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As an experienced Word user, you've undoubtedly grown accustomed to using a few standard techniques for finding files and winding your way through documents. For instance, most people locate and open documents using common navigation tools such as Windows Explorer and the Open dialog box. They can then navigate through open Word documents using scroll bars, keyboard keys (such as Page Up and Page Down), and keyboard shortcuts. In addition to these standard means of document navigation, you can use several other Word tools to find and navigate through documents, including the Basic File Search and Advanced File Search task panes; the Document Map; the Find, Replace, and Go To features; and the File Search dialog box. This chapter takes a look at Word's document navigation tools—the ones that go above and beyond basic document navigation.
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Word provides numerous document navigation tools, some of which don't even seem like document navigation tools on the surface. This chapter presents the main navigation tools beyond basic browsing, but other means of moving through documents are discussed elsewhere in this book. For example, you can move through documents using the following techniques:
Jump to marked locations within your document by using bookmarks. (Bookmarks are introduced in "Creating Bookmarks for Document Navigation,", and are described in more detail in Chapter 23, "Configuring Footnotes, Endnotes, and Cross-References.")
Browse from component to component using the Select Browse Object options. (Browsing is introduced in Chapter 2, "Mastering Document Fundamentals," and is discussed further in this chapter in "Jumping to Document Areas Using the Go To and Select Browse Object Options,".)
Move quickly from section to section using outline levels. (See Chapter 10, "Outlining Documents for Clarity and Structure.")
Work with multiple-file documents using Master Documents. (See Chapter 20, "Creating and Controlling Master Documents.")
Keep in mind that the ultimate goal is to become comfortable with the various document navigation tools so that you can access the information you need efficiently and almost automatically.
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