feathering, 53-54
fields, See specific fields
File Browser
Adobe Illustrator, locating files, 39
camera raw files, 43-45
customizing, 34-37
files, arranging within, 33-34
images, opening with, 7
options, 199
palettes, 35
refreshing, 33
using, 31-34
workspace, 36
File Browser Palette, 35
Adobe Illustrator, 39
animations, 189-190
arranging, with File Browser, 33-34; 37
camera raw, 43-45
copying, 36
deleting, 36
document, new, 57
flagging, 33, 34
information, saving, 162
moving, 37
multiple layers/transparency, 39
naming, 37, 38
opening, 6-7
PDF, creating presentations, 163-164
raster, 27
saving, 38-39, 161
searching for, 36
vector, 27
viewing, 34
Web format, 39
See also Adobe Illustrator
See also File Browser
background extraction, 57, 58
color, 127
dust/scratches, 134
gallery, 106
Gaussian Blur, 131
liquify tools, 107
Motion Blur, 131
photo, 127
Unsharp, 130
fixed aspect ratio, 49
fixed size, 49
flagging, 33, 34
Flash player, See Macromedia FlashTM SWF
Freeform Pen Tool, 92
Free Transform command, 110-111
fly-out menus, 10
canvas, 114
color, selecting, 19; 114, 115
Eyedropper tool, using, 19; 115
red-eye, curing 124
restoring, 20
selecting, 96
Web, placing on page, 175, 188
within a gradient mask, 73
formatting type, See type and text
frames, 77-79
freehand, sketching, 50-51