Designing a Distributed Job Assignment Application

Designing a Distributed Job Assignment Application

The job assignment application consists of two parts, a server and a client. The client will communicate with only a single server, whereas the server will communicate with any number of clients. The server application must maintain state for all clients as well as perform the following tasks:

  • Allow clients to choose job assignments

  • Allow clients to indicate a job is complete

  • Notify clients of new jobs in real time

  • Track all jobs assigned and completed by each client

The client s main purpose is data entry; therefore, a user interface is required. The main screen of the user interface should show a list of all jobs currently on the server and should contain controls that allow the user to create, assign, and update jobs. The client should meet the following additional requirements:

  • Allow the user to choose job assignments from available jobs

  • Allow the user to indicate a job is complete

  • Handle real-time notification of new jobs

  • Handle real-time notification of job assignments

Microsoft. NET Remoting
Microsoft .NET Remoting (Pro-Developer)
ISBN: 0735617783
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 46 © 2008-2017.
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