

machines, adding more to environment, 637 “638
Malks, Dan ( Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies ), 41, 568
managed server, 452
managed server independence. See MSI mode
manipulating results with spreadsheet applications, 33 “36
manual construction, EJB components , 282 “283
many-to-many relationships, tables, 264 “265
attributes and foreign keys to multiple database tables, 249 “250
external objects to JNDI, 391
objects to relational database
associations and relationships, 264 “265
described, 261
inheritance, 265 “267
one-to-one object/table, 262
parent-child relationships, 262 “263
subsets of data, including, 263 “264
security role and credential, 407
Web application descriptor files, 152, 158, 160
Marinescu, Floyd ( EJB Design Patterns: Advanced Patterns, Processes, and Idioms ), 41, 567
master page assembly, 73 “77
Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans (Roman, Ambler, and Jewel), 177
monitor traps, 533
scripts, 605 “609
McConnell, Steve ( Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules ), 598
MDBs (Message-Driven Beans)
application design, 388 “389
components, 199 “200, 256
concurrency, 385 “386
constructing, 294 “295
durable subscriptions, 387 “388
legacy systems, 390 “391
reason to execute, 567
transactions, 386 “387
member destinations, JMS (Java Message Service), 513 “514
freeing unused objects, JVM, 552 “554
JSP response, holding, 12 “13
locking with entity beans, 213 “215, 217
response, caching, 30 “32
Menasc , Daniel A. ( Capacity Planning for Web Performance: Metrics, Models, and Methods ), 542
API, JMS 1.02b, 336
expiring, 369 “372
forwarding, 342
ordering, 376
paging, 359 “360
poison , handling, 372 “375
producers and consumers, 333 “335
security, 712 “714
sending large number of individual, 378 “379
sessions, producing and consuming, 332 “333
stores, 351 “353
type, choosing appropriate, 363 “364
Message-Driven Beans. See MDBs
messaging systems. See JMS
method-level tags, 286 “287
Microsoft Excel, 33 “36
Microsoft Windows. See Windows (Microsoft)
migration, 509, 515, 538 “539
MIME mapping, 152
model objects, updating on forms, 50 “51
modeling object, tools supporting, 619 “620
model-view-controller. See MVC architecture
Monson-Haefel, Richard ( Enterprise JavaBeans; Java Message Service ), 177, 329
MSI (managed server independence) mode, 493
multicast sessions, 378 “379
multiple site deployment, 643 “644
multiple steps or request command pattern, 569
multiple-site WebLogic clusters, 643 “646
MVC (model-view-controller) architecture, 40 “41, 60

Mastering BEA WebLogic Server. Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications
Mastering BEA WebLogic Server: Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications
ISBN: 047128128X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 125 © 2008-2017.
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