This quick reference provides a list of the important properties, methods , and events of each HTML control. See Chapter 1, "Building ASP.NET Pages," for more information on using these controls within an ASP.NET page. Table . HtmlAnchor Control Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Attributes | Returns a collection of all attributes of the control. | Disabled | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the control is disabled on the form. | HRef | Indicates the URL that is the target of the link. | InnerHtml | Specifies the HTML content that appears within the tag. | InnerText | Specifies the text content that appears within the tag. | Name | Specifies the unique identifier for the control. | Style | Returns a collection of style attributes for the control. | TagName | Returns the name of the tag used when rendering the control. | Target | Displays the page in this window or frame when you click the banner advertisement. Possible values are _top , _new , _child , _self , _ parent , and _blank . | Title | Indicates the title of the document being linked. The title also appears as a ToolTip in certain browsers. | Methods | Description | OnServerClick | Raises the ServerClick event. | Events | Description | ServerClick | Raised when a user clicks the control. | Table . HtmlButton Control Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Attributes | Returns a collection of all attributes of the control. | CausesValidation | Does not perform validation when the form containing the button is submitted when this property is set to False . | Disabled | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the control is disabled on the form. | InnerHtml | Specifies the HTML content that appears within the tag. | InnerText | Specifies the text content that appears within the tag. | Style | Returns a collection of style attributes for the control. | TagName | Returns the name of the tag used when rendering the control. | Events | Description | OnServerClick | Raises the ServerClick event. | Events | Description | ServerClick | Raised when a user clicks the control. | Table . HtmlForm Control Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Attributes | Returns a collection of all attributes of the control. | Disabled | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the form is disabled. | Enctype | Identifies a string that specifies the encoding type used to encode the form data. Possible values include application/x-www-form-urlencoded , multipart/_form-data , and text/plain . | InnerHtml | Specifies the HTML content that appears within the tag. | InnerText | Specifies the text content that appears within the tag. | Method | Identifies a string that specifies how form data should be posted. Possible values include Post and Get . If you change this property from its default value of Get , view state might fail. | Name | Returns the name of the HtmlForm . | Style | Returns a collection of style attributes for the control. | TagName | Returns the name of the tag used when rendering the control. | Target | Displays the page in this window or frame when you click the banner advertisement. Possible values are top , new , child , self , parent , and blank . | Methods | Description | None | | Events | Description | None | | Table . HtmlGenericControl Control Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Attributes | Returns a collection of all attributes of the control. | Disabled | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the control is disabled on the form. | InnerHtml | Specifies the HTML content that appears within the tag. | InnerText | Specifies the text content that appears within the tag. | Style | Returns a collection of style attributes for the control. | TagName | Returns the name of the tag used when rendering the control. | Methods | Description | None | | Events | Description | None | | Table . HtmlImage Control Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Align | Identifies a string that specifies the alignment of the image within the page. Possible values include left , center , right , top , and bottom . | Alt | Specifies the alternative text that is displayed on browsers that do not support images. | Attributes | Returns a collection of all attributes of the control. | Border | Indicates the width in pixels of the border around the image. | Disabled | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the control is disabled on the form. | Height | Specifies the height of the image in pixels. | Src | Specifies the URL of the image file to display. | Style | Returns a collection of style attributes for the control. | TagName | Returns the name of the tag used when rendering the control. | Width | Specifies the width of the image in pixels. | Methods | Description | None | | Events | Description | None | | Table . HtmlInputButton Control Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Attributes | Returns a collection of all attributes of the control. | CausesValidation | Does not perform validation when the form containing the button is submitted when this property is set to False . | Disabled | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the control is disabled on the form. | Name | Specifies the unique identifier for the control. | Style | Returns a collection of style attributes for the control. | TagName | Returns the name of the tag used when rendering the control. | Type | Specifies a string representing the type of the input control. | Value | Specifies the text used to label the button. | Methods | Description | OnServerClick | Raises the ServerClick event. | Events | Description | ServerClick | Raised when a user clicks the control. | Table . HtmlInputCheckBox Control Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Attributes | Returns a collection of all attributes of the control. | Checked | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the check box is checked. | Disabled | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the control is disabled on the form. | Name | Specifies the unique identifier for the control. | Style | Returns a collection of style attributes for the control. | TagName | Returns the name of the tag used when rendering the control. | Type | Specifies a string representing the type of the input control. | Value | Specifies a string representing the contents of the control. | Methods | Description | OnServerChange | Raises the ServerChange event. | Events | Description | ServerChange | Raised when a check box is checked or unchecked. | Table . HtmlInputFile Control Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Accept | Contains a comma-separated list of MIME types that indicate the type of file that can be uploaded ”for example, image/gif,image/jpeg . | Attributes | Returns a collection of all attributes of the control. | Disabled | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the control is disabled on the form. | Maxlength | Specifies the maximum length of the file path for the file being uploaded. | Name | Specifies the unique identifier for the control. | PostedFile | Contains an instance of the HttpPostedFile class that represents the file uploaded. | Size | Specifies the width of the text box in which the file path is entered. | Style | Returns a collection of style attributes for the control. | TagName | Returns the name of the tag used when rendering the control. | Type | Specifies a string representing the type of the input control. | Value | Specifies a string representing the contents of the control. | Methods | Description | None | | Events | Description | None | | Table . HtmlInputHidden Control Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Attributes | Returns a collection of all attributes of the control. | Disabled | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the control is disabled on the form. | Name | Specifies the unique identifier for the control. | Style | Returns a collection of style attributes for the control. | TagName | Returns the name of the tag used when rendering the control. | Type | Specifies a string representing the type of the input control. | Value | Specifies a string representing the contents of the control. | Methods | Description | OnServerChange | Raises the ServerChange event. | Events | Description | ServerChange | Raised when the contents of the control are changed. | Table . HtmlInputImage Control Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Align | Identifies a string that specifies the alignment of the image within the page. Possible values include left , center , right , top , and bottom . | Alt | Specifies the alternative text that is displayed on browsers that do not support images. | Attributes | Returns a collection of all attributes of the control. | Border | Specifies the width in pixels of the border around the image. | CausesValidation | Does not perform validation when the form containing the button is submitted when this property is set to False . | Disabled | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the control is disabled on the form. | Name | Specifies the unique identifier for the control. | Src | Specifies the URL of the image file to display. | Style | Returns a collection of style attributes for the control. | TagName | Returns the name of the tag used when rendering the control. | Type | Specifies a string representing the type of the input control. | Value | Specifies a string representing the contents of the control. | Methods | Description | OnServerClick | Raises the ServerClick event. | Events | Description | ServerClick | Raised when the control is clicked. | Table . HtmlInputRadioButton Control Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Attributes | Returns a collection of all attributes of the control. | Checked | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the radio button is checked. | Disabled | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the control is disabled on the form. | Name | Specifies the unique identifier for the control. | Style | Returns a collection of style attributes for the control. | TagName | Returns the name of the tag used when rendering the control. | Type | Specifies a string representing the type of the input control. | Value | Specifies a string representing the contents of the control. | Methods | Description | None | | Events | Description | None | | Table . HtmlInputText Control Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Attributes | Returns a collection of all attributes of the control. | Disabled | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the control is disabled on the form. | MaxLength | Specifies the maximum number of characters that can be entered into the text box. | Name | Specifies the unique identifier for the control. | Size | Specifies the size of the text box in characters. | Style | Returns a collection of style attributes for the control. | TagName | Returns the name of the tag used when rendering the control. | Type | Specifies a string representing the type of the input control. | Value | Specifies a string representing the contents of the control. | Methods | Description | OnServerChange | Raises the ServerChange event. | Events | Description | ServerChange | Raised when the contents of the text box are changed. | Table . HtmlSelect Control Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Attributes | Returns a collection of all attributes of the control. | DataMember | Identifies the table in the data source to bind to the control. | DataSource | Identifies the source for the data displayed by the control. | DataTextField | Identifies the field in the data source used for the text for each option. | DataValueField | Identifies the field in the data source used for the value for each option. | Disabled | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the control is disabled on the form. | InnerHtml | Specifies the HTML content that appears within the tag. | InnerText | Specifies the text content that appears within the tag. | Items | Returns a collection of ListItem objects that represent the options in the select list. | Multiple | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether multiple options can be selected. | SelectedIndex | Specifies the index of the currently selected option. | Size | Displays a scrolling list box when this property is set to greater than 1 . | Style | Returns a collection of style attributes for the control. | TagName | Returns the name of the tag used when rendering the control. | Value | Specifies a string representing the contents of the control. | Methods | Description | OnServerChange | Raises the ServerChange event. | Events | Description | ServerChange | Raised when a new option is selected. | Table . HtmlTable Control Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Align | Identifies a string that specifies the alignment of the contents of the table. Possible values include left , center , and right . | Attributes | Returns a collection of all attributes of the control. | BgColor | Identifies a string specifying the background color of the table. | Border | Identifies an integer representing the width of the table border in pixels. | BorderColor | Identifies a string specifying the color of the table border. | CellPadding | Specifies the amount of padding in pixels within each table cell . | CellSpacing | Specifies the amount of padding in pixels between each table cell. | Disabled | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the control is disabled on the form. | Height | Specifies the height of the table in pixels. | InnerHtml | Specifies the HTML content that appears within the tag. | InnerText | Specifies the text content that appears within the tag. | Rows | Returns a collection of TableRow objects contained in the table. | Style | Returns a collection of style attributes for the control. | TagName | Returns the name of the tag used when rendering the control. | Width | Specifies the width of the table in pixels. | Methods | Description | None | | Events | Description | None | | Table . HtmlTableCell Control Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Align | Identifies a string that specifies the alignment of the contents of the cell. Possible values include left , center , and right . | Attributes | Returns a collection of all attributes of the control. | BgColor | Identifies a string specifying the background color of the cell. | BorderColor | Identifies a string specifying the color of the cell border. | ColSpan | Specifies the number of columns that the cell spans . | Disabled | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the control is disabled on the form. | Height | Specifies the height of the cell in pixels. | InnerHtml | Specifies the HTML content that appears within the tag. | InnerText | Specifies the text content that appears within the tag. | NoWrap | Does not word-wrap contents of the cell when this property is set to True . | RowSpan | Specifies the number of rows that the cell spans. | Style | Returns a collection of style attributes for the control. | TagName | Returns the name of the tag used when rendering the control. | VAlign | Specifies the vertical alignment of the contents of the cell. Possible values include top , middle , bottom , and baseline . | Width | Specifies the width of the cell in pixels. | Methods | Description | None | | Events | Description | None | | Table . HtmlTableRow Control Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Align | Identifies a string that specifies the alignment of the cells contained in the row. Possible values include left , center , and right . | Attributes | Returns a collection of all attributes of the control. | BgColor | Identifies a string specifying the background color of the row. | BorderColor | Identifies a string specifying the color of the row border. | Cells | Returns a collection of TableCell objects contained in the row. | Disabled | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the control is disabled on the form. | Height | Specifies the height of the row in pixels. | InnerHtml | Specifies the HTML content that appears within the tag. | InnerText | Specifies the text content that appears within the tag. | Style | Returns a collection of style attributes for the control. | TagName | Returns the name of the tag used when rendering the control. | VAlign | Specifies the vertical alignment of the contents of the cells contained in the row. Possible values include top , middle , bottom , and baseline . | Methods | Description | None | | Events | Description | None | | Table . HtmlTextArea Control Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Attributes | Returns a collection of all attributes of the control. | Cols | Specifies the width of the text area in characters. | Disabled | Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the control is disabled on the form. | InnerHtml | Specifies the HTML content that appears within the tag. | InnerText | Specifies the text content that appears within the tag. | Name | Specifies the unique identifier for the control. | Rows | Specifies the height of the text area in characters. | Style | Returns a collection of style attributes for the control. | TagName | Returns the name of the tag used when rendering the control. | Value | Specifies a string representing the contents of the control. | Methods | Description | OnServerChange | Raises the ServerChange event. | Events | Description | ServerChange | Raised when the contents of the text area are changed. | |