22.8 Notes

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22.8 Notes

Notions of principal types for the lambda-calculus go back at least to the work of Curry in the 1950s (Curry and Feys, 1958). An algorithm for calculating principal types based on Curry's ideas was given by Hindley (1969); similar algorithms were discovered independently by Morris (1968) and Milner (1978). In the world of propositional logic, the ideas go back still further, perhaps to Tarski in the 1920s and certainly to the Meredith cousins in the 1950s (Lemmon, Meredith, Meredith, Prior, and Thomas, 1957); their first implementation on a computer was by David Meredith in 1957. Additional historical remarks on principal types can be found in Hindley (1997).

Unification (Robinson, 1971) is fundamental to many areas of computer science. Thorough introductions can be found, for example, in Baader and Nipkow (1998), Baader and Siekmann (1994), and Lassez and Plotkin (1991).

ML-style let-polymorphism was first described by Milner (1978). A number of type reconstruction algorithms have been proposed, notably the classic Algorithm W (Damas and Milner) of Damas and Milner (1982; also see Lee and Yi, 1998) . The main difference between Algorithm W and the presentation in this chapter is that the former is specialized for "pure type reconstruction"assigning principal types to completely untyped lambda-termswhile we have mixed type checking and type reconstruction, permitting terms to include explicit type annotations that may, but need not, contain variables. This makes our technical presentation a bit more involved (especially the proof of completeness, Theorem 22.3.7, where we must be careful to keep the programmer's type variables separate from the ones introduced by the constraint generation rules), but it meshes better with the style of the other chapters.

A classic paper by Cardelli (1987) lays out a number of implementation issues. Other expositions of type reconstruction algorithms can be found in Appel (1998), Aho et al. (1986), and Reade (1989). A particularly elegant presentation of the core system called mini-ML (Clement, Despeyroux, Despeyroux, and Kahn, 1986) often forms the basis for theoretical discussions. Tiuryn (1990) surveys a range of type reconstruction problems.

Principal types should not be confused with the similar notion of principal typings. The difference is that, when we calculate principal types, the context Г and term t are considered as inputs to the algorithm, while the principal type T is the output. An algorithm for calculating principal typings takes just t as input and yields both Г and T as outputsi.e., it calculates the minimal assumptions about the types of the free variables in t. Principal typings are useful in supporting separate compilation and "smartest recompilation," performing incremental type inference, and pinpointing type errors. Unfortunately, many languages, in particular ML, have principal types but not principal typings. See Jim (1996).

ML-style polymorphism, with its striking combination of power and simplicity, hits a "sweet spot" in the language design space; mixing it with other sophisticated typing features has often proved quite delicate. The biggest success story in this arena is the elegant account of type reconstruction for record types proposed by Wand (1987) and further developed by Wand (1988, 1989b), Remy (1989, 1990; 1992a, 1992b, 1998), and many others. The idea is to introduce a new kind of variable, called a row variable, that ranges not over types but over entire "rows" of field labels and associated types. A simple form of equational unification is used solve constraint sets involving row variables. See Exercise 22.5.6. Garrigue (1994) and others have developed related methods for variant types. These techniques have been extended to general notions of type classes (Kaes, 1988; Wadler and Blott, 1989), constraint types (Odersky, Sulzmann, and Wehr, 1999), and qualified types (Jones, 1994b,a), which form the basis of Haskell's system of type classes (Hall et al., 1996; Hudak et al., 1992; Thompson, 1999); similar ideas appear in Mercury (Somogyi, Henderson, and Conway, 1996) and Clean (Plasmeijer, 1998).

Type reconstruction for the more powerful form of impredicative polymorphism discussed in Chapter 23 was shown to be undecidable by Wells(1994). Indeed, several forms of partial type reconstruction for this system also turn out to be undecidable. §23.6 and §23.8 give more information on these results and on methods for combining ML-style type reconstruction with stronger forms of polymorphism such as rank-2 polymorphism.

For the combination of subtyping with ML-style type reconstruction, some promising initial results have been reported (Aiken and Wimmers, 1993; Eifrig, Smith, and Trifonov, 1995; Jagannathan and Wright, 1995; Trifonov and Smith, 1996; Odersky, Sulzmann, and Wehr, 1999; Flanagan and Felleisen, 1997; Pottier, 1997), but practical checkers have yet to see widespread use.

Extending ML-style type reconstruction to handle recursive types (Chapter 20) has been shown not to pose significant difficulties (Huet, 1975, 1976). The only significant difference from the algorithms presented in this chapter appears in the definition of unification, where we omit the occur check (which ordinarily ensures that the substitution returned by the unification algorithm is acyclic). Having done this, to ensure termination we also need to modify the representation used by the unification algorithm so that it maintains sharing, e.g., using by destructive operations on (potentially cyclic) pointer structures. Such representations are common in high-performance implementations.

The mixture of type reconstruction with recursively defined terms, on the other hand, raises one tricky problem, known as polymorphic recursion. A simple (and unproblematic) typing rule for recursive function definitions in ML specifies that a recursive function can be used within the body of its definition only monomorphically (i.e., all recursive calls must have identically typed arguments and results), while occurrences in the rest of the program may be used polymorphically (with arguments and results of different types). Mycroft (1984) and Meertens (1983) proposed a polymorphic typing rule for recursive definitions that allows recursive calls to a recursive function from its own body to be instantiated with different types. This extension, often called the Milner-Mycroft Calculus, was shown to have an undecidable reconstruction problem by Henglein (1993) and independently by Kfoury, Tiuryn, and Urzyczyn (1993a); both of these proofs depend on the undecidability of the (unrestricted) semi-unification problem, shown by Kfoury, Tiuryn, and Urzyczyn (1993b).

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Types and Programming Languages
Types and Programming Languages
ISBN: 0262162091
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 262

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