TranslationLocalization Strategies

Translation/Localization Strategies

The approach that you take to translation/localization depends partly on the role that your translator/localizer takes, partly on what format you use to store your resources, and partly on whether your application is a Windows Forms or ASP.NET application. We start by considering the translator/localizer's role. At the minimal-ist end of the scale, your translator could simply translate all the text in your resources and return them to you. The tool used to perform the translation could even be NotePad if the resources are resx files. This is, of course, possible but not desirable. The problem with this minimalist approach is that there is no feedback process. The translator translates the text out of context. This means that the translator does not see the context in which the translation is used. A vital part of this process is that the translator must see the result of the translation in context. The context in which a phrase is used often changes the vocabulary or grammar used in a translation. If the translator does not see this until the changes are reintegrated into the product, the number of round-trips between the developers and the translators will be unnecessarily high. For this reason, we need to employ a translation/localization strategy in which the translator/localizer is given feedback before the resources are returned to the developers. In an ideal world, this would mean allowing the translator/localizer to make changes in context. WinRes is an excellent tool for this purpose in Windows Forms applications (assuming that the user interface is static and not dynamically generated at runtime), and we return to WinRes later.

The second factor that has a significant impact on your translation/localization strategy is what format you use to store your resources. Some formats are read directly by an application, and others require processing before they can be read. For example, if you store your resources in a database, the translator need only change the database, and the application will use the updated text. However, if you use resx files, Windows Forms applications and ASP.NET 1.1 applications do not directly read resx files. Instead, they read resources from resource assemblies. Consequently, any change to a resx file needs to be propagated to its resource assembly before the change can be seen.

The third factor that has a significant impact on your translation/localization strategy is whether your application is a Windows Forms application, an ASP.NET 1.1 application, or an ASP.NET 2.0 application. We cover the issues concerning each over the next sections.

ASP.NET 2.0 Translation/Localization Strategies

ASP.NET 2.0 has the simplest translation/localization strategy. ASP.NET 2.0 applications compile resx files to resource assemblies when a page is first requested. This process is handled by the ResXBuildProvider and is part of the nature of ASP.NET 2.0; you need take no steps to ensure that this happens. More important, when a resx file is changed, ASP.NET 2.0 unloads the application domain, rebuilds the resource assembly, and continues to process the request. Any changes made by the translator/localizer can be seen immediately by refreshing the page. This kind of immediate feedback improves the quality and speed of the translation/localization. The downside to this approach is that when the application domain is unloaded, all state is lost unless the state is held in a separate location. This affects the behavior of the application, so translators/localizers might need to retrace their path through the application. The solution to this problem is to store the state in a separate process using the Web.config sessionState element (set the mode attribute to either StateServer or SQLServer).

Windows Forms and ASP.NET 1.1 Translation/Localization Strategies

To some extent, Windows Forms (1.1 and 2.0) applications and ASP.NET 1.1 applications have the same translation/localization problems with the same solutions. The problem is that if your resources are stored in resx files, your application will not, by default, see any changes made by the translator/localizer to those resx files because the application reads its resources from its resource assemblies. This section is about solving this problem.


In Chapter 12, "Custom Resource Managers," I wrote a ResXResourceManager class that reads resources directly from resx files instead of from assemblies. In addition, unlike ResourceManager.CreateFileBasedResourceManager, these resx files are not locked, so they can be updated while the application is running. This is a relatively easy solution to the problem, with only a few drawbacks. First, you would need to modify your application to use a ResXResourceManager instead of a regular ResourceManager or ComponentResourceManager. The best approach here would be to use the ResourceManagerProvider class, also introduced in Chapter 12. In addition, in a Windows Forms application, you would need to use the Resource ManagerSetter component (also in Chapter 12) to change the resource manager in Windows Forms. Second, you would be advised to create two versions of your application: one for production and one for translation/localization. The former would use either ResourceManager (Windows Forms 1.1, ASP.NET 1.1) or Component ResourceManager (Windows Forms 2.0), and the latter would use ResXResource Manager. In this way, the production version uses the resource managers that are optimized for performance, and the translation/localization version uses the resource manager that provides the necessary functionality for translating the application.

Linked Satellite Resource Assemblies

A less intrusive but less effective solution to the same problem is to use linked satellite resource assemblies. A linked satellite resource assembly is a satellite resource assembly in which the resources have been linked to the assembly instead of being embedded in the assembly. The satellite resource assemblies that have been discussed throughout the majority of this book have all used embedded resourcesthat is, the resources have been embedded inside the assembly. The resulting assembly is a single file that contains all the resources for a single culture. A linked satellite resource assembly, on the other hand, is an assembly that has links to separate .resources files in the same directory. The benefit of this solution is that it is unobtrusive. The application source code is not modified in any way; the solution is simply a packaging/deployment issue. The application continues to use the same ResourceManager or ComponentResourceManager as before. The difference between the production version and the translation/localization version is that the former uses embedded assemblies and the latter uses linked assemblies. There are two disadvantages to this solution. The first is that the translation/localization version must include some facility to convert the updated resx files to resources files (i.e., the only format recognized by linked resource assemblies). The second is that the ResourceManager class locks the resources files when it reads them, preventing them from being written to (i.e., when the resx file is converted to a resources file) until the ResourceManager's application domain is unloaded (which is typically when the application is closed) or the resources files are unlocked using Resource-Manager.ReleaseAllResources.

Building a Linked Satellite Resource Assembly Using the .NET Framework SDK

Visual Studio builds satellite resource assemblies with embedded resources, so to build a satellite resource assembly with linked resources, you have to use either the .NET Framework SDK tools or the .NET Framework classes. The former is suitable for inclusion in a build process, and we cover it in this section. The latter is suitable for inclusion in custom utilities, and we cover it in the next section.

In this example, we build a French (fr) satellite resource assembly. To convert a resx file to a resources file, use resgen.exe. Assuming that you have a resx file called, open a Visual Studio command prompt and, in the same folder as your resx file, type this:


The result is a new binary resource file called The .NET Framework SDK includes a tool called Assembly Linker (al.exe), which exists to create assemblies. The following command creates a French linked satellite resource assembly from the file:

 al /target:library /, /culture:fr /out:WindowsApplication1.resources.dll 

The /target switch specifies the output type (library, exe, or win). The /link switch tells Assembly Linker to add a linked resource. The "" part is the name of the file to link, and the " resources" part is the name that the resource is given inside the assembly. The resource name must be fully qualified, so it must include the application's default namespace (e.g., "Windows-Application1"). To create a "normal" resource assembly where resources are embedded, replace the /link switch with the /embed switch. To specify more than one resource to include in the assembly, you specify multiple /link or /embed switches. The /culture switch specifies the culture of the assembly and is essential. Simply placing the assembly in a directory with the culture name is not enough to identify its culture. Finally, the /out switch specifies the output assembly filename.

Building a Linked Satellite Resource Assembly Using .NET Framework Classes

The .NET Framework includes a class called AssemblyBuilder (in System. Reflection.Emit) that exists to build assemblies in code. To achieve the same result as the Assembly Linker in the previous example, I have written a method called BuildLinkedSatelliteResourceAssembly. It is called like this:

 BuildLinkedSatelliteResourceAssembly(     new string[] {""},     "WindowsApplication1",     new CultureInfo("fr"),     "WindowsApplication1.resources.dll"); 

The first parameter is an array of resources files to link. The second parameter is the default namespace. The third parameter is the CultureInfo. The fourth parameter is the resource assembly output filename. The method is implemented like this:

 public static void BuildLinkedSatelliteResourceAssembly(     string[] resourceFileNames, string defaultNamespace,     CultureInfo cultureInfo, string outputFilename) {     AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName();     assemblyName.CultureInfo = cultureInfo;     assemblyName.Name =         Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outputFilename);     AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder =         System.Threading.Thread.GetDomain().         DefineDynamicAssembly(assemblyName,         AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave,         Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFilename));     foreach(string resourceName in resourceFileNames)     {         assemblyBuilder.AddResourceFile(             defaultNamespace + "." + resourceName, resourceName);     }     assemblyBuilder.Save(assemblyName.Name + ".dll"); } 

The AssemblyBuilder class does not have a public constructor. Instead, you construct new AssemblyBuilder objects using the AppDomain.DefineDynamic Assembly method. This method accepts an AssemblyName object, which represents the full name of the assembly (name, culture, version, public key). DefineDynamic Assembly's second parameter specifies that the assembly can be executed and also saved to disk. The third parameter specifies the location of the new assembly.

The AssemblyBuilder.AddResourceFile method represents one of a tiny minority of methods in the .NET Framework that is poorly named. The name implies that it will add a resource file, but it does not do this. Instead, it adds a link to a resource file instead of embedding the resource in the assembly (to embed a resource, use the ModuleBuilder.DefineResource method). Finally, note that the AssemblyBuilder.Save method accepts a simple filename. It must not contain a path. The path is set in the original call to AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicAssembly.

Rebuilding Satellite Resource Assemblies

A variation on the previous theme is to rebuild the satellite resource assembly entirely using embedded resources. In this scenario, the translator/localizer gets the same production version of the application as everyone else. In addition, the translator/localizer gets the original resx files plus a utility to rebuild the satellite resource assemblies from those resx files. The benefits of this approach are that it is unobtrusive and you do not have to create a separate version of the application for the translator/localizer. There are several drawbacks to this approach, though. The first is that the satellite resource assembly is opened by the application, which means that it cannot be written to until the application is closed. Another potential drawback is that the new satellite assembly is not identical (excluding the resources) to the original satellite assembly. Information such as version information, public key, custom attributes, and AssemblyName.Flags is not transferred from the original assembly to the new (you see how to do this in the next section). Whether this is a problem depends upon whether your application needs this information. The final drawback is that the new assembly contains resources only for which resx files exist. If the original assembly contains resources for which no resx file is present (because not all of the original resx files used to build the assembly were deployed to the translator's machine), the new assembly will not contain that resource. Again, you learn how to overcome this in the next section.

To rebuild a satellite resource assembly from resx files, I have written a method called BuildEmbeddedSatelliteResourceAssembly, which is called like this:

 BuildEmbeddedSatelliteResourceAssembly(     new string[] {""},     "WindowsApplication1",     new CultureInfo("fr"),     "WindowsApplication1.resources.dll"); 

The parameters are the same as for the BuildLinkedSatelliteResource-Assembly method, shown earlier, with the exception that the filenames are resx files and not resources files. The method is implemented like this:

 public static void BuildEmbeddedSatelliteResourceAssembly(     string[] resourceFileNames,     string defaultNamespace,     CultureInfo cultureInfo,     string outputFilename) {     AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName();     assemblyName.CultureInfo = cultureInfo;     assemblyName.Name =         Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outputFilename);     AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder =         System.Threading.Thread.GetDomain().         DefineDynamicAssembly(         assemblyName,         AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave,         Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFilename));     ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder =         assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(         assemblyName.Name + ".dll",         assemblyName.Name + ".dll",         false);     foreach(string resourceFileName in resourceFileNames)     {         string resourceName = Path.ChangeExtension(             Path.GetFileName(resourceFileName), ".resources");         IResourceWriter resourceWriter =             moduleBuilder.DefineResource(             defaultNamespace + "." + resourceName,             resourceName, ResourceAttributes.Public);         WriteResourceFromResXToResourceWriter(             resourceWriter, resourceFileName);     }     assemblyBuilder.Save(assemblyName.Name + ".dll"); } 

The first part of the BuildEmbeddedSatelliteResourceAssembly method is the same as the previous BuildLinkedSatelliteResourceAssembly method. The differences start with the call to AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule, which defines a new module and enables us to add resources to the module using the ModuleBuilder return result. What is not obvious from this code is the importance of DefineDynamicModule's name parameter (i.e., its first parameter). For the resources to be embedded in the assembly, this parameter must exactly match the assemblies' filename (without the path).

The ModuleBuilder enables us to create new embedded resources using its DefineResource method. We do this in the foreach block, where we iterate through each of the resx files. DefineResource does not allow us to embed a resx or resources file wholesale in a single operation. Instead, it returns an IResourceWriter, which we use in WriteResourceFromResXToResourceWriter to add each entry in the resx file one by one:

 private static void WriteResourceFromResXToResourceWriter(     IResourceWriter resourceWriter, string resourceFileName) {     using (ResXResourceReader reader =         new ResXResourceReader(resourceFileName))     {         foreach(DictionaryEntry entry in reader)         {             resourceWriter.AddResource(                 entry.Key.ToString(), entry.Value);         }     } } 

Rebuilding Satellite Resource Assemblies from Original Assemblies

The solution to two of the drawbacks in the previous approach is to load missing information (e.g., resources, version information, public key, custom attributes) from the original assembly. To load this information, the original assembly must be loaded using reflection. This introduces a new drawback. When you load an assembly, it cannot be written to because it is already open. You could create a new application domain that could be unloaded before the new assembly is written, but satellite assemblies cannot be loaded into any domain other than the current domain (a SerializationException occurs). Microsoft's Introspection Engine (as used in FxCop), also called the Common Compiler Infrastructure (CCI), can solve this problem; however, at the time of writing, it is not part of the .NET Framework SDK and has little documentation, so I have chosen not to use it. However, it might become part of the .NET Framework SDK in the future, so this is a potential solution to remember. A workaround is to begin by copying the assembly to a temporary location, loading it from the temporary location, and then writing the new assembly to the original location. This works if the operation occurs once within an application domain, but thereafter the assembly is still loaded from the first attempt and subsequent attempts will fail. With this limitation in mind, I have written BuildEmbeddedSatelliteResourceAssemblyFromAssembly, which is called like this:

 BuildEmbeddedSatelliteResourceAssemblyFromAssembly(     new string[] {""},     "WindowsApplication1",     new CultureInfo("fr"),     "WindowsApplication1.resources.dll"); 

BuildEmbeddedSatelliteResourceAssemblyFromAssembly is implemented like this:

 public static void     BuildEmbeddedSatelliteResourceAssemblyFromAssembly(     string[] resourceFileNames,     string defaultNamespace,     CultureInfo cultureInfo,     string outputFileName) {     string inputFileName;     string tempPath = Path.GetTempPath();     if (tempPath.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()))         inputFileName = tempPath + Path.GetFileName(outputFileName);     else         inputFileName = tempPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +             Path.GetFileName(outputFileName);     if (File.Exists(inputFileName))         // there is already a version of the input file         // in the temporary folder         File.Delete(inputFileName);     // move original assembly to a temporary location     File.Move(outputFileName, inputFileName);     Assembly inputAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(inputFileName);     AssemblyName inputAssemblyName =         AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(inputFileName);     AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName();     assemblyName.CultureInfo = inputAssemblyName.CultureInfo;     assemblyName.Name =         Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outputFileName);     assemblyName.CodeBase = inputAssemblyName.CodeBase;     assemblyName.Version = inputAssemblyName.Version;     assemblyName.SetPublicKey(inputAssemblyName.GetPublicKey());     assemblyName.Flags = inputAssemblyName.Flags;     AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder =         System.Threading.Thread.GetDomain().         DefineDynamicAssembly(assemblyName,         AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave,         Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFileName));     AddVersionInfoResource(assemblyBuilder, inputAssembly);     ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder =         assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(         assemblyName.Name + ".dll",         assemblyName.Name + ".dll", false);     string[] resourceNames =        inputAssembly.GetManifestResourceNames();     foreach(string resourceName in resourceNames)     {         string fixedName = resourceName.Substring(             resourceName.IndexOf(".") + 1);         IResourceWriter resourceWriter =             moduleBuilder.DefineResource(             resourceName, fixedName, ResourceAttributes.Public);         WriteResourceToResourceWriter(             inputAssembly, resourceWriter, defaultNamespace,             resourceName, resourceFileNames);     }     assemblyBuilder.Save(assemblyName.Name + ".dll"); } 

This method follows a similar pattern to previous methods, with some notable differences. It starts by attempting to move the original assembly to a temporary location, and the "input" assembly is loaded from the temporary location (making the original location available to write the new assembly to). It loads its assembly name information (name, version, culture, public key) from the input assembly. It copies the input assembly's Version Information resource to the output assembly using AddVersionInfoResource. Previous methods in this chapter have iterated through all of the input resource files, adding them to the assembly. In this method, however, the driving force is not the input file list, but the resources that exist in the input assembly. Assembly.GetManifestResourceNames gets an array of resource names in the assembly. We walk through this list looking for matching input resource files. Where an input resource file is found, the resources are loaded from the input resource file. Where a matching resource file is not found, the resources are loaded from the input assembly. This process occurs in the WriteResourceToResourceWriter method:

 private static void WriteResourceToResourceWriter(     Assembly inputAssembly,     IResourceWriter resourceWriter,     string defaultNamespace,     string resourceName,     string[] resourceFileNames) {     string resourceFileName = GetResourceFile(         defaultNamespace, resourceName, resourceFileNames);     if (resourceFileName != null)         WriteResourceFromResXToResourceWriter(             resourceWriter, resourceFileName);     else         WriteResourceFromAssemblyToResourceWriter(             inputAssembly, resourceWriter, resourceName); } private static string GetResourceFile(     string defaultNamespace,     string resourceName,     string[] resourceFileNames) {     foreach(string resourceFileName in resourceFileNames)     {         string resourceFileNameWithResourcesExtension =             Path.GetFileName(Path.ChangeExtension(             resourceFileName, ".resources"));         if (String.Compare(resourceName,             defaultNamespace + "." +             resourceFileNameWithResourcesExtension,             true,             CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0)             return resourceFileName;     }     return null; } 

WriteResourceToResourceWriter uses the GeTResourceFile method to determine whether the resource should be loaded from the resource file or the assembly. The WriteResourceFromResXToResourceWriter method is the same method as shown earlier in this chapter. The WriteResourceFromAssemblyToResourceWriter method is this:

 private static void WriteResourceFromAssemblyToResourceWriter(     Assembly inputAssembly,     IResourceWriter resourceWriter,     string resourceName) {     Stream resourceStream =         inputAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);     try     {         ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSet(resourceStream);         IDictionaryEnumerator dictionaryEnumerator =             resourceSet.GetEnumerator();         while (dictionaryEnumerator.MoveNext())         {             object resourceValue = resourceSet.GetObject(                 dictionaryEnumerator.Key.ToString(), true);             resourceWriter.AddResource(                 dictionaryEnumerator.Key.ToString(), resourceValue);         }     }     finally     {         resourceStream.Close();     } } 

The Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream gets a resource Stream from the assembly, given a resource name. The ResourceSet constructor accepts a stream as a source of resources, so iterating over the entries in this stream is straightforward.

Rebuilding Satellite Resource Assemblies from Original Assemblies Without Resx Files

One last option that you might consider is to not ship your resx files to your translator/localizer at all. At first, this might not seem like such a great idea because, without resx files, how will your translator/localizer translate the resources? However, consider that the previous example could draw on resources from the original assembly when resx files were missing. If all the resx files were missing, the satellite resource assembly would become the complete source of resources. Clearly, there is not much point in rebuilding an assembly that is exactly the same as the original (you would be better off simply copying the file), but if your translation tool could read resources directly from the assembly, you would not need to ship resx files to the translator/localizer. The resx files are, after all, just an intermediary file that allows the resources to be modified as XML. If you write your own translation tools, the need for XML files disappears. The benefit to this approach is that the translator gets exactly the same version of the application as everyone else. In addition, no special preparation is needed to add resources files to the translator's copy. When the translator has finished translating/localizing, it simply sends back the satellite resource assemblies. One disadvantage to this approach is that when the assemblies are returned to development, they have to be processed to be converted back into resx files. You might argue, however, that this reintegration step is a necessary step, regardless of whether files are returned from the translator/localizer as resx files, satellite resource assemblies, or a database. Another disadvantage to this approach is that it makes using WinRes a little more difficult; resources must be copied out from the satellite resource assembly to a temporary resx file because WinRes can read only resx files. This is another justification for writing a WinRes alternative.

Signed Assemblies

The translation/localization strategies for rebuilding assemblies offered in this chapter are less suitable if you sign your assemblies. The problem is that you need to rebuild the satellite resource assemblies, but you don't want to release your private key for these assemblies to be re-signed. If you do sign your assemblies, you need to ship a separate version of your application to your translator/localizer. The production version of your application would use signed assemblies, and the translator/localizer's version would either use delay-signed assemblies or would use an alternative solution altogether (e.g., ResXResourceManager).

WinRes Translation/Localization Strategies

In Chapter 4, "Windows Forms Specifics," I introduced the Windows Resource Localization Editor (WinRes.exe). To recap, WinRes is part of the .NET Framework SDK and allows localizers to localize Windows Forms using an editor that closely resembles the Visual Studio Windows Forms Designer. As such, the translator/localizer must install the .NET Framework SDK to use WinRes. WinRes is covered in depth in Chapter 4, so you should refer back to this chapter if you are unfamiliar with it. In this section, we look at issues that are specific to the translation/localization process.

Invoking WinRes from Within an Application

WinRes can be used by the translator/localizer simply by running WinRes.exe and selecting a relevant resource file. However, this process will rapidly become tedious in a large application, and developers can provide a little help in this area to simplify this process. WinRes can be invoked from within the application itself. The idea is that the translator/localizer uses the application as is, and whenever he wants to translate/localize a form, he presses some key or performs some action that invokes WinRes for the current context. This speeds up the translation/localization process and reduces the translators/localizer's need to manually map forms to files. It is not a panacea, however, because the translator/localizer might well want to invoke WinRes manually, but automating the process will save some time and aggravation.

The essential process of invoking WinRes is achieved using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start:

 Process.Start("WinRes.exe", ""); 

This passes "" as a parameter to WinRes.exe. This assumes that WinRes.exe and are in the same directory as the application, which is unrealistic, so a little more work is required. The InvokeWinRes class included in the downloadable source for this book solves the problem with a little more polish. We start with the problem of deciding upon an action that the translator/localizer should use to invoke WinRes. I have chosen a keystroke of F10 (simply because I don't use F10 very often in Windows Forms applications). To use it, I set the Form's KeyPreview to true and add a KeyUp event:

 private void Form1_KeyUp(     object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e) {     InvokeWinRes.CheckInvoke(e.KeyCode, this); } 

This is best set up in some form base class from which all forms inherit. The InvokeWinRes.CheckInvoke method checks the key pressed against the keystroke designated to invoke WinRes and attempts to invoke WinRes for the given form. InvokeWinRes has the following fields, which have corresponding property wrappers:

 private static bool enabled = true; private static string resourceExtension = ".resx"; private static string resourcePath = @"resources\"; private static Keys invokeKey = Keys.F10; private static string winResPath; 

The enabled field and corresponding property allow developers to turn off InvokeWinRes. You would turn it off in the production version. The resourceExtension field and corresponding property enable you to switch to another extension (which, given the current functionality of WinRes, could be only ".resources"). The resourcePath field and corresponding property enable you to specify where the resx files are. The invokeKey and corresponding property specify the keystroke used to invoke WinRes. The winResPath field is the path to the WinRes executable (and required DLLs). The corresponding property initializes winResPath by looking for WinRes.exe in the application's path and falling back to the location of the .NET Framework SDK. It is important that it looks first in the application's path because WinRes 2.0 is typically placed in the application's path to locate the application's assemblies in order to load forms that use form inheritance (see the "WinRes and Visual Form Inheritance" section of Chapter 4). Here is the WinResPath property:

 public static string WinResPath {     get     {         if (winResPath == null)         {             string applicationPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(                 Application.ExecutablePath);             if (File.Exists(applicationPath +                 Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "WinRes.exe"))                 winResPath = applicationPath;             else             {                 string frameworkSdkPath = GetFrameworkSdkPath();                 if (frameworkSdkPath != null &&                     frameworkSdkPath != String.Empty)                     winResPath = frameworkSdkPath + "bin";             }         }         return winResPath;     }     set {winResPath = value;} } protected static string GetFrameworkSdkPath() {     string sourcesKeyName = @"Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework";     RegistryKey frameworkKey =         Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(sourcesKeyName);     if (frameworkKey == null)         return null;     string frameworkVersion =         System.Environment.Version.Major.ToString() + "." +         System.Environment.Version.Minor.ToString();     object sdkValue = frameworkKey.GetValue(         @"sdkInstallRootv" + frameworkVersion);     if (sdkValue == null)         return null;     return sdkValue.ToString(); } 

The GetFrameworkSdkPath method gets the location of the .NET Framework SDK that corresponds to the version of the .NET Framework that the application is using. So if the application is a Windows Forms 1.1 application running on a development machine, the key would be HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\sdkInstallRootv1.1 and the value would be something like C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\SDK\v1.1\. The WinResPath property then appends "bin" to the folder name to get to the SDK's binaries.

The InvokeWinRes.CheckInvoke method is a convenient wrapper around the InvokeWinRes.Invoke method:

 public static void CheckInvoke(Keys key, Form form) {     CheckInvoke(key, form.GetType().Name); } public static void CheckInvoke(Keys key, string baseName) {     if (key == invokeKey)     {         Invoke(baseName);     } } 

After the keystroke is checked, Invoke is called with the baseName of the form (e.g., "Form1"). InvokeWinRes.Invoke is this:

 public static void Invoke(string baseName) {     if (enabled)     {         string winResPath = WinResPath;         if (winResPath == null || winResPath == String.Empty)             MessageBox.Show("WinRes path is not found");         else         {             string winResProgram = winResPath + @"\WinRes.exe";             if (! File.Exists(winResProgram))                 MessageBox.Show(String.Format(                    "WinRes ({0}) not found", winResProgram));             else             {                 bool isFileFound = false;                 CultureInfo cultureInfo =                     Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture;                 string resxFileName = resourcePath + baseName +                     "." + cultureInfo.Name + resourceExtension;                 StringBuilder resxFileNamesBuilder =                     new StringBuilder(resxFileName);                 while (true)                 {                     if (File.Exists(resxFileName))                     {                         Process.Start(winResProgram, resxFileName);                         isFileFound = true;                         break;                     }                     if (cultureInfo == cultureInfo.Parent)                         break;                     cultureInfo = cultureInfo.Parent;                     if (cultureInfo.Equals(                         CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))                         resxFileName = resourcePath + baseName +                             resourceExtension;                     else                         resxFileName = resourcePath + baseName + "."                             + cultureInfo.Name + resourceExtension;                     resxFileNamesBuilder.Append(", " + resxFileName);                 }                 if (! isFileFound)                 {                     MessageBox.Show(String.Format(                         "No resx files ({0}) found to translate"                         , resxFileNamesBuilder.ToString()));                 }             }         }     } } 

The Invoke method cycles through CultureInfos looking for a corresponding resource file. So if the CurrentUICulture is "fr-FR", then it first looks for "". If this is not found, it then looks for the parent ("") and then its parent ("Form1.resx"), until there are no more parents. Notice that the error messages are not localized. I have taken the attitude that these messages are intended for the translator/localizer, and working on the principle that the vast majority of translators/localizers read English, it is not necessary to localize these messages.

Using WinRes with Formats Other than Resx and Resources

One of the limitations of WinRes is that it can read and write only resx and resources files. If you have used another format (such as a database), WinRes cannot be made to read your format. The workaround is to export the resources from their original format to a temporary resx file, run WinRes, and then import the resources from the resx file into the original format. Whether this export/import process occurs on the fly or whether it is part of the setup process on the localizer's machine is a matter of preference. However, if the modified resources are not immediately reimported after the localizer has made changes, the application will not immediately reflect those changes.

To export the resources from their original source to resx files, we use the IResourcesGovernor interface and ResourcesGovernor classes created in Chapter 10, "Resource Administration." The InvokeWinRes resourcesGovernor field and corresponding ResourcesGovernor property are as follows:

 private static IResourcesGovernor resourcesGovernor; public static IResourcesGovernor ResourcesGovernor {     get {return resourcesGovernor;}     set {resourcesGovernor = value;} } 

These allow the application to specify what the original source of the resources is. Typically, this would be specified at the same time that the IResourcesGovernor is initially created (i.e., at application start up):

 public Form1() {     InvokeWinRes.ResourcesGovernor = new DbResourcesGovernor(         "server=localhost;database=InvokingWinRes;" +         "trusted_connection=true");     InitializeComponent(); } 

The InvokeWinRes.Invoke method needs a couple lines added to export the resource immediately before WinRes is invoked. The following two lines are added immediately inside the else block, which has determined that WinRes can be invoked:

 if (resourcesGovernor != null)     ExportResources(baseName); 

So if a ResourcesGovernor has been set, the resources must be exported from that ResourcesGovernor to resx files. This is what the ExportResources method does:

 protected static void ExportResources(string baseName) {     if (resourcesGovernor != null)     {         IResourcesGovernor outputResourcesGovernor =             new ResXResourcesGovernor(resourcePath);         CultureInfo cultureInfo =             Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture;         ArrayList resourceSets = new ArrayList();         ArrayList cultureInfos = new ArrayList();         while (true)         {             IResourceGovernor inputResourceGovernor =                 resourcesGovernor.GetResourceGovernor(                 baseName, cultureInfo);             ResourceSet resourceSet =                 inputResourceGovernor.ReadResourceSet();             resourceSets.Add(resourceSet);             cultureInfos.Add(cultureInfo);             if (cultureInfo == cultureInfo.Parent)                 break;             cultureInfo = cultureInfo.Parent;         }         for(int cultureInfoNumber = cultureInfos.Count - 1;             cultureInfoNumber >= 0; cultureInfoNumber--)         {             ResourceSet resourceSet =                 (ResourceSet) resourceSets[cultureInfoNumber];             cultureInfo =                 (CultureInfo) cultureInfos[cultureInfoNumber];             if (resourceSet != null)             {                 IResourceGovernor outputResourceGovernor =                     outputResourcesGovernor.GetResourceGovernor(                     baseName, cultureInfo);                 outputResourceGovernor.WriteResourceSet(resourceSet);             }         }     } } 

This method exports all resources for the given base name (e.g., "Form1") from the original source to resx files. The algorithm that the ExportResources method uses is not as straightforward as you might have imagined for solving this problem. Indeed, if you were to refactor this code, you would probably end up with a slicker solution to the problem. ExportResources takes two passes through the culture hierarchy, and at this stage in the problem, there is no justification for taking these two passes. However, this approach will become necessary in the next section, so, for now, take it on trust that this is necessary.

ExportResources cycles through the culture hierarchy from the CurrentUICulture (e.g., "") through all of its parents (e.g., "" and "Form1"), getting a ResourceSet from the "input" source (using IResourceGovernor.Read-ResourceSet()). The CultureInfo and its corresponding ResourceSet are stored in lists. The subsequent for loop traverses these lists in the reverse order, so the invariant culture is processed first, then the neutral culture, and then the specific culture, each writing the ResourceSet to the "output" source (using IResourceGovernor. WriteResourceSet()). Again, at this point, there is nothing to be gained in traversing the list in one direction, so this additional effort is not yet necessary.

WinRes 1.1 and Single File Mode

In Chapter 4, you learned that the WinRes included in the .NET Framework 2.0 supports two file modes: Visual Studio File Mode and Single File Mode. Unfortunately, the WinRes included in the .NET Framework 1.1 supports just Single File Mode. This means that the resx files created by Visual Studio 2003 are incompatible with WinRes 1.1, and vice versa. The distinction between the two modes is that Visual Studio maintains resx files using inheritance, whereas WinRes's Single File Mode does not use inheritance and "flattens" resx files. That is, WinRes 1.1 resx files must be wholly contained and self-sufficient. In this section, we work around this limitation so that WinRes 1.1 can be used with Visual Studio 2003's resx files.

The solution is straightforward: We must "flatten" the resx files that WinRes uses. This means that the resx files must contain all their own resources, plus the resources of their parents and their grandparents, etc. So should contain all its own resources, plus all the resources of Form1.resx. Similarly, should contain all the resources of (which now includes all the resources of its parent, Form1.resx).

The flattening process is achieved using IResourceGovernor.AddResourceSet, which is implemented in the ResourceGovernor base class:

 public void AddResourceSet(     ResourceSet resourceSet1, ResourceSet resourceSet2) {     Hashtable resourceTable1 = GetResourceSetTable(resourceSet1);     IDictionaryEnumerator resourceSet2Enumerator =         resourceSet2.GetEnumerator();     while (resourceSet2Enumerator.MoveNext())     {         DictionaryEntry entry =             (DictionaryEntry) resourceSet2Enumerator.Current;         if (! resourceTable1.ContainsKey(entry.Key))             resourceTable1.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);     } } 

This method accepts two ResourceSets. The entries of the second ResourcSet that do not already exist in the first ResourceSet are added to the first ResourcSet. So the first ResourceSet might represent, and the second Resource Set might represent

The point in time at which the flattening should occur is dependent upon the original source of the resources. If the original source is not a resx file format (e.g., it is a database), the resources must be flattened when they are exported. This requires a change to the ExportResources method shown in the previous section. The for loop now looks like this:

 for(int cultureInfoNumber = cultureInfos.Count - 1;     cultureInfoNumber >= 0; cultureInfoNumber--) {     ResourceSet resourceSet =         (ResourceSet) resourceSets[cultureInfoNumber];     cultureInfo = (CultureInfo) cultureInfos[cultureInfoNumber];     if (resourceSet != null)     {         IResourceGovernor outputResourceGovernor =             outputResourcesGovernor.GetResourceGovernor(             baseName, cultureInfo);         if (System.Environment.Version.Major == 1 &&             cultureInfoNumber != cultureInfos.Count - 1)         {             ResourceSet parentResourceSet = (ResourceSet)                 resourceSets[cultureInfoNumber + 1];             outputResourceGovernor.AddResourceSet(                 resourceSet, parentResourceSet);         }         outputResourceGovernor.WriteResourceSet(resourceSet);     } } 

The difference lies in the innermost if statement. It checks the major version of the .NET Framework, and if it is 1, it knows that the resx files must be flattened. At this point, the reasoning behind walking through the list cultures twice should be clearer. This for loop starts with the invariant resources and then proceeds to the neutral resources. The neutral resources must be flattened before the specific resources so that the specific resources contain the resources of both the neutral and the invariant resources.

If the original source of resources is resx files, a better solution would be to perform this flattening process when the resx files are prepared for translation and sent to the translator/localizer.

.NET Internationalization(c) The Developer's Guide to Building Global Windows and Web Applications
.NET Internationalization: The Developers Guide to Building Global Windows and Web Applications
ISBN: 0321341384
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 213 © 2008-2017.
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