Expecting a Credit After an Outage

It has become very fashionable lately to believe that every inconvenience a person suffers should be matched with an appropriate amount of monetary compensation. This assumption, just like the societal acceptance of notched-lapelled tuxedoes, is patently wrong.

Most carriers have a clause in their service contracts that prevent customers from requesting credits for outages suffered while using their service. Think about it from the carriers’ standpoint; they have thousands of customers without service during an outage, and the financial impact on carriers is probably ten times the financial loss you are experiencing.

 Tip  If you do receive a credit, be thankful. Understand that the credit is a courtesy. The carrier isn’t recovering the money from someone else; it’s losing money to keep you happy.

Telecom for Dummies
Telecom For Dummies
ISBN: 047177085X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 184

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