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The easiest way to add SpamAssassin to a sendmail system is to configure sendmail to use procmail as its local delivery agent, and to add a procmail recipe for spam-tagging to /etc/procmailrc . The advantages of this approach are
There are also some disadvantages:
To configure sendmail to use procmail as its local delivery agent, add the following line to your sendmail.mc file (before the MAILER(`local') line) and regenerate sendmail.cf from it: FEATURE(`local_procmail',` /path/to/procmail ')dnl When you restart sendmail, it will use procmail instead of the system's default local MDA (e.g., /bin/mail ) for mail delivery. Next, configure procmail to invoke SpamAssassin. If you want to invoke SpamAssassin on behalf of every user, do so by editing the /etc/procmailrc file. Example 5-1 shows an /etc/procmailrc that invokes SpamAssassin. Example 5-1. A complete /etc/procmailrcDROPPRIVS=yes PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin SHELL=/bin/sh # Spamassassin :0fw * <300 000 /usr/bin/spamassassin If you run spamd , replace the call to spamassassin in procmailrc with a call to spamc instead. Using spamc/spamd will significantly improve performance on most systems, but makes it more difficult to allow users to write their own rules. |
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