Hidden Fields

Hidden Fields

We briefly touched on hidden fields in Chapter 3 when discussing HTML forms. Hidden fields are specified by the <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=name > tag and are often used by Web application developers to pass information back and forth between forms and back-end programs that process the forms. Because HTTP is a stateless protocol, hidden fields provide the much-needed functionality for tracking a user's course through the application.

Some developers make the mistake of passing application configuration parameters to back-end application programs with hidden fields. In the case of the attack on acme-art.com, the hacker retrieved the configuration file for the shopping cart by looking at a hidden field in an HTML form. The following line led the hacker to the cart.ini configuration file and eventually to the list of authorized credit cards, ccauth.log:


Not only does such a mistake lead to information leakage, but it also allows the Web hacker to tamper with the data contained in the hidden fields by saving a local copy of the HTML code, modifying it, and resubmitting it to the back-end application.

We revisit hidden fields again when discussing session hijacking in Chapter 13 and e-shoplifting in Chapter 10. For now, we focus on spotting hidden fields within HTML. Searching for the string "TYPE=HIDDEN" enumerates all the occurrences of hidden fields within the HTML code of a Web page. To fully understand the functionality of each hidden field in an application is to prevent information leakage and vulnerabilities caused by users submitting tampered values in hidden fields.


Web Hacking(c) Attacks and Defense
Web Hacking: Attacks and Defense
ISBN: 0201761769
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 156

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