Add Items to the Backup List

The easiest way to add files or folders to the backup list is to drag them to the "Backup" window. You're not actually copying the files yet, just creating a list of the files you want to backup.


To add items to the backup list from remote locations such as CDs, DVDs, or your local network, copy the items to your hard disk first.

Drag items to the Backup window to add them to the list.


When an alert symbol appears next to an item in the backup list, Backup can't find the original item. You may have renamed, moved, or deleted it.

Or click the "Add items" button (the plus sign, circled above) so a Finder sheet slides down from the title bar (shown below). Locate a file or folder you want to add to the list, then click "Choose."


Applications cannot be added to the backup list.

Delete items from the backup list

To remove an item from the backup list, select a file, then press the Delete key. QuickPick items (the package icons) cannot be removed.

    Robin Williams Cool Mac Apps. A guide to iLife '05,  .Mac, and more.
    Robin Williams Cool Mac Apps. A guide to iLife '05, .Mac, and more.
    ISBN: 321335902
    EAN: N/A
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 277 © 2008-2017.
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