

Scalars, 288

Scan lines, 165

Scan rates, 162


Scene graphs

defining, 326

optimizing, 335

rootnode of, 343

using, 326–340

SceneGraph.cpp files, 326–327

SceneGraph.h files, 326–327


attaching to, 329

implementing, 327–329


adding, 351–354

building, 340–343

code definition of, 329–330

deleting, 354–355

implementing, 330–332


bad schedules, warning signs of, 458–459

balancing, 480–483

bugs, postponing, 554–555

creating, 477–488

crunch mode, 549–551

features, cutting, 554–555

milestone acceptance time, 483, 485

milestones, inserting into, 484–485

pixel fodder, 551–553

production-stopping events, 483–484

slipping, 553–554


asset-based scheduling, 475–476

cluebooks and, 476

experience of programmers and, 476–477

with Microsoft Project, 471–473

milestones, 457, 459–471

programming tasks of game features, 473–474

user guides and, 476

Scientific method, application to software systems, 430–433

Scintillation, 321


Screen classes, inheriting, 151

Screen designs, scheduling with, 475

Screen Manager, 140–141, 143

Screen modes, flipped, 174

Screen size, variations in, 6–7

Screen space, transforming camera space vertices into, 305–306


collision system, 356

data, loading, 356

data, saving, 356

DirectX Playground, plugging into, 351–355

Screens, 140–145

active, detecting and tracking, 142–144

aspect ratio, 305

dirty rectangle drawing of, 197–198

messages from controls, accepting, 151

modal dialog, preparing for, 147–148

preloading, 140

rendering, 43–44

transitions between, 140

Scripting languages, 83

Scripts, managing text with, 73–74

Security, 259

Seed, 84

SetFrame() method, 192

Sethi, Ravi, 80

SetPixel method, 171–172

Sets, pseudo-random traversal of, 93–98

Shapes, 283

Shift key, 135–138

Ship date, predicting, 466, 531–534

Single buffering, 162

Single/multithreaded access, protecting from, 72

Skip value, calculating, 94

Sky node, 355

SlowStruct, 66–67

Smart message box system, 374

Smart pointers, 52–59

limitations of, 58

purpose of, 52

SmartPtr, 54–58

Software, functional parts of, 201

Software development kits (SDKs), 4–5

Software development practices, 44


Linux environment use, 6

Playstation 2, 5–7, 63

Sound effects for controls, 156

Sound systems, debugging, 453

Sounds, 156–157

programming tasks associated with, 473, 478

storage formats, 252–257

subsampling, 322

Source Art and Sound settings, 256

Source code, repositories of, 106–114

Source code tree, rebuildable, 465–466

Source control management, 107

Source directory, purpose of, 101–102

Sprite class, 188–189

Sprite engines, 21

Sprites. See also 2D technology.

animating, 191–196

basic class of, 188–189

dirty rectangle drawing for, 197–198

drawing, 191–196

frame number of, 191–192

hotspots of, 190–191

initializing, 196–197

order, sorting, 189–191

position, sorting, 189–191

restoring, 197

separating from 3D polygons, 36–37

transparency of, 21–22

width and height of, 191

Stack corruption, debugging, 450–451

Stack memory, 60–63

StarTeam (Starbase), 111

Static code analysis, 444

Stderr, 442

Stereo versus mono, 254

STL reverse iterator, 142

Storage requirements, 29–30

Storage space, stress testing, 500

Stream constructors

implementing, 51–52

testing, 52

Streaming video, 255–257

Stress tests, 494, 499–502

StretchBit method, 169

Subsampling, 321–322


database for, 478

tasks associated with, 478–479

web components of, 478

Superstrings, 286

Surface normals, storage of, 293


character set, pre-drawing into, 182–183

color key setting, 170

copying, 173–174

copying, with alpha channels, 174–182

creating, 166–167

drawing on, 167–169

fonts, drawing to, 185–186

invalid, 174

memory surfaces, 165–167

restoring, 197

video surfaces, 165–167

System RAM (SRAM), 59–63

System resources, checking, 208–209

Game Coding Complete
Game Coding Complete
ISBN: 1932111751
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 139 © 2008-2017.
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