Takuji, Nishimura, 84
$(TargetDir), 105–106
$(TargetName), 105–106
$(TargetPath), 105–106
Targets, draw helpers for, 440
Task inventory, 475–477
collecting, 477–479
time estimates for tasks, 479–480, 483
TCP, 39–40
Teapotahedron, 340–344
Tearing, 162–163
Test directory, purpose of, 102
Test plans, 494–495
TestCooperationLevel, 372–373
Testing, 44
automated, 506–515
against Beta version of operating systems, 505
bug report, sample, 522–525
configuration tests, 495, 503–505
functional tests, 494–499
internal testing groups, 534
memory, adding additional, 72
playability tests, 494, 502
public beta test, 535–536
publisher testing groups, 534–535
scheduling, 505–506
stress tests, 494, 499–502
test plans, 494–495
usability tests, 495, 502–503
Testing teams, 506, 534–535
beta testers, 535–536
console manufacturer testers, 535
internal testers, 534
out of house testers, 535
publisher testers, 534–535
test lead, 535
test manager, 535
Text, drawing, 182–188
Texture coordinates, 311
Textured objects, scintillation of, 321
Textured vertices, 311–312
Textures, 32, 283
bi-linear filtering, 322
creating, 319–320
frequency of, 321–322
mip-mapping, 322–323
storage formats, 252–253
subsampling and, 321–322
tiling, 312
tri-linear filtering, 323
Texturing, 319–321
Time estimates for tasks, 479–480
Tokens, defining, 80
Tools, programming tasks associated with, 474
Tooltips, 156
Tradeshows, 8
Transfer rate, 21
Transform matrices, 293–294
for vectors to quaternions, 302
for world space vertices to camera space, 304
Transform rate, 22
code definition of, 332–333
implementing, 333–334
matrix concatenation with, encapsulating, 334
Transforms, 284
multiple, 298–299
order of, 299
projection transformation, 305–306
rotations, 295–297, 299
translations, 294–295
view transformations, 303–304
world transforms, 303
Translation matrices, 294
Translation transforms, DirectX code for, 298
Translation vectors, 350
Tree directories, creating, 387–388
Tri-linear filtering, 323
Triangle fan, 312
Triangle list, 312
Triangle meshes, 312–314
indexed, 314–318
Triangle strip, 312
Triangles, 283, 306–307
vertices of, 306
Triggers, programming tasks associated with, 473
Triple buffering, 164
Two axis controllers, 127–134
device-handling code for, 126