Section 12.2. Socket-to-Protocol Interface


12.2. Socket-to-Protocol Interface

The interface from the socket routines to the communication protocols is through the user request table pr_usrreqs() and the pr_ctloutput() routine, which are defined in the protocol-switch table for each protocol. When the socket layer requires services of a supporting protocol, it makes a call to one of the functions in Table 12.3. The control-output routine implements the getsockopt and setsockopt system calls; the user-request routines are used for all other operations. Calls to pr_ctloutput() specify SOPT_GET to get the current value of an option, or SOPT_SET to set the value of an option.

Table 12.3. pr_usrreqs() routine table.

Entry point



abort connection and detach


accept connection from peer


attach protocol to socket


bind name to socket


establish connection to peer


connect two sockets


control protocol operation (ioctl)


detach protocol from socket


disconnect from peer


listen for connections


fetch peer's address


have taken data; more room now


retrieve out-of-band data


send these data


sense socket status (fstat)


will not send any more data


fetch socket's address


fast path for sosend


fast path for sereceive


fast path for sopoll

Protocol User-Request Routines

Calls to the user-request routines have a routine-specific signature, but the first argument is always a pointer to a socket structure, which specifies the socket for which the operation is intended. An mbuf data chain is supplied for output operations and for certain other operations where a result is to be returned. A pointer to a sockaddr structure is supplied for address-oriented requests, such as pru_bind(), pru_connect(), and pru_send() (when an address is specified e.g., the sendto call). Where it is used, the control parameter is a pointer to an optional mbuf chain containing protocol-specific control information passed via the sendmsg call. Each protocol is responsible for disposal of the data mbuf chains on output operations. A nonzero return value from a user-request routine indicates an error number that should be passed to higher-level software. A description of each of the possible requests follows:

  • pru_attach(): attach protocol to socket. When a protocol is first bound to a socket (with the socket system call), the protocol module's pru_attach() routine is called. It is the responsibility of the protocol module to allocate any resources necessary. The attach routine will always precede any of the other operations and will occur only once per socket.

  • pru_detach(): detach protocol from socket. This operation is the inverse of the attach routine and is used at the time that a socket is deleted. The protocol module may deallocate any resources that it allocated for the socket in a previous pru_attach() call.

  • pru_bind(): bind address to socket. When a socket is initially created, it has no address bound to it. This routine binds an address to an existing socket. The protocol module must verify that the requested address is valid and is available for use.

  • pru_listen(): listen for incoming connections. The listen request routine indicates that the user wishes to listen for incoming connection requests on the associated socket. The protocol module should make any state changes needed to meet this request (if possible). A call to the listen routine always precedes any request to accept a connection.

  • pru_connect(): connect socket to peer. The connect request routine indicates that the user wants to establish an association. The addr parameter describes the peer to which a connection is desired. The effect of a connect request may vary depending on the protocol. Stream protocols use this request to initiate establishment of a network connection. Datagram protocols simply record the peer's address in a private data structure, where they use it as the destination address of all outgoing packets and as a source filter for incoming packets. There are no restrictions on how many times a connect routine may be used after an attach, although most stream protocols allow only one connect call.

  • pru_accept(): accept pending connection. Following a successful listen request and the arrival of one or more connections, this routine is called to indicate that the user is about to accept a socket from the queue of sockets ready to be returned. The socket supplied as a parameter is the socket that is being accepted; the protocol module is expected to fill in the supplied buffer with the address of the peer connected to the socket.

  • pru_disconnect(): disconnect connected socket. This routine eliminates an association created with the connect routine. It is used with datagram sockets before a new association is created; it is used with stream protocols only when the socket is closed.

  • pru_shutdown(): shut down socket data transmission. This call indicates that no more data will be sent. The protocol may, at its discretion, deallocate any data structures related to the shutdown or the protocol may leave all of that work for its pru_detach() routine. The module may also notify a connected peer of the shutdown at this time.

  • pru_rcvd(): data were received by user. This routine is called only if the protocol entry in the protocol-switch table includes the PR_WANTRCVD flag. When the socket layer removes data from the receive queue and passes them to the user, this routine will be called in the protocol module. This routine may be used by the protocol to trigger acknowledgments, refresh windowing information, initiate data transfer, and so on. This routine is also called when an application attempts to receive data on a socket that is in the confirming state, indicating that the protocol must accept the connection request before data can be received (see Section 11.5).

  • pru_send(): send user data. Each user request to send data is translated into one or more calls to the protocol module's pru_send() routine. A protocol may indicate that a single user send request must be translated into a single call to the pru_send() routine by specifying the PR_ATOMIC flag in its protocol description. The data to be sent are presented to the protocol as a chain of mbufs, and an optional address is supplied in the addr parameter. The protocol is responsible for preserving the data in the socket's send queue if it is not able to send them immediately or if it may need them at some later time (e.g., for retransmission). The protocol must eventually pass the data to a lower level or free the mbufs.

  • pru_abort(): abnormally terminate service. This routine effects an abnormal termination of service. The protocol should delete any existing associations.

  • pru_control(): do control operation. The control request routine is called when a user does an ioctl system call on a socket and the ioctl is not intercepted by the socket routines. This routine allows protocol-specific operations to be provided outside the scope of the common socket interface. The cmd parameter contains the actual ioctl request code. The data parameter contains any data relevant to the command being issued and the ifp parameter contains a pointer to a network-interface structure if the ioctl operation pertains to a particular network interface.

  • pru_sense(): sense socket status. The sense request routine is called when the user makes an fstat system call on a socket; it requests the status of the associated socket. This call returns a standard stat structure that typically contains only the optimal transfer size for the connection (based on buffer size, windowing information, and maximum packet size).

  • pru_rcvoob(): receive out-of-band data. This routine requests that any out-of-band data now available are to be returned. An mbuf is passed to the protocol module, and the protocol should either place data in the mbuf or attach new mbufs to the one supplied if there is insufficient space in the single mbuf. An error may be returned if out-of-band data are not (yet) available or have already been consumed. The flags parameter contains any options, such as MSG_PEEK, that should be observed while this request is carried out.

  • pru_sockaddr(): retrieve local socket address. This routine returns the local address of the socket if one has been bound to the socket. The address is returned in the nam parameter, which is a pointer to a sockaddr structure.

  • pru_peeraddr(): retrieve peer socket address. This routine returns the address of the peer to which the socket is connected. The socket must be in a connected state for this request to succeed. The address is returned in the nam parameter, which is a pointer to a sockaddr structure.

  • pru_connect2(): connect two sockets without binding addresses. In this routine, the protocol module is supplied two sockets and is asked to establish a connection between the two without binding any addresses, if possible. The system uses this call in implementing the socketpair system call.

  • pru_fasttimo(): service fast timeout. This routine is called when the fast timeout expires (200ms). The fast-timeout routine cannot be called from the socket layer.

  • pru_slowtimo(): service slow timeout. This routine is called when the slow timeout has expired (500ms). This slow-timeout routine cannot be called from the socket layer.

Protocol Control-Output Routine

A call to the control-output routine is of the form

 int (*pr->pr_ctloutput)(     struct socket *so,     struct sockopt *sopt); 

where so is the socket to be modified and sopt is a socket option structure.

 enum sopt_dir { SOPT_GET, SOPT_SET }; struct sockopt {     enumsopt_dir sopt_dir;     int sopt_level;     int sopt_name;     void   *sopt_val;     size_t  sopt_valsize;     struct  thread *sopt_td; }; 

The direction is either SOPT_SET to set an option or SOPT_GET to retrieve it. The sopt_level member indicates the layer of software that should interpret the option request. A sopt_level of SOL_SOCKET is specified to control an option at the socket layer. When the option is to be processed by a protocol module below the socket layer, level is set to the appropriate protocol number (the same number used in the socket system call). Each level has its own set of option names; this name is interpreted only by the targeted layer of software. The rest of the structure contains a pointer to the value being passed into or out of the module, the size of the pointed-to data, and a pointer to a thread structure. If the operation takes place wholly inside the kernel, then the pointer to the thread structure is null.

In supporting the getsockopt and setsockopt system calls, the socket layer always invokes the control-output routine of the protocol attached to the socket. To access lower-level protocols, each control-output routine must pass control-output requests that are not for itself downward to the next protocol in the protocol hierarchy. Chapter 13 describes some of the options provided by the protocols in the Internet communication domain.


The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System
The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System
ISBN: 0201702452
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 183 © 2008-2017.
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