

Name property

DirectoryInfo class, 388

FileInfo class, 390

Font class, 369

XmlDocument class, 425

XmlNode class, 427

XmlTextReader class, 408, 412

XPathNavigator class, 437


assemblies, 561

constructor functions, 97

destructor functions, 100

function parameters, 47

get and set methods, 237

interfaces, 145

namespaces, 273

variables, 30

Namespace property (System::Type), 543

namespaces, .NET Framework, 273–283. See also specific namespaces

Namespaces property (XmlTextReader), 408

Namespaces property (XmlTextWriter), 419

NamespaceURI property (XmlTextReader), 408

NameValueCollection class (System::Collections::Specialized), 278

native arrays. See arrays


exceptions, 194–196

if statements, 72–74

structures, 157–160

.NET Framework. See also Windows Forms; XML

basic components, 267–273

components as COM components, 560–561. See also COM

data providers, 452

delegates, 249–256

events, 257–262

namespaces, 273–283. See also specific namespaces

reference and value types, 151–153

structures, 153–163

copying, 160

implementing constructors for, 157

nested, 157–160

using services without, 484

.NET Framework Class Library, 269–270

Net namespace, 281

Net::Sockets namespace, 281

new operator, 22, 96

array creation, 213

memory management and, 117, 120

NextSibling property (XmlNode), 427

No value (DialogResult), 323

Node events (XmlDocument), 426

nodes, XML, 427–434

Nodes property (TreeView), 332

NodeType property

XmlDocument class, 425

XmlNode class, 427

XmlTextReader class, 408

XPathNavigator class, 437

__nogc keyword, 216

None member (FileShare), 384

None node type, 409

None value (DialogResult), 323

NonSerializedAttribute class, 532

Normalize method (XmlNode), 428

not equal (!=) operator, 39, 169, 173

NOT (!) logical operator, 39, 169

Notation node type, 409

NotPublic member (TypeAttributes), 544

NotSupportedException class, 187

NullReferenceException class, 187

NumericUpDown class (System::Windows::Forms), 330

Microsoft Visual C++  .NET(c) Step by Step
Microsoft Visual C++ .NET(c) Step by Step
ISBN: 735615675
Year: 2003
Pages: 208 © 2008-2017.
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