Section 12.1. What Is a Component?

12.1. What Is a Component?

A component is an encapsulated, reusable, and replaceable part of your software. You can think of components as building blocks: you combine them to fit together (possibly building successively larger components) to form your software. Because of this, components can range in size from relatively small, about the size of a class, up to a large subsystem.

Good candidates for components are items that perform a key functionality and will be used frequently throughout your system. Software, such as loggers, XML parsers, or online shopping carts, are components you may already be using. These happen to be examples of common third-party components, but the same principles apply to components you create yourself.

In your own system, you might create a component that provides services or access to data. For example, in a CMS you could have a conversion management component that converts blogs to different formats, such as RSS feeds. RSS feeds are commonly used to provide XML-formatted updates to online content (such as blogs).

In UML, a component can do the same things a class can do: generalize and associate with other classes and components, implement interfaces, have operations, and so on. Furthermore, as with composite structures (see Chapter 11), they can have ports and show internal structure. The main difference between a class and a component is that a component generally has bigger responsibilities than a class. For example, you might create a user information class that contains a user's contact information (her name and email address) and a user management component that allows user accounts to be created and checked for authenticity. Furthermore, it's common for a component to contain and use other classes or components to do its job.

Since components are major players in your software design, it's important that they are loosely coupled so that changes to a component do not affect the rest of your system. To promote loose coupling and encapsulation, components are accessed through interfaces. Recall from Chapter 5 that interfaces separate a behavior from its implementation. By allowing components to access each other through interfaces, you can reduce the chance that a change in one component will cause a ripple of breaks throughout your system. Refer back to Chapter 5 for a review of interfaces.

Learning UML 2.0
Learning UML 2.0
ISBN: 0596009828
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 175 © 2008-2017.
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