

CAD (computer-Aided Design), 194
Camp, Tracy, 108, 314
Campbell-Kelly, Martin, 304, 305
Capability Maturity Model (CMM), 49 “50
Carnegie Mellon University, 108, 109
CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering), 4
case studies, 269 “81
based on field studies, 292 “93
based on past events, 293 “94
construction of, 286 “94
general principles, 277 “80
presentation of, 294
project management, 271 “75
relevance of, 284 “85
software development, 274 “77
theoretical, 286 “92
uses of, 285 “86
CBAM (Cost/Benefit Analysis Method), 196
CCB (Configuration Control Board), 24
CCSE (Computing Curricula Software Engineering), xxiii, 198, 298
Cerruzi, Paul, 305
Chief Programmer teams , 37
Clark s Method, 230
CMM (Capability Maturity Model), 49 “50
COCOMO II, 230 “33, 231
See also programming styles
characteristics of, 203 “7
debugging, 211 “18, 279, 280
readability of, 280
code inspections (code review), 144 “45, 151 “54, 166 “67
Code of Ethics of Software Engineering, 73 “96
abstraction and, 191
Code Signature, 94
full version of, 79, 81 “94
Principle 1, Public, 83 “84
Principle 2, Client and Employer, 84 “85
Principle 3, Product, 85 “87
Principle 4, Judgment, 87 “88
Principle 5, Management, 89 “90
Principle 6, Profession, 90 “91
Principle 7, Colleagues, 92
Principle 8, Self, 93
relevance of, 75 “77
scenario analysis and, 77 “79
short version of, 79 “80
coding standards, 21
comments, 207 “8
during development process, 20 “21
Internet, 261 “62
competition, review of, 248 “49
Computer ”A History of the Information Machine (Aspray and Campbell-Kelly), 304
Computer-Aided Design (CAD), 194
Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE), 4
computer industry, 243 “50
See also high-tech industry
computer science
education, 197 “98
women in, 107 “10
computer viruses, 262
computing, early days of, 126 “29
Computing Curriculum-Software Engineering (CCSE), xxii, 198, 298
Configuration Control Board (CCB), 24
Cost/Benefit Analysis Method (CBAM), 196
courage, 21 “22
development methods and, 133
gathering information about, 59 “66
on-site, 19, 21
Quality Attribute Workshop (QAW) and, 195
requirements of, 55 “70

Human Aspects of Software Engineering
Human Aspects of Software Engineering (Charles River Media Computer Engineering)
ISBN: 1584503130
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 242 © 2008-2017.
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