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μ, see least fixed point

μ notation for recursive types, 299304

marshaling, 252, 341

Martin-Löf type theory, see constructive type theory

match function, 131

matching, pattern-, 130131

matching relation on object types, 480

mathematics, formalization of, 11

meaning of terms, 3234

meet, see joins and meets

membership checking for (co-)inductively defined sets, 290298

Mercury, 338

message, 226

meta-mathematics, 24

metalanguage, 24

metatheory, 24

metavariables, 24

naming conventions, 565

method, 226, 228

invocation, 226

multi-, see multi-method

override, 233, 264

Milner-Mycroft Calculus, 338

minimal types, 218, 418420

minimal typing

theorem, 419

mini-ML, 337

ML, 6, 8, 9, 11, 174, 177

exception handling in, 174

history, 336338

module system, 379

parametric datatypes, 445

polymorphism, 331336

ML implementations

evaluation, 87

simply typed lambda-calculus, 113116

subtyping, 221224

System F, 381387

untyped arithmetic expressions, 4549

untyped lambda-calculus, 8388

ML-style polymorphism, 340

modal logics, 109

model checking, 1, 284

Modula-3, 7

modularity, 3

module systems, 364, 379, 465

monads, 153

monitoring, run-time, 1

monotone function, 282

monotype, 359

most general unifier, 327

mostly functional languages, 153

multi-argument functions, 58

multi-method, 226, 340

multiple inheritance, 489

multiple representations (of object types), 226

multi-step evaluation, 39

mutually recursive

functions, 144

types, 253

v, see greatest fixed point

nameless form, see de Bruijn indices

naming context, 77

naming conventions for metavariables and rules, 565566

narrowing lemmas, 401, 425

National Science Foundation, xx

natural deduction, 26

natural semantics, 32, 34, 43

natural-number induction, 19

nested induction, 19

NextGen, 196

nominal type systems, 251254, 312

normal forms, 38

and intersection types, 206

uniqueness of, 39

normal order, 56

normalization, 149152

by evaluation, 152

strong, 152

normalization theorem, 39, 152, 353

numeric values, 40

NuPRL, 11

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Types and Programming Languages
Types and Programming Languages
ISBN: 0262162091
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 262 © 2008-2017.
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