

RAD Game Tools, 363

Bink Video Tools, 39

Miles Sound System, 39

RAID application, 516

RAID array, for storing uncompressed video, 256–257

RAM, stress testing, 499–500

Random number generator, 84

Rasterization, 284

Rational, 111

Raw materials, 283–284

RCS, 109–110

ReallySlowStruct, 66–67

Rectangular hit testing, 152

Red-green-blue (RGB) colors, mapping pixel values to, 171

Reddy, M., 281

Reference counting

implementing, 54–57

methods of, 52–54

Registry key, creating, 382

Regular expressions

defining, 78

list of, 77

Release builds, 412

change reports for, 467

milestones depending on, 465

release to manufacturing (or Web), 470–471

zero bugs, 469–470

Release directory, purpose of, 101

Release() method, 53–54

Release mode only bugs, debugging, 452–453

Release to Manufacturing (or Web) milestone, 470–471

Remote debugging, 422–424

Renderer, 43–44

decoupling form game code, 44

Renderware Graphics (Criterion Software), 27, 357–358

physics engine, 360–362

Renderware Studio, 358

ResCache class, 272–276

Allocate() function, 274–275

Find() function, 273–274

Free() function, 275

Get() function, 273

ResCache() function, 276

Research branch, 112

Resolution, 19–22

reducing, 256

stress testing settings, 500–501

Resource cache, 42–43, 196–197, 269–281

cache misses, 269, 280

initializing, 219

memory block, tracking, 271

multiple separate, 277

multithread compliant, 277

programming tasks associated with, 474

ResCache class, 272–276

resource identifiers, 270

resources, tracking, 271

thrashing, 269

Resource file builder, 261–268

features of, 268

Resource files, 196–197, 251, 257–259. See also Game Resources

creating, 197

storing, 261–268

Restore() method, 197

Restoring, 197

Riven (Cyan), camera movement in, 23–24

Roll, 300

Rotation matrices, 295–297, 299

Rotation transforms, DirectX code for, 298

Rotations, with quaternions, 301–302

Row ordering, 64

Run time analyzers, 441

Game Coding Complete
Game Coding Complete
ISBN: 1932111751
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 139 © 2008-2017.
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