maker

Windows Movie Maker, a great video editing program for beginners, has a surprisingly sophisticated set of video transitions and special effects. The software is setup so that you can follow a workflow of capturing or importing your clips; applying transitions and effects; adding titles, music, and narration; and "finishing" your movie by saving it to a number of different formats. While Movie Maker can't burn a DVD, it can save to a DVD-ready format.

Hollywood Special Effects with Adobe Premiere Elements 3
Hollywood Special Effects with Adobe Premiere Elements 3
ISBN: 0789736128
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 274
Authors: Carl Plumer © 2008-2017.
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