

Recent Files option (NUnit-Gui File menu), 239
recording duration, synchronizing customer and programmer tests, 145
Recording entity, testing database access layer, 71 “92
connecting to databases, 72 “75
defining typed DataSets, 75 “77
recording retrieval, customer tests, test scripts, 129 “131
RecordingAssembler class, 113, 207
WriteTrack method, 144
RecordingAssemblerFixture, 114
RecordingBuilder class, 94
RecordingDisplayAdapter class, 218 “220
RecordingDto, 108 “117, 207
building assemblers, 113 “117
fields, 109
objects, CatalogService class, 217 “218
verifying title field, 112
XML Schema, 109 “112
RecordingFixture class, 95
RecordingGateway class, 190 “192
RecordingGatewayFixture class, 190 “192
recordingId field, 222
adding reviews to, FIT script, 147 “162
retrieving, testing database access layer, 97 “101
recordings data model (media library application), 65
recursive descent, 5
Red (NUnit-Gui progress bar), 237
Red/Green/Refactor, 7, 12 “22
creating empty Stacks, 12 “14
pushing multiple objects on Stacks, 20 “22
pushing single objects on Stacks, 14 “20
refactoring, 6, 35 “60
applications, 58 “59
Catalog class, 195 “203
CommandExecutor class, 196 “203
writing proxy classes, 196
code, Web services, 124 “125
collapse loops , 49 “52
converting procedural design to objects, 56 “58
cycle, 41
defined, 35
Extract method, 53 “55
Hide method, 44 “45
inlining methods , 46 “47
Red/Green/Refactor, 7, 12 “22
creating empty Stacks, 12 “14
pushing multiple objects on Stacks, 20 “22
pushing single objects on Stacks, 14 “20
reducing variable scope, 52, 56
removing dead code, 49, 53
removing unneeded code, 41 “42
Rename method, 42 “43
rename variables , 47 “49
replacing nested conditionals with guarded clauses, 45
replacing temporary variables, 52 “53
ServiceLayer, 205 “211
SetUp, 84
Sieve of Eratosthenes, 36 “59
adding tests, 43 “44
applying refactoring, 58 “59
collapse loops, 49 “52
converting procedural design to objects, 56 “58
Extract method, 53 “55
Hide method, 44 “45
inlining methods, 46 “47
reducing variable scope, 52, 56
removing dead code, 49, 53
Rename method, 42 “43
rename variables, 47 “49
replacing nested conditionals with guard clauses, 45
replacing temporary variables, 52 “53
testing known good state, 41
tests, 43 “44
Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, 6, 36
references, adding to NUnit nunit.framework.dll, 234
entities, 66, 92 “97
Review and Reviewer entities, 92 “94
Track-Recording relationship, 94 “97
testing database access layer, test organization, 101
ReleaseDate method (CatalogAdapter class), 136
Reload option (NUnit-Gui File menu), 238
code, refactoring, 41 “42
dead code, 49, 53
Rename method, refactoring, 42 “43
rename variables, refactoring, 47 “49
repeater Web controls, binding search results, 218 “226
responsibility (tests), testing database access layer, 70
RetrieveConnectionString method, 74
retrieving recordings
customer tests, test scripts, 129 “131
testing database access layer, 97 “101
Review entity
media library application, 65
testing relationship to Reviewer entity, 92 “94
adding and deleting reviews, 149 “150
ExistingReviewId method, 164, 174 “176
modifying to throw an exception, 167
Reviewer entity, testing relationship to Review entity, 92 “94
ReviewerFixture class, 189
ReviewerGateway class, 189
ReviewFixture class, 189
ReviewGateway class, 189
ReviewReviewerFixture.cs, 92 “93
reviews, adding to recordings (FIT script), 147 “162
RowFixture (FIT)
verifying review information, 142 “143
verifying track information, 138 “141
RunATransaction method, 255

Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET
Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET (Microsoft Professional)
ISBN: 0735619484
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 85 © 2008-2017.
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