22.7 Let-Polymorphism

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22.7 Let-Polymorphism

The term polymorphism refers to a range of language mechanisms that allow a single part of a program to be used with different types in different contexts (§23.2 discusses several varieties of polymorphism in more detail). The type reconstruction algorithm shown above can be generalized to provide a simple form of polymorphism known as let-polymorphism (also ML-style or Damas-Milner polymorphism). This feature was introduced in the original dialect of ML (Milner, 1978) and has been incorporated in a number of successful language designs, where it forms the basis of powerful generic libraries of commonly used structures (lists, arrays, trees, hash tables, streams, user-interface widgets, etc.).

The motivation for let-polymorphism arises from examples like the following. Suppose we define and use a simple function double, which applies its first argument twice in succession to its second:

   let double = λ:NatNat. λa:Nat. f(f(a)) in   double (λx:Nat. succ (succ x)) 2; 

Because we want to apply double to a function of type NatNat, we choose type annotations that give it type (NatNat)(NatNat). We can alternatively define double so that it can be used to double a boolean function:

   let double = λf:BoolBool. λa:Bool. f(f(a)) in   double (λx:Bool. x) false; 

What we cannot do is use the same double function with both booleans and numbers: if we need both in the same program, we must define two versions that are identical except for type annotations.

   let doubleNat = λf:NatNat. λa:Nat. f(f(a)) in   let doubleBool = λf:BoolBool. λa:Bool. f(f(a)) in   let a = doubleNat (λx:Nat. succ (succ x)) 1 in   let b = doubleBool (λx:Bool. x) false in ... 

Even annotating the abstractions in double with a type variable

   let double = λf:XX. λa:X. f(f(a)) in ... 

does not help. For example, if we write

   let double = λf:XX. λa:X. f(f(a)) in   let a = double (λx:Nat. succ (succ x)) 1 in   let b = double (λx:Bool. x) false in ... 

then the use of double in the definition of a generates the constraint XX = NatNat, while the use of double in the definition of b generates the constraint XX = BoolBool. These constraints place unsatisfiable demands on X, making the whole program untypable.

What went wrong here? The variable X plays two distinct roles in the example. First, it captures the constraint that the first argument to double in the calculation of a must be a function whose domain and range types are the same as the type (Nat) of the other argument to double. Second, it captures the constraint that the arguments to double in the calculation of b must be similarly related. Unfortunately, because the same variable X is used in both cases, we also end up with the spurious constraint that the second arguments to the two uses of double must have the same type.

What we'd like is to break this last connection-i.e., to associate a different variable X with each use of double. Fortunately, this is easily accomplished. The first step is to change the ordinary typing rule for let so that, instead of calculating a type for the right-hand side t1 and then using this as the type of the bound variable x while calculating a type for the body t2,

it instead substitutes t1 for x in the body, and then typechecks this expanded expression:

We write a constraint-typing rule for let in a similar way:

In essence, what we've done is to change the typing rules for let so that they perform a step of evaluation

before calculating types.

The second step is to rewrite the definition of double using the implicitly annotated lambda-abstractions from §22.6.

   let double = λf. λa. f(f(a)) in   let a = double (λx:Nat. succ (succ x)) 1 in   let b = double (λx:Bool. x) false in ... 

The combination of the constraint typing rules for let (CT-LETPOLY) and the implicitly annotated lambda-abstraction (CT-ABSINF) gives us exactly what we need: CT-LETPOLY makes two copies of the definition of double, and CT-ABSINF assigns each of the abstractions a different type variable. The ordinary process of constraint solving does the rest.

However, this scheme has some flaws that need to be addressed before we can use it in practice. One obvious one is that, if we don't happen to actually use the let-bound variable in the body of the let, then the definition will never actually be typechecked. For example, a program like

   let x = <utter garbage> in 5 

will pass the typechecker. This can be repaired by adding a premise to the typing rule

and a corresponding premise to CT-LETPOLY, ensuring that t1 is well typed.

A related problem is that, if the body of the let contains many occurrences of the let-bound variable, then the whole right-hand side of the let-definition will be checked once per occurrence, whether or not it contains any implicitly annotated lambda-abstractions. Since the right-hand side itself can contain let-bindings, this typing rule can cause the typechecker to perform an amount of work that is exponential in the size of the original term!

To avoid this re-typechecking, practical implementations of languages with let-polymorphism actually use a more clever (though formally equivalent) re-formulation of the typing rules. In outline, the typechecking of a term let x=t1 in t2 in a context Г proceeds as follows:

  1. We use the constraint typing rules to calculate a type S1 and a set C1 of associated constraints for the right-hand side t1.

  2. We use unification to find a most general solution σ to the constraints C1 and apply σ to S1 (and Г) to obtain t1 s principal type T1.

  3. We generalize any variables remaining in T1. If X1...Xn are the remaining variables, we write "X1...Xn.T1 for the principal type scheme of t1.

    One caveat is here that we need to be careful not to generalize variables T1 that are also mentioned in Г, since these correspond to real constraints between t1 and its environment. For example, in

       λf:XX. λx:X. let g=f in g(x); 

    we should not generalize the variable X in the type XX of g, since doing so would allow us to type wrong programs like this one:

       (λf:XX. λx:X. let g=f in g(0))     (λx:Bool. if x then true else false)     true; 

  4. We extend the context to record the type scheme "X1...Xn.T1 for the bound variable x, and start typechecking the body t2. In general, the context now associates each free variable with a type scheme, not just a type.

  5. Each time we encounter an occurrence of x in t2, we look up its type scheme "X1...Xn.T1. We now generate fresh type variables Y1 ...Yn and use them to instantiate the type scheme, yielding [X1 Y1, ..., Xn Yn]T1, which we use as the type of x.[5]

This algorithm is much more efficient than the simplistic approach of substituting away let expressions before typechecking. Indeed, decades of experience have shown that in practice it appears "essentially linear" in the size of the input program. It therefore came as a significant surprise when Kfoury, Tiuryn, and Urzyczyn (1990) and independently Mairson (1990) showed that its worst-case complexity is still exponential! The example they constructed involves using deeply nested sequences of lets in the right-hand sides of other lets-rather than in their bodies, where nesting of lets is common-to build expressions whose types grow exponentially larger than the expressions themselves. For example, the following OCaml program, due to Mairson (1990), is well typed but takes a very long time to typecheck.

   let f0 = fun x  (x,x) in     let f1 = fun y  f0(f0 y) in       let f2 = fun y  f1(f1 y) in         let f3 = fun y  f2(f2 y) in           let f4 = fun y  f3(f3 y) in             let f5 = fun y  f4(f4 y) in               f5 (fun z  z) 

To see why, try entering f0, f1, etc., one at a time, into the OCaml top-level. See Kfoury, Tiuryn, and Urzyczyn (1994) for further discussion.

A final point worth mentioning is that, in designing full-blown programming languages with let-polymorphism, we need to be a bit careful of the interaction of polymorphism and side-effecting features such as mutable storage cells. A simple example illustrates the danger:

   let r = ref (λx. x) in   (r:=(λx:Nat. succ x); (!r)true); 

Using the algorithm sketched above, we calculate Ref(XX) as the principal type of the right-hand side of the let; since X appears nowhere else, this type can be generalized to "X.Ref(XX), and we assign this type scheme to r when we add it to the context. When typechecking the assignment in the second line, we instantiate this type to Ref(NatNat). When typechecking the third line, we instantiate it to Ref(BoolBool). But this is unsound, since when the term is evaluated it will end up applying succ to true.

The problem here is that the typing rules have gotten out of sync with the evaluation rules. The typing rules introduced in this section tell us that, when we see a let expression, we should immediately substitute the right-hand side into the body. But the evaluation rules tell us that we may perform this substitution only after the right-hand side has been reduced to a value. The typing rules see two uses of the ref constructor, and analyze them under different assumptions, but at run time only one ref is actually allocated.

We can correct this mismatch in two ways-by adjusting evaluation or typing. In the former case, the evaluation rule for let would become[6]

Under this strategy, the first step in evaluating our dangerous example from above would replace r by its definition, yielding

   (ref (λx. x)) := (λx:Nat. succ x) in   (!(ref (λx. x))) true; 

which is perfectly safe! The first line creates a reference cell initially containing the identity function, and stores (λx:Nat. succ x) into it. The second creates another reference containing the identity, extracts its contents, and applies it to true. However, this calculation also demonstrates that changing the evaluation rule to fit the typing rule gives us a language with a rather strange semantics that no longer matches standard intuitions about call-by-value evaluation order. (Imperative languages with non-CBV evaluation strategies are not unheard-of [Augustsson, 1984], but they have never become popular because of the difficulty of understanding and controlling the ordering of side effects at run time.)

It is better to change the typing rule to match the evaluation rule. Fortunately, this is easy: we just impose the restriction (often called the value restriction) that a let-binding can be treated polymorphically-i.e., its free typevariables can be generalized-only if its right-hand side is a syntactic value. This means that, in the dangerous example, the type assigned to r when we add it to the context will be XX, not "X.XX. The constraints imposed by the second line will force X to be Nat, and this will cause the typechecking of the third line to fail, since Nat cannot be unified with Bool.

The value restriction solves our problem with type safety, at some cost in expressiveness: we can no longer write programs in which the right-hand sides of let expressions can both perform some interesting computation and be assigned a polymorphic type scheme. What is surprising is that this restriction makes hardly any difference in practice. Wright (1995) settled this point by analyzing a huge corpus of code written in an ML dialect-the 1990 definition of Standard ML (Milner, Tofte, and Harper, 1990)-that provided a more flexible let-typing rule based on weak type variables and observing that all but a tiny handful of right-hand sides were syntactic values anyway. This observation more or less closed the argument, and all major languages with ML-style let-polymorphism now adopt the value restriction.

22.7.1 Exercise [⋆⋆ ]

Implement the algorithm sketched in this section.

[5]The difference between a lambda-abstraction that is explicitly annotated with a type variable and an un-annotated abstraction for which the constraint generation algorithm creates a variable becomes moot once we introduce generalization and instantiation. Either way, the right-hand side of a let is assigned a type involving a variable, which is generalized before being added to the context and replaced by a fresh variable every time it is instantiated.

[6]Strictly speaking, we should annotate this rule with a store, as we did in Chapter 13, since we are talking about a language with references:

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Types and Programming Languages
Types and Programming Languages
ISBN: 0262162091
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 262

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