Logging Errors

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In the discussions of error handling up until now, I've been concerned only with detecting (and propagating) status codes and with doing various things in the checked build to help debug problems that show up as errors. Even in the free build of a driver, however, some errors are serious enough that we want to be sure the system administrator knows about them. For example, maybe a disk driver discovers that the disk's physical surface has an unusually large number of bad sectors. Or maybe a driver is encountering unexpectedly frequent data errors or some sort of difficulty configuring or starting the device.

To deal with these types of situations, a driver can write an entry to the system error log. The Event Viewer applet—one of the administrative tools on a Microsoft Windows 2000 system—can later display this entry so that an administrator can learn about the problem. See Figure 9-4 for an illustration of the Event Viewer. Another way to indicate sudden errors is by signaling a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) event. I'll discuss event logging in this section; WMI is the subject of Chapter 10, "Windows Management Instrumentation."

Production of an administrative report from the error log involves the steps diagrammed in Figure 9-5. A driver uses the kernel-mode service function IoWriteErrorLogEntry to send an error log packet data structure to the event logger service. The packet contains a numeric code instead of message text. As time permits, the event logger writes packets to a logging file on disk. Later, the Event Viewer combines the packets in the log file with message text drawn from a collection of message files to produce the report. The message files are ordinary 32-bit DLLs containing text appropriate to all possible logged events in the local language.

click to view at full size.

Figure 9-4. The Windows 2000 Event Viewer.

click to view at full size.

Figure 9-5. Overview of event logging and reporting.

Your job as a driver author is to create appropriate error log packets when noteworthy events occur. As a practical matter, you'll probably also be the person who has to build the message file in at least one natural language. I'll describe both aspects of error logging in the next two sections.

Creating an Error Log Packet

To log an error, a driver creates an IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET data structure and sends it to the kernel-mode logger. The packet is a variable-length structure—see Figure 9-6—with a fixed-size header containing general information about the event you're logging. ErrorCode indicates what event you're logging; it correlates with the message text file I'll describe shortly. After the fixed header comes an array of doublewords called DumpData, which contains DumpDataSize bytes of data that the Event Viewer will display in hexadecimal notation when asked for detailed information about this event. The size is in bytes even though the array is declared as consisting of 32-bit integers. After the DumpData, the packet can contain zero or more null-terminated Unicode strings that will end up being substituted into the formatted message text by the Event Viewer. The string area begins StringOffset bytes from the start of the packet and contains NumberOfStrings strings.

click to view at full size.

Figure 9-6. The IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET structure.

You don't have to fill in any of the fixed-header members besides the ones I just mentioned. But they add, perhaps, diagnostic utility to the log entries, which might help you track down problems.

Since the logging packet is of variable length, your first job is to determine how much memory is needed for the packet you want to create. Add the size of the fixed header to the number of bytes of DumpData to the number of bytes occupied by the substitution strings (including their null terminators). For example, the following code fragment, taken from the EVENTLOG sample on the companion disc, allocates an error log packet big enough to hold 4 bytes of dump data plus a single string:

VOID LogEvent(NTSTATUS code, PDEVICE_OBJECT fdo) { PWSTR myname = L"EventLog"; ULONG packetlen = (wcslen(myname) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET) + 4; if (packetlen > ERROR_LOG_MAXIMUM_SIZE) return; PIO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET p = (PIO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET) IoAllocateErrorLogEntry(fdo, (UCHAR) packetlen); if (!p) return; ... }

One trap for the unwary in this sequence is that error log packets have a maximum length of 152 bytes, the value of ERROR_LOG_MAXIMUM_SIZE. Furthermore, the size argument to IoAllocateErrorLogEntry is a UCHAR, which is only 8 bits wide. It would be very easy to ask for a packet that was, say, 400 bytes long and be embarrassed when only 144 bytes get allocated. (400 is 0x190; 144 is 0x90, which is what you'd get after the truncation to 8 bits.)

Notice that the first argument to IoAllocateErrorLogEntry is the address of a device object. The name, if any, of that device object will appear in eventual log entries in place of the %1 substitution escape, which I will discuss more in the next section.

This code fragment also illustrates the action you should take in response to a problem allocating a log entry: none. It's not considered an error if you can't log some other error, so you don't want to fail any IRP, generate a bug check, or do anything else that will cause your processing to terminate. In fact, you'll notice that this LogEvent helper function is VOID because no programmer should be concerned enough about whether it succeeds or fails to have put a check into his or her code.

After successfully allocating the log packet, your next job is to initialize the structure and hand off control of it to the logger. For example:

 ... memset(p, 0, sizeof(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET)); p->ErrorCode =  code; p->DumpDataSize = 4; p->DumpData[0] = <whatever>; p->StringOffset = sizeof(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET) + p->DumpDataSize; p->NumberOfStrings = 1; wcscpy((PWSTR) ((PUCHAR) p + p->StringOffset), myname); IoWriteErrorLogEntry(p); }

When logging a device error, you'd fill in more of the fields in the header than just the error code. For information about these other fields, consult the IoAllocateErrorLogEntry function in the DDK documentation.

Creating a Message File

The Event Viewer uses the ErrorCode in an error packet to locate the text of an appropriate message in one of the message files associated with your driver. A message file is just a DLL with a message resource containing text in one or more natural languages. Since a WDM driver uses the same executable file format as a DLL, the message file for your private messages could just be your driver file itself. I'll give you an introduction here to building a message file. You can find additional information on MSDN and in James D. Murray's Windows NT Event Logging (O'Reilly & Associates, 1998) at pages 125-57.

Figure 9-7 illustrates the process by which you attach message text to your driver. You begin by creating a message source file with the file extension MC. Your build script uses the message compiler (MC.EXE) to translate the messages. One of the outputs of the message compiler is a header file containing symbolic constants for your messages; you include that file in your driver, and the constants end up being the ErrorCode values for the events you log. The other outputs from the message compiler are a set of intermediate files containing message text in one or more natural languages and a resource script file (.RC) that lists those intermediate files. Your build script goes on to compile the resource file and to specify the translated resources as input to the linkage editor. At the end of the build, your driver contains the message resources required to support the Event Viewer.

click to view at full size.

Figure 9-7. Creating a message file.

The following is an example of a simple message source file. (This is part of the EVENTLOG sample program.)

 1  2  3  4  5  6  
 MessageIdTypedef = NTSTATUS SeverityNames = ( Success = 0x0:STATUS_SEVERITY_SUCCESS Informational = 0x1:STATUS_SEVERITY_INFORMATIONAL Warning = 0x2:STATUS_SEVERITY_WARNING Error = 0x3:STATUS_SEVERITY_ERROR ) FacilityNames = ( System = 0x0 Eventlog = 0x2A:FACILITY_EVENTLOG_ERROR_CODE ) LanguageNames = ( English = 0x0409:msg00001 German = 0x0407:msg00002 French = 0x040C:msg00003 ) MessageId = 0x0001 Facility = Eventlog Severity = Informational SymbolicName = EVENTLOG_MSG_TEST Language = English %2 said, "Hello, world!" . Language = German %2 hat gesagt, «Wir sind nicht mehr im Kansas!» . Language = French %2 a dit, «Mon chien a mangé mon devoir!» .

  1. The MessageIdTypedef statement allows you to specify a symbol that will appear as a cast operator in the definition of each of the message identifier constants generated by this message file. For example, later we'll define a message with the symbolic name EVENTLOG_MSG_TEST. The presence of the MessageIdTypedef statement causes the header file generated by the message compiler to define this symbol as ((NTSTATUS)0x602A0001L).
  2. The SeverityNames statement allows you to define your own names for the four possible severity codes. The names on the left side of the equal signs (Success, Informational, and so on) appear in the definition of messages elsewhere in this very file. The symbol after the colon ends up being defined—in the header output file—as equal to the number before the colon. For example, #define STATUS_SEVERITY_SUCCESS 0x0.
  3. The FacilityNames statement allows you to define your own names for the facility codes that will be included in the message identifier definitions. Here, we've said we'll use the name Eventlog in Facility statements later. The message compiler generates the statement #define FACILITY_EVENTLOG_ERROR_CODE 0x2A as a result of the third line of the FacilityNames statement.
  4. The LanguageNames statement allows you to define your own names for the languages into which you've translated your messages. Here, we've said we'll use the name English elsewhere in the file when we mean to specify LANGID 0x0409, which is Standard English in the normal Microsoft Windows NT scheme of languages. The name after the colon is the name of the intermediate binary file that receives the compiled messages for this particular language.
  5. Each individual message definition contains some header statements followed by the text of the message in each of the languages supported by this message source file. The MessageId statement can specify an absolute number, as in this example, or it can specify a delta from the last message (such as MessageId = +1). You specify the facility code and severity by using names defined at the start of the message source file. You also specify, with the SymbolicName statement, a symbolic name for this message. The message compiler will define this symbol in the header file it generates.
  6. For each language you specified in the LanguageNames statement, you have a message text definition like this one. It begins with a Language statement that uses one of the language names you defined. Text for the message follows. Each message text definition ends with a line containing just a period. (With respect to the German and French nontranslations of the phrase "Hello, world!" it will help you to know that at the time I wrote this chapter I was in the process of studying the passé composé in my French class and a revival of The Wizard of Oz was underway in theaters.)

Within the message texts, you can indicate by means of a percent sign followed by an integer the places where you want string substitution to occur. %1 refers to the name of the device object that generated the message. That name is an implicit parameter when you create an error log entry; you don't have to specify it directly. %2, %3, and so on, correspond to the first, second, and so on, Unicode strings you append to the log entry. In the example we've been following, %2 will be replaced by EventLog because we put that string into our error packet.

This way of indicating substitution is especially useful in that you're free to put strings into the text in whatever order is appropriate for the language you're dealing with. So, if your message text read "The %1 %2 fox jumped over the %3 dog" in English, it might read "Der %3 Hund wurde vom %1 %2 Fuchs übergesprungen" in German. (This is a silly example, of course. If the driver supplied "quick", "brown", and "lazy" for the substitution strings, they'd appear in English in all displayed versions of the message. But I think you get the point I'm trying to make about word order.)

The Event Viewer can't find your message file without a little bit of help in the form of some registry entries. A key named EventLog resides in the services branch of the Windows NT registry—that is, the collection of subkeys below HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services. Each driver or other service that logs events has its own subkey below that. Each service-specific subkey has values named EventMessageFile and TypesSupported. The EventMessageFile value is a REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ type that names all of the message files that the Event Viewer might need to access to format the messages your driver generates. This value would have a data string like "%SystemRoot%\System32\iologmsg.dll; %SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers\EventLog.sys". IOLOGMSG.DLL contains the text of all the standard NTSTATUS.H codes, by the way. Consult the sidebar below for some tantalizing hints about how to automatically set these registry entries when you install your driver. The TypesSupported value should just be a REG_DWORD type equalling "7" to indicate that your driver can generate all possible events—that is, errors, warnings, and informational messages. (The fact that you even need to specify this value seems like a historical artifact of some kind.)

A Practical Note About Message Files

Two practical facts about putting message resources into your driver are difficult to discover: how precisely you make your build script compile your messages, and how you convince the system's hardware installer to put the necessary entries into the registry so the Event Viewer will find your messages. Art Baker's The Windows NT Device Driver Book: A Guide for Programmers (Prentice Hall, 1997) alludes to a solution to the first problem on page 308. The DDK's discussion of INF files explains how to solve the second problem with syntax in an AddService statement.

Like the other sample programs in this book, the EVENTLOG sample is based on a Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 project file. I modified the project definition to include a custom build step for EVENTLOG.MC and to include the resulting .RC file in the build. If you open the project settings, you'll see what I mean.

Later in this book (in Chapter 12, "Installing Device Drivers"), I'll discuss the general topic of how you use an INF file to install drivers. To see how you specify your message file in an INF file, take a look at DEVICE.INF in the EVENTLOG project directory and, specifically, at its AddService statement. You'll see that the AddService line points to an EventLogLogging section that, in turn, uses the AddReg statement to point to an EventLogAddReg section. The latter section adds EventMessageFile and TypesSupported values to the service-specific subkey of the event logger service.

Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model
Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model
ISBN: 0735618038
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 93
Authors: Walter Oney

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