19.6 Putting It All Together


Now that we are able to classify any type according to its kind, it is convenient to group all the classifying templates in a single general-purpose template. The following relatively small header file does just that:

  // types/typet.hpp  #ifndef TYPET_HPP  #define TYPET_HPP  // define  IsFundaT<>  #include "type1.hpp"  // define primary template  CompoundT<>  (first version)  //#include "type2.hpp"  // define primary template  CompoundT<>  (second version)  #include "type6.hpp"  // define  CompoundT<>  specializations  #include "type3.hpp"  #include "type4.hpp"  #include "type5.hpp"  // define  IsEnumT<>  #include "type7.hpp"  // define  IsClassT<>  #include "type8.hpp"  // define template that handles all in one style  template <typename T>  class TypeT {    public:      enum { IsFundaT  = IsFundaT<T>::Yes,             IsPtrT    = CompoundT<T>::IsPtrT,             IsRefT    = CompoundT<T>::IsRefT,             IsArrayT  = CompoundT<T>::IsArrayT,             IsFuncT   = CompoundT<T>::IsFuncT,             IsPtrMemT = CompoundT<T>::IsPtrMemT,             IsEnumT   = IsEnumT<T>::Yes,             IsClassT  = IsClassT<T>::Yes };  };  #endif  // TYPET_HPP  

The following program shows an application of all these classification templates:

  // types/types.cpp  #include "typet.hpp"  #include <iostream>  class MyClass {  };  void myfunc()  {  }  enum E { e1 };  // check by passing type as template argument  template <typename T>  void check()  {      if (TypeT<T>::IsFundaT) {          std::cout << " IsFundaT ";      }      if (TypeT<T>::IsPtrT) {          std::cout << " IsPtrT ";      }      if (TypeT<T>::IsRefT) {          std::cout << " IsRefT ";      }      if (TypeT<T>::IsArrayT) {          std::cout << " IsArrayT ";      }      if (TypeT<T>::IsFuncT) {          std::cout << " IsFuncT ";      }      if (TypeT<T>::IsPtrMemT) {          std::cout << " IsPtrMemT ";      }      if (TypeT<T>::IsEnumT) {          std::cout << " IsEnumT ";      }      if (TypeT<T>::IsClassT) {          std::cout << " IsClassT ";      }      std::cout << std::endl;  }  // check by passing type as function call argument  template <typename T>  void checkT (T)  {      check<T>();  // for pointer types check type of what they refer to  if (TypeT<T>::IsPtrT  TypeT<T>::IsPtrMemT) {          check<typename CompoundT<T>::BaseT>();      }  }  int main()  {      std::cout << "int:" << std::endl;      check<int>();      std::cout << "int&:" << std::endl;      check<int&>();      std::cout << "char[42]:" << std::endl;      check<char[42]>();      std::cout << "MyClass:" << std::endl;      check<MyClass>();      std::cout << "ptr to enum:" << std::endl;      E* ptr = 0;      checkT(ptr);      std::cout << "42:" << std::endl;      checkT(42);      std::cout << "myfunc():" << std::endl;      checkT(myfunc);      std::cout << "memptr to array:" << std::endl;      char (MyClass::* memptr) [] = 0;      checkT(memptr);  } 

The program has the following output:

 int:   IsFundaT  int&:   IsRefT  char[42]:   IsArrayT  MyClass:   IsClassT  ptr to enum:   IsPtrT   IsEnumT  42:   IsFundaT  myfunc():   IsPtrT   IsFuncT  memptr to array:   IsPtrMemT   IsArrayT 

C++ Templates
C++ Templates: The Complete Guide
ISBN: 0201734842
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 185

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