Section 16.2. The Linked List Data Structure

[Page 768 (continued)]

16.2. The Linked List Data Structure

A static data structure is one whose size is fixed during a program's executiona static structure's memory is allocated at compile time. By contrast, a dynamic structure is one that can grow and shrink as needed. In this section, we will develop a dynamic list, a data structure whose elements are arranged in a linear sequence. The list has a first element, a second element, and so on. Lists are quite general and, as we will discuss later, they have a broad range of applications. Depending on how elements are inserted and removed, a list can be used for a range of specialized purposes.

Static vs. dynamic

16.2.1. Using References to Link Objects

As you know from earlier chapters, when you create an object using the new operator you get back a reference to the object that you then can assign to a reference variable. In the following example, b is a reference to a JButton:

JButton b = new JButton(); 

Referring to objects

We have defined many classes that contained references to other objects:

public class Student {      private String name; } 

In this example, name is a reference to a String object.

[Page 769]

A linked list is a list in which a collection of nodes are linked together by references from one node to the next. To make a linked list, we will define a class of self-referential objects. A self-referential object is an object that contains a reference to an object of the same class. The convention is to name these objects Nodes:

public class Node {      private String name;      private Node next; } 

Self-referential objects

In addition to the reference to a String object, each Node object contains a reference to another Node object. The next variable is often called a link because it is used to link together two Node objects. For example, Figure 16.1 provides an illustration of a linked list of Nodes.

Figure 16.1. A linked list of Nodes terminated by a null link.

By assigning references to the next variables in each Node, we can chain together arbitrarily long lists of objects. Therefore, we will want to add methods to our Node class that enable us to manipulate a Node's next variable (Fig. 16.2). By assigning it a reference to another Node, we can link two Nodes together. By retrieving the link's value, we can find the next Node in the list.

Figure 16.2. The Node class.

Java Language Rule: Self-Referential Object

A self-referential object is one that contains an instance variable that refers to an object of the same class.

In addition to the link variable, each Node stores some data. In this example, the data is a single String. But there is no real limit to the amount and type of data that can be stored in a linked list. Therefore, in addition to methods that manipulate a Node's link, we will also want methods to manipulate its data. These points suggest the following basic design for a Node:

[Page 770]

public class Node {      private Object data;      private Node next;      public Node(Object obj);          // Constructor      public void setData(Object obj);  // Data access      public Object getData();      public void setNext(Node link);   // Link access      public Node getNext(); } // Node class 

Linking objects together

We have defined the Node's data in the most general possible way: as a reference to an Object. Because the Object class is the root of Java's entire class hierarchy, an Object can encompass any kind of data. By using Java's wrapper classes, such as Integer and Double, a Node's data can even include primitive data.

The important point is that regardless of its type of data, a Node will have data access methods and link access methods. The data access methods differ, depending on the type of data, but the link access methods will generally be the same.

Divide and conquer

Effective Design: Link Versus Data

Making a clear distinction between an object's data and the elements used to manipulate the object is an example of the divide-and-conquer principle.

Self-Study Exercises

Exercise 16.1

Write a statement to create a new Node whose data element consists of the String "Hello".

Exercise 16.2

Write a statement to create a new Node whose data element consists of the Student named "William". Assume that the Student class has a constructor with a String parameter for the student's name.

16.2.2. Example: The Dynamic Phone List

Let's define a PhoneListNode class that can be used to implement a phone list (Fig. 16.3). This definition will be a straightforward specialization of the generic Node list defined in the preceding section. Each element of the phone list will consist of a person's name and phone number. These will be the node's data and can be stored in two String variables. To access these data, we will provide a constructor and a basic set of access methods. Thus, we have the definition shown in Figure 16.4.

Figure 16.3. Design of the PhoneListNode class.
(This item is displayed on page 771 in the print version)

Figure 16.4. The PhoneListNode class.
(This item is displayed on page 771 in the print version)

public class PhoneListNode {      private String name;      private String phone;      private PhoneListNode next;      public PhoneListNode(String s1, String s2) {          name = s1;          phone = s2;          next = null;      } // PhoneListNode()      public void setData(String s1, String s2) {          name = s1;          phone = s2;      } // setData()      public String getName() {          return name;      } // getName()      public String getData() {          return name + " " + phone;      } // getData()      public String toString() {          return name + " " + phone;      } // toString()      public void setNext(PhoneListNode nextPtr) {          next = nextPtr;      } // setNext()      public PhoneListNode getNext() {          return next;      } // getNext() } // PhoneListNode class 

Accessing a list's data

The constructor and data access methods should be familiar to you. Note that the constructor sets the initial value of next to null, which means that it refers to no object.

Debugging Tip: Null Reference

A common programming error is the attempt to use a null reference to refer to an object. This usually means the reference has not been successfully initialized.

[Page 771]

Let's discuss the details of the link access methodsthe setNext() and getNext() methodswhich are also simple to implement. Because this is a PhoneListNode, these methods take PhoneListNode as a parameter and return type, respectively. Given a reference to a PhoneListNode, the setNext() method assigns it to next. The getNext() method simply returns the value of its next link.

Manipulating a list's nodes

[Page 772]

Let's now see how we would use these methods to construct a list. The following statements create three nodes:

PhoneListNode node1 = new PhoneListNode("Roger M","090-997-2918"); PhoneListNode node2 = new PhoneListNode("Jane M","090-997-1987"); PhoneListNode node3 = new PhoneListNode("Stacy K","090-997-9188"); 

The next two statements chain the nodes together into the list shown in Figure 16.5:

node1.setNext(node2); node2.setNext(node3); 

Figure 16.5. The phone list: a linked list of nodes, each of which contains a person's name and phone number.

If we wanted to add a fourth node to the end of this list, we could use the following statements:

PhoneListNode node4 = new PhoneListNode("gary g","201-119-8765"); node3.setNext(node4); 

Although this example illustrates the basic technique for inserting nodes at the end of the list, it depends too much on our knowledge of the list. In order to be truly useful we will have to develop a more general set of methods to create and manipulate a list of nodes. As we will see, a better design would be able to find the end of the list without knowing anything about the list's data.

Effective Design: Generality

In a well-designed list data structure, you should be able to manipulate its elements without knowing anything about its data.

Self-Study Exercise

Exercise 16.3

Suppose you know that nodeptr is a reference to the last element of a linked list of PhoneListNodes. Create a new element for "Bill C" with phone number "111-202-3331" and link it into the end of the list.

[Page 773]

16.2.3. Manipulating the Phone List

In addition to the Nodes that make a list, we must define a class containing methods to manipulate the list. This class will include the insert, access, and remove methods. It must also contain a reference to the list itself. This leads to the basic design shown in Figure 16.6. Because this is a list of PhoneListNodes, we need a PhoneListNode reference to point to the list, which is the purpose of the head variable.

Figure 16.6. The PhoneList class has a reference to the first node of the list (head) and methods to insert, remove, and look up information.

A preliminary coding of the PhoneList class is shown in Figure 16.7. As you can see there, when a new PhoneList instance is constructed, head is initialized to null, meaning that the list is initially empty. Since we will frequently want to test whether the list is empty, we define the boolean isEmpty() method for that purpose. As you can see, its definition says that a list is empty when the reference to the head of the list is null.

An empty list

Figure 16.7. A preliminary version of the PhoneList class.

public class PhoneList {     private PhoneListNode head;     public PhoneList() {         head = null;                           // Start with empty list     }     public boolean isEmpty() {                 // Defines an empty list         return head == null;     }     public void insert(PhoneListNode node) { }     public String getPhone(String name) { }     public String remove(String name) { }     public void print() { } } // PhoneList class 

Java Programming Tip: The null Reference

A null reference is useful for defining limit cases, such as an empty list or an uninstantiated object.

Inserting Nodes into a List

The insert() method will have the task of inserting new PhoneListNodes into the list. There are a number of ways to do this. The node could be inserted at the beginning or end of the list, or in alphabetical order, or possibly in other ways. As we will see, it is easiest to insert a new node at the head of the list. But for this example, let's develop a method that inserts the node at the end of the list.

Insertion algorithm

There are two cases we need to worry about for this algorithm. First, if the list is empty, we can insert the node by simply setting head to point to the node, as can be seen in Figure 16.8(a).

[Page 774]

Figure 16.8. Two cases. (a) The list is empty before the insertion, which takes place at head. (b) The list is not empty, so the insertion takes place at the end of the list.

Second, if the list is not empty, we must move through, or traverse, the links of the list until we find the last node and insert the new node after it, as shown in Figure 16.8(b). In this case, we want to set the next variable of the last node to point to the new node. This gives us the following algorithm:

public void insert(PhoneListNode newNode) {    if (isEmpty())      head = newNode;                            // Insert at head of list    else {      PhoneListNode current = head;              // Start traversal at head      while (current.getNext() != null)          // While not last node        current = current.getNext();             // go to next node        current.setNext( newNode );              // Do the insertion      } } // insert() 

Recall that when nodes are linked, their next variables are non-null. So when a node's next variable is null, that indicates the end of the listthere is no next node. Thus, our algorithm begins by checking whether the list is empty. If so, we assign head the reference to newNode, the PhoneListNode that is being inserted.

If the list is not empty, then we need to find the last node. In order to traverse the list, we will need a temporary variable, current, which will always point to the current node. It is important to understand the while loop used here:

PhoneListNode current = head;        // Initializer while (current.getNext() != null)    // Entry condition      current = current.getNext();    // Updater 

Traversing a list

[Page 775]

The loop variable, current, is initialized by setting it to point to the head of the list. The entry condition tests whether the next link, leading out of current, is null (Fig. 16.9). That is, when the link coming out of a node is null, then that node is the last node in the list, as in Figure 16.9(c). Inside the while loop, the update expression simply assigns the next node to current. In that way, current will point to each successive node until the last node is found. It is very important that the loop exit when current.getNext() is nullthat is, when the next pointer of the current node is null. That way current is pointing to the last node and can be used to set its next variable to the node being inserted, as in Figure 16.9(d). Thus, after the loop is exited, current still points to the last node. At that point, the setNext() method is used to link newNode into the list as the new last node.

Figure 16.9. The temporary variable current TRaverses the list to find its end.

Loop-exit condition

Debugging Tip: List Traversal

A common error in designing list-traversal algorithms is an erroneous loop-entry or loop-exit condition. One way to avoid this error is to hand trace your algorithm to make sure your code is correct.

Printing the Nodes of a List

The print() method also uses a traversal strategy to print the data from each node of the list. Here again it is necessary to test whether the list is empty. If so, we must print an error message. (This would be a good place to throw a programmer-defined exception, such as an EmptyListException.) If the list is not empty, then we use a temporary variable to traverse the list, printing each node's data along the way:

[Page 776]

public void print() {    if (isEmpty())       System.out.println("Phone list is empty");    PhoneListNode current = head;                    // Start traversal at head    while (current != null) {                        // While not end of list      System.out.println( current.toString() );      // print data      current = current.getNext();                   // go to next node    } } // print() 

List traversal

Note the differences between this while loop and the one used in the insert() method. In this case, we exit the loop when current becomes null; there is no action to be taken after the loop is exited. The printing takes place within the loop. Thus, in this case, the entry condition, (current != null), signifies that the task has been completed.

Java Programming Tip: Terminating a Traversal

In designing list-traversal algorithms where the reference, p, points to the nodes in the list, your exit condition should be p.getNext() == null if you need to refer to the last node in the list after the traversal loop exits. If you have finished processing the nodes when the loop exits, your exit condition should be p == null.

Looking up a Node in a List

Because the record associated with a person can be located anywhere in the list, the traversal strategy must also be used to look up someone's phone number in the PhoneList. Here again we start at the head of the list and traverse through the next links until we find the node containing the desired phone number. This method takes the name of the person as a parameter. There are three cases to worry about: (1) the list is empty, (2) the normal case where the person named is found in the list, and (3) the person named is not in the list. Because the method returns a String, we can return error messages in the first and third cases:

public String getPhone(String name) {    if (isEmpty())                                      // Case 1: Empty list      return "Phone list is empty";    else {      PhoneListNode current = head;      while ((current.getNext() != null) && (!current.getName().equals(name)))        current = current.getNext();        if (current.getName().equals(name))          return current.getData();                     // Case 2: Found name        else                                            // Case 3: No such person          return ("Sorry.   No entry for " + name);     } } // getPhone() 

List traversal

Note the while loop in this case. As in the insert() method, when the loop exits, we need a reference to the current node so that we can print its phone number, current.getData(). But here there are three ways to exit the loop: (1) we reach the end of the list without finding the named person, (2) we find the named person in the interior of the list, or (3) we find the named person in the last node of the list. In any case, it is necessary to test whether the name was found or not after the loop is exited. Then appropriate action can be taken.

[Page 777]

Compound exit condition

Self-Study Exercise

Exercise 16.4

What if the exit condition for the while loop in getPhone() were stated as shown below.

((current.getNext() != null) || (!current.getName().equals(name))) 

Removing a Node from a List

By far the most difficult task is that of removing a node from a list. In the PhoneList we use the person's name to identify the node, and we return a String that can be used to report either success or failure. There are four cases to worry about in designing this algorithm: (1) the list is empty, (2) the first node is being removed, (3) some other node is being removed, and (4) the named person is not in the list. The same traversal strategy we used in getPhone() is used here, with the same basic while loop for cases 3 and 4.

Node-removal algorithm

As Figure 16.10 shows, the first two cases are easily handled. If the list is empty, we just return an error message. We use current as the traversal variable. If the named node is the first node, we simply need to set head to current.getNext(), which has the effect of making head point to the second node in the list, as seen in Figure 16.11(a). Once the node is cut out from the chain of links, there will be no further reference to it. In this case, Java will recapture the memory it uses when it does garbage collection.

Figure 16.10. The remove() method.

public String remove(String name) {                // Remove an entry by name    if (isEmpty())                                  // Case 1: empty list      return "Phone list is empty";    PhoneListNode current = head;    PhoneListNode previous = null;    if (current.getName().equals(name)) {           // Case 2: remove first node      head = current.getNext();      return "Removed " + current.toString() ;    }    while ((current.getNext() != null) && (!current.getName().equals(name))) {      previous = current;      current = current.getNext();    }    if (current.getName().equals(name)) {           // Case 3: remove named node      previous.setNext(current.getNext());      return "Removed " + current.toString();    } else      return ("Sorry. No entry for " + name);       // Case 4: node not found } // remove() 

[Page 778]

Figure 16.11. Removing different nodes from a linked list.

Java Language Rule: Garbage Collection

Java's garbage collector handles the disposal of unused objects automatically. This helps to simplify linked-list applications. In languages such as C++, the programmer would have to dispose of the memory occupied by the deleted node.

In order to remove some other node besides the first, two traversal variables are needed: previous and current. They proceed together down the list, with previous always pointing to the node just before the current node. The reason, of course, is that to remove the current node, you need to adjust the link pointing to it contained in the previous node, as seen in Figure 16.11(b). That is, the new value of will be the current value of We use the getNext() and setNext() methods to effect this change:


Tandem traversal

Testing the List

In developing list-processing programs, it is important to design good test data. As we have seen, both the insertion and removal operations involve several distinct cases. Proper testing of these methods ideally would test every possible case. The main() program in Figure 16.12 illustrates the kinds of tests that should be performed. This method could be incorporated directly into the PhoneList class, or it could be made part of a separate class.

Designing test data

[Page 779]

Figure 16.12. A main() method containing a set of tests for the PhoneList class.

public static void main(String argv[]) {                    // Create list and insert nodes    PhoneList list = new PhoneList();    list.insert( new PhoneListNode("Roger M", "997-0020"));    list.insert( new PhoneListNode("Roger W", "997-0086"));    list.insert( new PhoneListNode("Rich P", "997-0010"));    list.insert( new PhoneListNode("Jane M", "997-2101"));    list.insert( new PhoneListNode("Stacy K", "997-2517"));                    // Test whether insertions worked    System.out.println( "Phone Directory" );    list.print();                    // Test whether lookups work    System.out.println("Looking up numbers by name");    System.out.println(list.getPhone("Roger M"));    System.out.println(list.getPhone("Rich P"));    System.out.println(list.getPhone("Stacy K"));    System.out.println(list.getPhone("Mary P"));    System.out.println(list.remove("Rich P"));    System.out.println("Phone Directory");    list.print();        // Test removals, printing list after each removal    System.out.println(list.remove("Roger M"));    System.out.println("Phone Directory");    list.print();    System.out.println(list.remove("Stacy K"));    System.out.println("Phone Directory");    list.print();    System.out.println(list.remove("Jane M"));    System.out.println("Phone Directory");    list.print();    System.out.println(list.remove("Jane M"));    System.out.println("Phone Directory");    list.print();    System.out.println(list.remove("Roger W"));    System.out.println("Phone Directory");    list.print();    System.out.println(list.remove("Roger W"));    System.out.println("Phone Directory");    list.print(); } // main() 

Of course, there are often so many combinations of list operations that exhaustive testing might not be feasible. At the very least, you should design test data that test each of the different conditions identified in your algorithms. For example, in testing removals from a list, you should test all four cases that we discussed. In testing insertions or lookups, you should test all three cases that we identified.

Effective Design: Test Data

Test data for validating list-processing algorithms should (at least) test each of the cases identified in each of the removal and insertion methods.

[Page 780]
Self-Study Exercises

Exercise 16.5

Trace through the main() method line by line and predict its output.

Exercise 16.6

Design a test of PhoneList that shows that new elements can be inserted into a list after some or all of its previous nodes have been removed.

Java, Java, Java(c) Object-Orienting Problem Solving
Java, Java, Java, Object-Oriented Problem Solving (3rd Edition)
ISBN: 0131474340
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 275 © 2008-2017.
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