

Calendar control, 212
< CAPTION > element, HTML, 331
displaying, 114
formats, 116
photo galleries, 116
Cascading Style Sheets. See CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
Catalog page, customer support Web site, 51
Cell Padding settings, tables, 128
aligning and sizing, 133
background color and pictures, 135
borders, 135
deleting, 137
filling in data, 136
header cells, 133
layout of, 133 “35
layout tables and, 166
merging table elements into single cell, 136
selecting, 135
splitting, 136
Cell Spacing settings, tables, 128
Center, picture alignment, 104
centimeters, measurement unit, 175
CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 220, 230, 246
character spacing, WordArt, 107
adding to Web pages, 202
creating, 212
check boxes, for user choices, 226
check-in/ check-out , file sharing
file editing and, 297
preserving changes, 298
turning on, 297
Undo Check Out, 298
child pages, navigation structures, 84
circular hotspots, pictures, 122
< CITE > element, HTML, 330
CLASS attribute, HTML, 331
clickable hotspots, pictures, 122
clickable labels, forms, 240
Clip Art, 108
Clipboard. See Windows Clipboard
Close button, toggling Folder List off, 26
changing default font, 145
cleaning up HTML syntax, 308
copying and pasting, 211
customizing with color, 143
format options, 21 “22, 143
indents, 146
IntelliSense and, 147
line breaks, 146
readability, 146
reusable, 154
typing aids, 148
wrapping, 143
code elements, 143
Code IntelliSense, 329
code snippets, 23 “24
manually editing code, 329
reusing code, 154
Code View, 20 “24
code snippets and, 23 “24
color coding, 21
editing HTML or XML manually, 329
Find and Replace, 152
formats, 22
functions of, 4
HTML and XML options in, 327
IntelliSense and, 147
keyboard shortcuts, 151
managing source code, 317
revealing markup tags, 142 “47
splitting with Design View, 146
switching to, 142
toolbar commands, 149
viewing HTML tags, 307
collaboration. See also Windows SharePoint Team Services
between co-workers , 284
database, 293 “94
SharePoint Services sites and, 287
Color Coding tab, Code View, 21
colors. See also background colors
browser-safe , 71
code customization and, 21, 143
color palettes, 71
creating, 145
frames and, 189
graphics formats and, 105
horizontal lines and, 64
table borders, 128
table cells, 135
text and link, 70
themes and, 76, 319
adding to existing tables, 136
deleting, 137
merging table elements, 136
selecting, 135
setting number of, 128
splitting cells to create, 136
table formats and, 132
tables and, 159
adding factual information, 301
adding to Web sites, 300
editing, 301
form text areas and, 225
Common Gateway Interface (CGI), 220, 230, 246
Complete option, servers and browsers, 15
Complete Word command, Code View, 149
Conditional Formatting, Data Views, 260
Confirmation Field, forms, 212
Confirmation Pages, forms, 248 “49
Contact Us page, customer support, 51, 53
adding news content to Web sites, 206
automating management of, 207
informative, 203
reports analyzing site content, 5
site content hierarchy, 317
tools for content rich sites, 59
Contributor, SharePoint Site Groups, 287
copy command (Ctrl+C)
files, 37
HTML code, 211
Java Applets, 212
pictures, 105
corporate presence Web site, 54 “57
Corporate Presence Wizard, 12, 29, 55
Courier font, using for code, 145
CPU. See processors
cropping pictures, 117
CSS1 (Cascading Style Sheets level 1)
browser support, 19
defining formatting styles, 17
CSS2 (Cascading Style Sheets level 2)
browser support, 19
defining positioning styles, 17
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 319 “21
Code View and, 142
disabling themes, 321
graphic identity and, 319
HTML document elements and, 331
user-defined styles, 98
CTRL key
+C (copy). (see copy command (Ctrl+C))
+F (searches), 27, 152
+N (blank pages), 35
+SHIFT+Z (removing style classes), 97
+S (save). (see save command (Ctrl+S))
+U (underline), 240
+V (paste). (see paste command (Ctrl+V))
+X (cut). (see cut command (Ctrl+X))
file and folder selection, 28
Current Theme option, 74
Customer Manager, Web stores, 236
customer support site for, 50
discussion site for, 46
customer support Web site, 50 “52
creating, 29, 50
customizing, 50
tailoring, 52
custom link bars, 84, 86
Custom options, servers and browsers, 15
custom page templates, 44
custom scripts, 246 “47
cut command (CTRL+X)
files, 37
pictures, 105
style definitions, 99
table elements, 137

Faster Smarter Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003
Faster Smarter Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003
ISBN: 0735619727
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 179 © 2008-2017.
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