OLE DB Programmer's Reference

The MEASURES rowset contains information about the available measures.


The rowset has the structure described in the following table.

Column name Type indicator Description
CATALOG_NAME DBTYPE_WSTR Optional. The name of the catalog to which this measure belongs. NULL if the provider does not support catalogs.
SCHEMA_NAME DBTYPE_WSTR Optional. The name of the schema to which this measure belongs. NULL if the provider does not support schemas.
CUBE_NAME DBTYPE_WSTR Required. Name of the cube to which this measure belongs.
MEASURE_NAME DBTYPE_WSTR Required. Name of the measure.
MEASURE_UNIQUE_NAME DBTYPE_WSTR Required. Unique name of the measure. For providers that generate unique names by qualification, each component of this name is delimited.
MEASURE_CAPTION DBTYPE_WSTR Required. A label or caption associated with the measure. Used primarily for display purposes. If a caption does not exist, MEASURE_NAME is returned.
MEASURE_GUID DBTYPE_GUID Optional. Measure GUID. NULL if the measure does not have a GUID.
MEASURE_AGGREGATOR DBTYPE_I4 Required. How a measure was derived. Can be one of the following values:
  • MDMEASURE_AGGR_STD: The aggregation function was SUM, COUNT, MIN, MAX, AVG, VAR, or STDEV, respectively.
  • MDMEASURE_AGGR_CALCULATED: The measure was derived from a formula that was not any single function above.
  • MDMEASURE_AGGR_UNKNOWN: The aggregation function or formula used to derive this measure was unknown.
DATA_TYPE DBTYPE_UI2 Required. Data type of the measure. Can be any of the types listed in Appendix A: Data Types.
NUMERIC_PRECISION DBTYPE_UI2 Required. If the measure object's data type is exact numeric, this is the maximum precision of the property. NULL for all other property types.
NUMERIC_SCALE DBTYPE_I2 Required. If the measure object's type indicator is DBTYPE_NUMERIC or DBTYPE_DECIMAL, this is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. Otherwise, this value is NULL.
MEASURE_UNITS DBTYPE_WSTR Required. The unit of measurement. Examples are "dollars", "boxes sold", "tons shipped", "pounds", and "millions". Typically, a consumer appends this to the display caption of the measure. If a unit is not available, the provider returns an empty string.
DESCRIPTION DBTYPE_WSTR Optional. A human-readable description of the measure. NULL if no description exists.

1998-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Microsoft Ole Db 2.0 Programmer's Reference and Data Access SDK
Microsoft OLE DB 2.0 Programmers Reference and Data Access SDK (Microsoft Professional Editions)
ISBN: 0735605904
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1998
Pages: 1083 © 2008-2017.
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