Importing Text

 < Day Day Up > 

You can type text directly in Fireworks, or you can import text that was created in another application and saved as RTF (rich text format) or ASCII text. Remember that all text in Fireworks is converted to a graphic when you export your images, and text that is a graphic takes longer to download than regular text on an HTML page. Sometimes, though, you will want to use text as a graphic: as labels for buttons, as part of a logo, or to create text that looks the same no matter what fonts users have on their systems. For instance, the months-of-the-year text you just created will be converted to rollovers in a later lesson.


Choose File > Import and locate the intro.txt file in the Media folder within the Lesson04 folder. Click Open.

If you are on a PC, choose ASCII Text (.txt) or All files from the Files of Type pop-up menu to display the text files in the Media folder. Fireworks displays only valid files for you to choose from in the Import dialog box. For text files, only ASCII or RTF text files are displayed.


To save a file created in Microsoft Word as an ASCII file, choose Text Only as the Save as Type option.


Click to the right of the stick in the logo.

The text block is placed on the page where you click. Move and resize the text with the Pointer tool.


Change the font to Verdana and the font size to 12, and increase the leading amount to 160 percent.

You may need to adjust the width of the text block as you change the formatting.

     < Day Day Up > 

    Macromedia Fireworks 8(c) Training from the Source
    Macromedia Fireworks 8: Training from the Source
    ISBN: 0321335910
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 239
    Authors: Patti Schulze © 2008-2017.
    If you may any questions please contact us: