Page #82 (Developing Thread-Safe COM Code)



In this chapter, we looked at various issues involved with multithreaded programming. We saw that protecting an object from concurrent access requires complex programming. To simplify component development, COM+ offers a choice of threading strategies to developers. To deal with the threading strat-egy used by a component, COM+ defines the notion of apartments. The type of apartment dictates the way calls are dispatched to the apartment.

To provide synchronized access to an object, COM+ provides activity-based synchronization.

Finally, we looked at various techniques to develop thread-safe code that leverages the infrastructure provided by COM+.


COM+ Programming. A Practical Guide Using Visual C++ and ATL
COM+ Programming. A Practical Guide Using Visual C++ and ATL
ISBN: 130886742
Year: 2000
Pages: 129 © 2008-2017.
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