Appendix A: Solutions to Selected Exercises

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3.2.4 Solution

|Si+1| = |Si|3 + |Si| × 3 + 3, and |S0| = 0. So |S3| = 59439.

3.2.5 Solution

A straightforward inductive proof does the trick. When i = 0, there is nothing to prove. Next, supposing that i = j + 1, for some j 0, and that Sj Si, we must show that Si Si+1-that is, for any term t Î Si, we must show t Î Si+1. So suppose we have t Î Si. By the definition of Si as the union of three sets, we know that t must have one of three forms:

  1. t Î {true, false, 0}. In this case, we obviously have t Î Si+1, by the definition of Si+1.

  2. t = succ t1, pred t1, or iszero t1, where t1 Î Sj. Since Sj Si by the induction hypothesis, we have t1 Î Si, so t Î Si+1 by definition of Si+1.

  3. t = if t1 then t2 else t3, where t1, t2, t3 Î Sj. Again, since Sj Si by the induction hypothesis, we have t Î Si+1, by the definition of Si+1.

3.3.4 Solution

(We give the argument just for the depth-induction principle; the others are similar.) We are told that, for each term s, if P(r) for all r with smaller depth than s, then P(s); we must now prove that P(s) holds for all s. Define a new predicate Q on natural numbers as follows:




    "s with depth(s) = n.P(s)

Now use natural number induction (2.4.2) to prove that Q(n) holds for all n.

3.5.5 Solution

Suppose P is a predicate on derivations of evaluation statements.

  • If, for each derivation D,

    • given P(C) for all immediate subderivations C

    • we can show P(D),

  • then P(D) holds for all D.

3.5.10 Solution

3.5.13 Solution

(1) 3.5.4 and 3.5.11 fail. 3.5.7, 3.5.8, and 3.5.12 remain valid. (2) Now just 3.5.4 fails; the rest remain valid. The interesting fact in the second part is that, even though single-step evaluation becomes nondeterministic in the presence of this rule, the final results of multi-step evaluation are still deterministic: all roads lead to Rome. Indeed, a rigorous proof of this fact is not very hard, though it is not as trivial as before. The main observation is that the single-step evaluation relation has the so-called diamond property:

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Types and Programming Languages
Types and Programming Languages
ISBN: 0262162091
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 262 © 2008-2017.
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