This quick reference includes a list of the important properties, methods , and events for each Web control. At the end of the reference, the formatting properties of the base Web Control, TableStyle , and TableItemStyle classes are listed. Table . AdRotator Control Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | AdvertisementFile | Specifies the path to an XML file that contains a list of banner advertisements to display. | KeywordFilter | Returns only those banner advertisements that match the filter when this property is set. | Target | Displays the page in this window or frame when you click the banner advertisement. Possible values are top , new , child , self , parent , and blank . | Methods | Description | OnAdCreated | Raises the AdCreated event. | Events | Description | AdCreated | Raised after an advertisement is retrieved from the advertisement file and before the banner advertisement is rendered. | NOTE See Chapter 4, "Advanced Control Programming," for more information. Table . Button Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | CausesValidation | Does not validate the form submitted by the button when False . The default value is True . | CommandArgument | Passes this value to the Command event when the button is clicked. | CommandName | Passes this value to the Command event when the button is clicked. | Text | Gets or sets the text displayed on the button. | Methods | Description | OnClick | Raises the Click event. | OnCommand | Raises the Command event. | Events | Description | Click | Raised when the button is clicked and the form containing the button is submitted to the server. | Command | Also raised when the button is clicked. However, the values of the CommandName and CommandArgument properties are passed with this event. | NOTE See Chapter 2, "Building Forms with Web Server Controls," for more information. Table . Calendar Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | CellPadding | Specifies the number of pixels between the contents of a cell and its border. | CellSpacing | Specifies the number of pixels between cells . | DayHeaderStyle | Specifies the style of the weekdays listed at the top of the calendar. | DayNameFormat | Sets the format of the day names . Possible values are FirstLetter , FirstTwoLetters , Full , and Short ; the default is Short . | DayStyle | Specifies the style applied to each day in the calendar. | FirstDayOfWeek | Specifies the day of the week that is displayed in the calendar's first column. Possible values are Default , Friday , Monday , Saturday , Sunday , Thursday , Tuesday , and Wednesday ; the default is Default , which uses the server's local settings. | NextMonthText | Specifies the text for the Next Month hyperlink if ShowNextPrevMonth is True . | NextPrevFormat | Specifies the format of the Next and Previous hyperlinks . Possible values are CustomText , FullMonth , and ShortMonth ; the default is CustomText . | NextPrevStyle | Specifies the style applied to the next and previous month links. | OtherMonthDayStyle | Specifies the style applied to days from other months that appear in the current month. | PrevMonthText | Specifies the text for the Previous Month hyperlink if ShowNextPrevMonth is True . | SelectedDate | Contains a DateTime value that specifies the highlighted day. The default value is TodaysDate . | SelectedDates | Contains a collection of DateTime items that represent the highlighted days on the calendar. | SelectedDayStyle | Specifies the style applied to the currently selected day. | SelectionMode | Determines whether days, weeks, or months can be selected. Possible values are Day , DayWeek , DayWeekMonth , and None ; the default is Day . | SelectMonthText | Contains HTML text displayed for selecting months when SelectionMode has the value DayWeekMonth . | SelectorStyle | Specifies the style applied to the link for selecting the week or month. | SelectWeekText | Contains HTML text displayed for selecting weeks when SelectionMode has the value DayWeek or DayWeekMonth . | ShowDayHeader | Displays the names of the days of the week if True . | ShowGridLines | Renders the calendar with lines around the days if True . | ShowNextPrevMonth | Displays Next Month and Previous Month links if True . | ShowTitle | Displays the calendar's title if True . | TitleFormat | Determines how the month name appears in the title bar. Possible values are Month and MonthYear . | TitleStyle | Specifies the style applied to the calendar's title bar. | TodayDayStyle | Specifies the style applied to the current date. | TodaysDate | Specifies a DateTime value that sets the calendar's current date. | VisibleDate | Specifies a DateTime value that sets the month to display. | WeekendDayStyle | Specifies the style applied to weekend days. | Methods | Description | OnDayRender | Raises the DayRender event. | OnSelectionChanged | Raises the SelectionChanged event. | OnVisibleMonthChanged | Raises the VisibleMonthChanged event. | Events | Description | DayRender | Raised before each day cell is rendered on the calendar. | SelectionChanged | Raised when a new day, month, or week is selected. | VisibleMonthChanged | Raised by clicking the Next Month or Previous Month link. | NOTE See Chapter 4 for more information. Table . CheckBox Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | AutoPostBack | Automatically posts the form containing the check box whenever it is checked or unchecked when True . | Checked | Has the value True when the check box is checked, and False otherwise . | Text | Gets or sets the text label associated with the check box. | Methods | Description | TextAlign | Determines how the text label for the check box is aligned relative to the check box. Possible values are Left and Right ; the default value is Right . | OnCheckedChanged | Raises the CheckedChanged event. | Events | Description | CheckedChanged | Raised when the check box changes from being checked to unchecked or unchecked to checked. | NOTE See Chapter 2 for more information. Table . CheckBoxList Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | AutoPostBack | Automatically posts the form containing the CheckBoxList whenever a new check box is selected or unselected when True . | CellPadding | Sets the number of pixels between the border and a particular check box. | CellSpacing | Sets the number of pixels between individual check boxes in the CheckBoxList . | DataMember | Identifies the particular table in a data source to bind to the control. | DataSource | Indicates the data source for the items listed in the CheckBoxList . | DataTextField | Indicates the field from the data source to use for the check box labels. | DataTextFormatString | Gets or sets a format string that determines how the DataTextField is displayed. | DataValueField | Indicates the field from the data source to use for the check box values. | Items | Represents the collection of items in the CheckBoxList . | RepeatColumns | Determines the number of columns used to display the check boxes. | RepeatDirection | Indicates the direction the check boxes should be repeated. Possible values are Horizontal and Vertical . | RepeatLayout | Determines how the check boxes are formatted. Possible values are Table and Flow ; Table is the default. | SelectedIndex | Specifies the index number of the currently checked check box. | SelectedItem | Represents the selected check button. | SelectedValue | Gets or sets the selected check box. | TextAlign | Indicates the alignment of the check box label relative to the check box. Possible values are Left and Right . | Method | Description | DataBind | Binds the CheckBoxList to its data source. Loads the items from the data source into the ListItem collection. | OnSelectedIndexChanged | Raises the SelectedIndexChanged event. | Events | Description | SelectedIndexChanged | Raised whenever a new check box is checked or unchecked in the CheckBoxList . | NOTE See Chapter 2 for more information. Table . CompareValidator Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | ControlToCompare | Specifies the ID of the control to use for comparing values. | ControlToValidate | Specifies the ID of the control that you want to validate. | Display | Sets how the error message contained in the Text property is displayed. Possible values are Static , Dynamic , and None ; the default value is Static . | EnableClientScript | Enables or disables client-side form validation. The default value is True . | Enabled | Enables or disables both server- and client-side validation. The default value is True . | ErrorMessage | Specifies the error message displayed in the ValidationSummary control. This error message is displayed by the control when the Text property is not set. | IsValid | Has the value True when the validation check succeeds, and False otherwise. | Operator | Gets or sets the comparison operator to use when performing comparisons. Possible values are Equal , NotEqual , GreaterThan , GreaterThanEqual , LessThan , LessThanEqual , and DataTypeCheck . | Text | Sets the error message displayed by the control. | Type | Gets or sets the data type to use when comparing values. Possible values are Currency , Date , Double , Integer , and String . | ValueToCompare | Specifies the value used when performing the comparison. | Methods | Description | Validate | Performs validation and updates the IsValid property. | Events | Description | None | | NOTE See Chapter 3, "Performing Form Validation with Validation Controls," for more information. Table . CustomValidator Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | ClientValidationFunction | Specifies the name of a client-side validation function. | ControlToValidate | Specifies the ID of the control that you want to validate. | Display | Sets how the error message contained in the Text property is displayed. Possible values are Static , Dynamic , and None ; the default value is Static . | EnableClientScript | Enables or disables client-side form validation. The default value is True . | Enabled | Enables or disables both server- and client-side validation. The default value is True . | ErrorMessage | Specifies the error message displayed in the ValidationSummary control. This error message is displayed by the control when the Text property is not set. | IsValid | Has the value True when the validation check succeeds, and False otherwise. | Text | Sets the error message displayed by the control. | Methods | Description | OnServerValidate | Raises the ServerValidate event. | Validate | Performs validation and updates the IsValid property. | Events | Description | ServerValidate | Represents the subroutine for performing the server-side validation. | NOTE See Chapter 3 for more information. Table . DataGrid Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | AllowCustomPaging | Enables custom paging when True . | AllowPaging | Enables normal paging when True . | AllowSorting | Enables sorting when True . | AlternatingItemStyle | Specifies the style applied to alternating rows displayed in the DataGrid . | AutoGenerateColumns | Automatically generates columns from the data source when True . | BackImageUrl | Specifies the URL of an image to display as the background for the DataGrid . | CellPadding | Specifies the amount of padding in each cell in a DataGrid . | CellSpacing | Specifies the amount of spacing between cells in a DataGrid . | Columns | Represents the collection of columns in the DataGrid (does not include autogenerated columns). | CurrentPageIndex | Sets the current page when paging is enabled. | DataKeyField | Gets or sets the primary key field in the data source. | DataKeys | Returns a collection of primary keys from the data source. | DataMember | Specifies the table in the DataSet to bind to the DataGrid . | DataSource | Specifies the data source for the DataGrid . | EditItemIndex | Sets the current row selected for editing. | EditItemStyle | Specifies the style applied to the row selected for editing. | FooterStyle | Specifies the style applied to the footer of the DataGrid . | GridLines | Determines how lines are displayed between cells. Possible values are Both , Horizontal , None , and Vertical . | HeaderStyle | Specifies the style applied to the header of the DataGrid . | HorizontalAlign | Sets the horizontal alignment of the DataGrid . Possible values are Center , Justify , Left , NotSet , and Right . | Items | Represents a collection of DataGridItem objects in the DataGrid . | ItemStyle | Specifies the style applied to each item displayed in the DataGrid . | PageCount | Specifies a count of the number of pages when paging is enabled. | PagerStyle | Specifies the style applied to the paging interface. The style properties are represented by the DataGridPagerStyleObject . | PageSize | Specifies the number of rows displayed in a page when paging is enabled. | SelectedIndex | Sets the row that is currently selected in the DataGrid . | SelectedItem | Returns a DataGridItem that represents the currently selected row in the DataGrid . | SelectedItemStyle | Specifies the style applied to the selected item in the DataGrid . | ShowFooter | Displays a footer at the bottom of the DataGrid when True . | ShowHeader | Displays a header at the top of the DataGrid when True . | VirtualItemCount | Gets or sets the number of items in the DataGrid when custom paging is enabled. | Methods | Description | DataBind | Binds the DataGrid to its data source. | OnCancelCommand | Raises the CancelCommand event. | OnDeleteCommand | Raises the DeleteCommand event. | OnEditCommand | Raises the EditCommand event. | OnItemCommand | Raises the ItemCommand event. | OnItemCreated | Raises the ItemCreated event. | OnItemDataBound | Raises the ItemDataBound event. | OnPageIndexChanged | Raises the PageIndexChanged event. | OnSelectedIndexChanged | Raises the SelectedIndexChanged event. | OnSortCommand | Raises the SortCommand event. | OnUpdateCommand | Raises the UpdateCommand event. | Events | Description | CancelCommand | Raised when the Cancel button is clicked. | DeleteCommand | Raised when the Delete button is clicked. | EditCommand | Raised when the Edit button is clicked. | ItemCommand | Raised when any button is clicked. | ItemCreated | Raised when each item is created in the DataGrid . | ItemDataBound | Raised when an item is bound in the DataGrid . | PageIndexChanged | Raised when the current page is changed when paging is enabled. | SelectedIndexChanged | Raised when an item in the DataGrid is selected. | SortCommand | Raised when a column is sorted and sorting is enabled. | UpdateCommand | Raised when the Update button is clicked. | NOTE See Chapter 11, "Using the DataList and DataGrid Controls," for more information. Table . DataList Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | AlternatingItemStyle | Specifies the style applied to alternating rows displayed in the DataList . | AlternatingItemTemplate | Specifies the template used for alternating items in the DataList . | CellPadding | Specifies the amount of padding in each cell in a DataList . | CellSpacing | Specifies the amount of spacing between cells in a DataList . | DataKeyField | Gets or sets the primary key field in the data source. | DataKeys | Returns a collection of primary keys from the data source. | DataMember | Specifies the table in the DataSet to bind to the DataGrid . | DataSource | Specifies the data source for the DataList . | EditItemIndex | Sets the current item selected for editing. | EditItemStyle | Specifies the style applied to the item selected for editing. | EditItemTemplate | Specifies the template used for the item selected for editing. | ExtractTemplateRows | Extracts rows from Table controls displayed in templates and displays them as rows in one large Table when True . | FooterStyle | Specifies the style applied to the footer of the DataGrid . | FooterTemplate | Specifies the template used for displaying the footer of the DataList . | GridLines | Determines how lines are displayed between cells. Possible values are Both , Horizontal , None , and Vertical . | HeaderStyle | Specifies the style applied to the header of the DataList . | HeaderTemplate | Specifies the template used for displaying the header of the DataList . | HorizontalAlign | Sets the horizontal alignment of the DataList . Possible values are Center , Justify , Left , NotSet , and Right . | Items | Represents a collection of DataListItem objects in the DataList . | ItemStyle | Specifies the style applied to each item displayed in the DataList . | ItemTemplate | Specifies the template used for displaying each item in the DataList . | RepeatColumns | Specifies the number of columns to display in the DataList . | RepeatDirection | Determines the direction that items are repeated. Possible values are Horizontal and Vertical . | RepeatLayout | Determines whether items in a DataList are displayed with an HTML table. Possible values are Table and Flow . | SelectedIndex | Sets the row that is currently selected in the DataList . | SelectedItem | Returns a DataListItem that represents the currently selected item in the DataList . | SelectedItemStyle | Specifies the style applied to the selected item in the DataList . | SelectedItemTemplate | Specifies the template used for displaying selected items in the DataList . | SeparatorStyle | Specifies the style applied to the separator between each item in a DataList . | SeparatorTemplate | Specifies the template used for displaying separators between each item in a DataList . | ShowFooter | Displays a footer at the bottom of the DataList when True . | ShowHeader | Displays a header at the top of the DataList when True . | Methods | Description | DataBind | Binds the DataGrid to its data source. | OnCancelCommand | Raises the CancelCommand event. | OnDeleteCommand | Raises the DeleteCommand event. | OnEditCommand | Raises the EditCommand event. | OnItemCommand | Raises the ItemCommand event. | OnItemCreated | Raises the ItemCreated event. | OnItemDataBound | Raises the ItemDataBound event. | OnSelectedIndexChanged | Raises the SelectedIndexChanged event. | OnUpdateCommand | Raises the UpdateCommand event. | Events | Description | CancelCommand | Raised when the Cancel button is clicked. | DeleteCommand | Raised when the Delete button is clicked. | EditCommand | Raised when the Edit button is clicked. | ItemCommand | Raised when any button is clicked. | ItemCreated | Raised when each item is created in the DataList . | ItemDataBound | Raised when an item is bound in the DataList . | SelectedIndexChanged | Raised when an item in the DataList is selected. | UpdateCommand | Raised when the Update button is clicked. | NOTE See Chapter 11 for more information. Table . DropDownList Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | AutoPostBack | Automatically posts the form containing the drop-down list whenever a new option is selected when True . | DataMember | Identifies the particular table in a data source to bind to the control. | DataSource | Indicates the data source for the items listed in the DropDownList . | DataTextField | Indicates the field from the data source to use for the option text. | DataTextFormatString | Gets or sets a format string that determines how the DataTextField is displayed. | DataValueField | Indicates the field from the data source to use for the option values. | Items | Represents the collection of items in the DropDownList . | SelectedIndex | Specifies the index number of the selected option. | SelectedItem | Represents the selected option. | SelectedValue | Gets or sets the selected option. | Methods | Description | DataBind | Binds the DropDownList to its data source. Loads the items from the data source into the ListItem collection. | OnSelectedIndexChanged | Raises the SelectedIndexChanged event. | Events | Description | SelectedIndexChanged | This event is raised whenever a new option is selected in the DropDownList . | NOTE See Chapter 2 for more information. Table . HyperLink Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | ImageUrl | Specifies the URL of an image to display for the link. | NavigateUrl | Specifies the URL of the page to which the user is transferred when the link is clicked. | Target | Specifies the target window or frame for the link. Possible values are _top , _self , _parent , _search , or _blank . | Text | Specifies the text label for the link. | Methods | Description | None | | Events | Description | None | | NOTE See Chapter 2 for more information. Table . Image Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | AlternateText | Specifies text displayed by browsers that do not support images. | ImageAlign | Determines the alignment of the image. Possible values are AbsBottom , AbsMiddle , BaseLine , Bottom , Left , Middle , NotSet , Right , TextTop , and Top . | ImageUrl | Specifies the URL of an image to display. | Methods | Description | None | | Events | Description | None | | Table . ImageButton Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | AlternateText | Gets or sets the text displayed when a browser does not support images. | CausesValidation | Does not validate the form submitted by the button when False . The default value is True . | CommandArgument | Passes this value to the Command event when the button is clicked. | CommandName | Passes this value to the Command event when the button is clicked. | ImageAlign | Specifies one of these possible values: AbsBottom , AbsMiddle , Baseline , Bottom , Left , Middle , NotSet , Right , TextTop , or Top . | ImageURL | Specifies the URL of the image to use for the button. | Methods | Description | OnClick | Raises the Click event. | OnCommand | Raises the Command event. | Events | Description | Click | Raised when the button is clicked and the form containing the button is submitted to the server. | Command | Also raised when the button is clicked. However, the values of the CommandName and CommandArgument properties are passed to this event. | NOTE See Chapter 2 for more information. Table . Label Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Text | Gets or sets the text displayed by the Label control. | Methods | Description | None | | Events | Description | None | | NOTE See Chapter 2 for more information. Table . LinkButton Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | CausesValidation | Does not validate the form submitted by the button when False . The default value is True . | CommandArgument | Passes this value to the Command event when the link is clicked. | CommandName | Passes this value to the Command event when the link is clicked. | Text | Gets or sets the text displayed as the label for the link. | Methods | Description | OnClick | Raises the Click event. | OnCommand | Raises the Command event. | Events | Description | Click | Raised when the link is clicked and the form containing the link is submitted to the server. | Command | Also raised when the link is clicked. However, the values of the CommandName and CommandArgument properties are passed to this event. | NOTE See Chapter 2 for more information. Table . ListBox Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | AutoPostBack | Automatically posts the form containing the list box whenever a new option is selected when True . | DataMember | Identifies the particular table in a data source to bind to the control. | DataSource | Indicates the data source for the items listed in the list box. | DataTextField | Indicates the field from the data source to use for the option text. | DataTextFormatString | Gets or sets a format string that determines how the DataTextField is displayed. | DataValueField | Indicates the field from the data source to use for the option values. | Items | Represents the collection of items in the list box. | Rows | Indicates the number of rows to display in the list box. The default value is 4 . | SelectedIndex | Specifies the index number of the selected option. | SelectedItem | Represents the selected option. | SelectionMode | Determines whether a user can select more than one list item at a time. Possible values are Multiple and Single . | SelectedValue | Gets or sets the selected list item. | Method | Description | DataBind | Binds the ListBox to its data source. Loads the items from the data source into the ListItem collection. | OnSelectedIndexChanged | Raises the SelectedIndexChanged event. | Events | Description | SelectedIndexChanged | Raised whenever a new option is selected in the list box. | NOTE See Chapter 2 for more information. Table . Literal Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Text | Gets or sets the text displayed by the control. | Methods | Description | None | | Events | Description | None | | Table . Panel Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | BackImageURL | Gets or sets the URL of a background image to be displayed behind the contents of the panel. | HorizontalAlign | Sets the horizontal alignment of the contents of a panel. Possible values are Center , Justify , Left , NotSet , and Right . | Wrap | Wraps the contents of the panel when True . The default value is True . | Methods | Description | None | | Events | Description | None | | NOTE See Chapter 4 for more information. Table . PlaceHolder Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | None | | Methods | Description | None | | Events | Description | None | | NOTE See Chapter 4 for more information. Table . RadioButton Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | AutoPostBack | Automatically posts the form containing the radio button whenever a new radio button is selected from the radio button group when True . | Checked | Has the value True when the radio button is checked, and False otherwise. | GroupName | Specifies the name of the group that contains the radio button. | Text | Gets or sets the text label associated with the radio button. | TextAlign | Determines how the text label for the radio button is aligned relative to the radio button. Possible values are Left and Right ; the default value is Right . | Methods | Description | OnCheckedChanged | Raises the CheckedChanged event. | Events | Description | CheckedChanged | Raised when the radio button changes from being checked to unchecked, or unchecked to checked. | NOTE See Chapter 2 for more information. Table . RadioButtonList Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | AutoPostBack | Automatically posts the form containing the RadioButtonList whenever a new radio button is selected when True . | CellPadding | Sets the number of pixels between the border and a particular radio button. | CellSpacing | Sets the number of pixels between individual radio buttons in the RadioButtonList . | DataMember | Identifies the particular table in a data source to bind to the control. | DataSource | Identifies the data source for the items listed in the RadioButtonList . | DataTextField | Identifies the field from the data source to use for the radio button labels. | DataTextFormatString | Gets or sets a format string that determines how the DataTextField is displayed. | DataValueField | Identifies the field from the data source to use for the radio button values. | Items | Represents the collection of items in the RadioButtonList . | RepeatColumns | Determines the number of columns used to display the radio buttons. | RepeatDirection | Indicates the direction the radio buttons should be repeated. Possible values are Horizontal and Vertical . | RepeatLayout | Determines how the radio buttons are formatted. Possible values are Table and Flow ; Table is the default. | SelectedIndex | Specifies the index number of the currently checked radio button. | SelectedItem | Represents the selected radio button. | SelectedValue | Gets or sets the selected radio button. | TextAlign | Indicates the alignment of the radio button label relative to the radio button. Possible values are Left and Right . | Methods | Description | DataBind | Binds the RadioButtonList to its data source. Loads the items from the data source into the items collection. | OnSelected IndexChanged | Raises the SelectedIndexChanged event. | Events | Description | Selected IndexChanged | Raised when a new radio button is selected in the RadioButtonList . | NOTE See Chapter 2 for more information. Table . RangeValidator Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | ControlToValidate | Specifies the ID of the control that you want to validate. | Display | Sets how the error message contained in the Text property is displayed. Possible values are Static , Dynamic , and None ; the default value is Static . | EnableClientScript | Enables or disables client-side form validation. The default value is True . | Enabled | Enables or disables both server- and client-side validation. The default value is True . | ErrorMessage | Specifies the error message displayed in the ValidationSummary control. This error message is displayed by the control when the Text property is not set. | IsValid | Has the value True when the validation check succeeds, and False otherwise. | MaximumValue | Specifies the maximum value in the range of permissible values. | MinimumValue | Specifies the minimum value in the range of values. | Text | Sets the error message displayed by the control. | Type | Gets or sets the data type to use when comparing values. Possible values are Currency , Date , Double , Integer , and String . | Methods | Description | Validate | Performs validation and updates the IsValid property. | Events | Description | None | | NOTE See Chapter 3 for more information. Table . RegularExpressionValidator Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | ControlToValidate | Specifies the ID of the control that you want to validate. | Display | Sets how the error message contained in the Text property is displayed. Possible values are Static , Dynamic , and None ; the default value is Static . | EnableClientScript | Enables or disables client-side form validation. The default value is True . | Enabled | Enables or disables both server- and client-side validation. The default value is True . | ErrorMessage | Specifies the error message displayed in the ValidationSummary control. This error message is displayed by the control when the Text property is not set. | IsValid | Has the value True when the validation check succeeds, and False otherwise. | Text | Sets the error message displayed by the control. | ValidationExpression | Specifies the regular expression to use when performing validation. | Methods | Description | Validate | Performs validation and updates the IsValid property. | Events | Description | None | | NOTE See Chapter 3 for more information. Table . Repeater Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Alternating ItemTemplate | Specifies the template used for alternating items in the Repeater . | DataMember | Specifies the table in the DataSet to bind to the Repeater . | DataSource | Specifies the data source for the Repeater . | FooterTemplate | Specifies the template used for displaying the footer of the Repeater . | HeaderTemplate | Specifies the template used for displaying the header of the Repeater . | Items | Represents a collection of RepeaterItem objects in the Repeater . | ItemTemplate | Specifies the template used for displaying each item in the DataList . | SeparatorTemplate | Specifies the template used for displaying separators between each item in the Repeater . | Methods | Description | DataBind | Binds the DataGrid to its data source. | OnItemCommand | Raises the ItemCommand event. | OnItemCreated | Raises the ItemCreated event. | OnItemDataBound | Raises the ItemDataBound event. | Events | Description | ItemCommand | Raised when any button is clicked. | ItemCreated | Raised when each item is created in the Repeater . | ItemDataBound | Raised when an item is bound in the Repeater . | NOTE See Chapter 10 for more information. Table . RequiredFieldValidator Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | ControlToValidate | Specifies the ID of the control that you want to validate. | Display | Sets how the error message contained in the Text property is displayed. Possible values are Static , Dynamic , and None ; the default value is Static . | EnableClientScript | Enables or disables client-side form validation. The default value is True . | Enabled | Enables or disables both server- and client-side validation. The default value is True . | ErrorMessage | Specifies the error message displayed in the ValidationSummary control. This error message is displayed by the validation control when the Text property is not set. | InitialValue | Gets or sets the initial value of the control specified by the ControlToValidate property. | IsValid | Has the value True when the validation check succeeds, and False otherwise. | Text | Sets the error message displayed by the control. | Methods | Description | Validate | Performs validation and updates the IsValid property. | Events | Description | None | | NOTE See Chapter 3 for more information. Table . Table Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | BackImageURL | Gets or sets the URL of a background image to be displayed behind the contents of the table. | CellPadding | Specifies the amount of padding in pixels contained in each cell. | CellSpacing | Specifies the amount of padding in pixels between cells. | GridLines | Determines how lines are displayed between cells. Possible values are Both , Horizontal , None , and Vertical . | HorizontalAlign | Sets the horizontal alignment of the contents of the table. Possible values are Center , Justify , Left , NotSet , and Right . | Rows | Returns the collection of rows in the Table . | Methods | Description | None | | Events | Description | None | | Table . TableCell Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | ColumnSpan | Specifies the number of columns that the cell occupies. | HorizontalAlign | Sets the horizontal alignment of the contents of the cell. Possible values are Center , Justify , Left , NotSet , and Right . | RowSpan | Specifies the number of rows that the cell occupies. | Text | Specifies the text that appears in the cell. | VerticalAlign | Sets the vertical alignment of the cell. Possible values are NotSet , Top , Middle , and Bottom . | Wrap | Word-wraps the contents of the cell when True . | Methods | Description | None | | Events | Description | None | | Table . TableRow Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Cells | Returns the collection of TableCell objects contained in the TableRow . | HorizontalAlign | Sets the horizontal alignment of the contents of the TableRow . Possible values are Center , Justify , Left , NotSet , and Right . | VerticalAlign | Sets the vertical alignment of the cell. Possible values are NotSet , Top , Middle , and Bottom . | Methods | Description | None | | Events | Description | None | | Table . TableBox Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | AutoPostBack | Automatically posts the form containing the text box whenever a change is made to the contents of the text box when True . | Columns | Indicates the horizontal size of the text box in characters . | MaxLength | Specifies the maximum number of characters that you can add to the text box (does not work with multiline text boxes). | ReadOnly | Indicates whether the text box is read-only or can be modified. | Rows | Indicates the vertical size of a multiline text box in characters. | Text | Gets or sets the text displayed by the TextBox control. | TextMode | Specifies one of these possible values: MultiLine , Password , or SingleLine . | Wrap | Determines how text in a multiline text box word-wraps. If True , word-wrapping is enabled. | Methods | Description | OnTextChanged | Raises the TextChanged event. | Events | Description | TextChanged | Raised when the contents of a text box have been changed. | NOTE See Chapter 2 for more information. Table . ValidationSummary Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | DisplayMode | Sets the formatting for the error messages displayed by the control. Possible values are BulletList , List , and SingleParagraph . | EnableClientScript | Enables or disables client-side form validation. The default value is True . | Enabled | Enables or disables both server- and client-side validation. The default value is True . | HeaderText | Sets the text displayed at the top of the summary. | ShowMessageBox | Displays error messages in a pop-up message box when True . | ShowSummary | Enables or disables the summary of error messages. | Methods | Description | None | | Events | Description | None | | NOTE See Chapter 3 for more information. Table . Xml Properties, Methods, and Events Properties | Description | Document | Specifies the System.Xml.XmlDocument object to display. | DocumentContent | Specifies a string representing the XML document to display. | DocumentSource | Specifies the URL of a document to display. | Transform | Specifies the System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform object used to format the XML document. | TransformArgumentList | Specifies the XsltArgumentList used to format the XML document. | TransformSource | Specifies the URL of an XSL Transform used to format the XML document. | Methods | Description | None | | Events | Description | None | | NOTE See Chapter 13, "Working with XML," for more information. Table . Base Web Control Formatting Properties and Methods Properties | Description | AccessKey | Indicates a keyboard shortcut for selecting a control. Use a single letter or number when holding down the Alt key. | BackColor | Indicates the color that appears behind the text of a control. This value can be specified by name (red, blue) or by RGB value (#FF0000, #0000FF). | BorderColor | Indicates the border color of the control. | BorderStyle | Sets the appearance of the border. Possible values are Dashed , Dotted , Double , Groove , Inset , None , NotSet , Outset , Ridge , and Solid . | BorderWidth | Indicates the thickness of a control's border in pixels. | CssClass | Specifies the Cascading Style Sheet class used for formatting the output of the control. | Enabled | Prevents the control from functioning when False . On Internet Explorer, the control appears ghosted . | Font-Bold | Displays text in bold. | Font-Italic | Displays text in italic. | Font-Name | Indicates the name of the typeface for formatting text. | Font-Names | Specifies a list of typeface names for formatting text. If the first typeface is not available, the second typeface is applied, and so on. | Font-Overline | Draws a line above the text. | Font-Size | Sets the size of a font in points or pixels. | Font-Strikeout | Draws a line through the text. | Font-Underline | Draws a line under the text. | ForeColor | Specifies the text color. | Height | Sets the height of the control in pixels. | Style | Returns a collection of style attributes for the outer tag of a control. | Properties | Description | TabIndex | Indicates the tab order of the controls (works only with Internet Explorer 4.0 and higher). | ToolTip | Sets the text that appears when the mouse pointer hovers over the control. | Width | Sets the width of the control in pixels or percentage. | Methods | Description | ApplyStyle | Copies any nonblank elements of a Style object to a control. | MergeStyle | Copies any nonblank elements of a Style object to a control, but does not overwrite existing elements. | Table . TableStyle Formatting Properties and Methods Properties | Description | BackColor | Indicates the color that appears behind the text of a Table control. This value can be specified by name (red, blue) or by RGB value (#FF0000, #0000FF). | BackImageUrl | Specifies the URL of an image to display behind the Table control. | BorderColor | Indicates the border color of the control. | BorderStyle | Sets the appearance of the border. Possible values are Dashed , Dotted , Double , Groove , Inset , None , NotSet , Outset , Ridge , and Solid . | BorderWidth | Indicates the thickness of a control's border in pixels. | CellPadding | Specifies the padding within cells in the Table control in pixels. | CellSpacing | Specifies the padding between cells in the Table control in pixels. | CssClass | Specifies the Cascading Style Sheet class used for formatting the output of the control. | Font-Bold | Displays text in bold. | Font-Italic | Displays text in italic. | Font-Name | Indicates the name of the typeface for formatting text. | Font-Names | Specifies a list of typeface names for formatting text. If the first typeface is not available, the second typeface is applied, and so on. | Font-Overline | Draws a line above the text. | Font-Size | Sets the size of a font in points or pixels. | Font-Strikeout | Draws a line through the text. | Font-Underline | Draws a line under the text. | ForeColor | Specifies the text color. | GridLines | Determines how lines appear between cells. Possible values are Both , Horizontal , None , and Vertical . | Height | Sets the height of the control in pixels. | HorizontalAlign | Sets the horizontal alignment of the Table control within the page. Possible values are Center , Justify , Left , NotSet , and Right . | Width | Sets the width of the control in pixels or percentage. | Methods | Description | CopyFrom | Copies any nonblank elements of a Style object to the Table control. | MergeWith | Copies any nonblank elements of a Style object to the Table control, but does not overwrite existing elements. | Table . TableItemStyle Formatting Properties and Methods Properties | Description | BackColor | Indicates the color that appears behind the text of a cell. This value can be specified by name (red, blue) or by RGB value (#FF0000, #0000FF). | BorderColor | Indicates the border color of the control. | BorderStyle | Sets the appearance of the border. Possible values are Dashed , Dotted , Double , Groove , Inset , None , NotSet , Outset , Ridge , and Solid . | BorderWidth | Indicates the thickness of a control's border in pixels. | CssClass | Specifies the Cascading Style Sheet class used for formatting the output of the control. | Font-Bold | Displays text in bold. | Font-Italic | Displays text in italic. | Font-Name | Indicates the name of the typeface for formatting text. | Font-Names | Specifies a list of typeface names for formatting text. If the first typeface is not available, the second typeface is applied, and so on. | Font-Overline | Draws a line above the text. | Font-Size | Sets the size of a font in points or pixels. | Font-Strikeout | Draws a line through the text. | Font-Underline | Draws a line under the text. | ForeColor | Specifies the text color. | Height | Sets the height of the control in pixels. | HorizontalAlign | Sets the horizontal alignment of the contents of the cell. Possible values are Center , Justify , Left , NotSet , and Right . | VerticalAlign | Sets the vertical alignment of the contents of the cell. Possible values are Bottom , Middle , NotSet , and Top . | Width | Sets the width of the control in pixels or percentage. | Wrap | Word-wraps the contents of the cell when True . | Methods | Description | CopyFrom | Copies any nonblank elements of a Style object to the control. | MergeWith | Copies any nonblank elements of a Style object to the control, but does not overwrite existing elements. | |