

aborted transactions, 747

AcceptChanges and RejectChanges Methods of a DataSet (code listing), 191–192

AcceptChanges method, 127, 191–192, 231

Access, Microsoft

accessing databases, 378–380

exporting table to text file, 383–385

Active Data Objects .NET (ADO.NET). See ADO.NET

ActiveX Data Objects Multi-Dimensional Library (ADOMD), 718

Add Button Click Event Handler (code listing), 505

Add Web Reference feature, 525

AddCat1Stored Procedure (code listing), 404

AddHandler statement, 209

adding data (ASP.NET), 505

AddNew method (DataView), 130

AddRowBtn_Click Method (code listing), 109–110

administration queues (user), 726

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects)

comparing with ADO.NET, 11–13

connections and disconnected data, 11–12

RecordSets vs. DataSets, 12

XML support, 12–13

overview of, 6

recordset and ADO.NET, 712–716

ADO Examples and Best Practices for Programmers, 760

ADODB Namespace to Access a Database (code listing), 715–716


ADO.NET Application (code listing), 27

ADO.NET (Apress), 760

ADOX, using with, 716–718

architecture, 75–76

COM interoperability and. See COM interoperability

creating a project, 33

exception handling in. See exception handling in ADO.NET

Frequently Asked Questions. See Frequently Asked Questions, ADO.NET

object-relational (OR) mapping in. See object-relational (OR) mapping in .NET

overview of, 6–7

SQL Server performance and. See SQL Server and ADO.NET

using in XML Web services. See XML Web services

Web application, creating, 478–480

XML, using with, 262–272

displaying XML data in DataSet format, 270

reading XML using DataSet, 262–264

saving data from DataSet to XML, 271–272

writing XML using DataSet, 264–267

XmlDataDocument and DataSet objects, 272

XmlDataDocument and XML, 267–269

ADO.NET basics, 1–31

advantages of, 9–11

managed code, 10

performance and scalability, 11

single object-oriented API, 9–10

visual data components, 11

XML support, 10

code listings

ADO.NET Application, 27

Viewing Data From SQL Server Database, 30–31

comparing with ADO, 11–13

connections and disconnected data, 11–12

RecordSets vs. DataSets, 12

XML support, 12–13

components of, 15–22

Command object, 17–18

CommandBuilder, 19

Connection object, 16–17

data providers, 15–16

DataAdapter object, 19–20

DataSet structure, 20–21

DataSets in DataViews, 21–22

creating simple ADO.NET application, 26–28

DataSet to read data, 28–31

Microsoft Data Access Technologies, overview

ADO, 6

ADO.NET, 6–7

DAO, 4–5

MFC, 5

ODBC, 2–4

OLE DB, 5–6

RDO, 5

namespaces and classes overview, 13–14

overview, 6–8

reasons for design of, 8–9

writing ADO.NET applications, 22–26

choosing .NET providers, 22–23

Command or DataAdapter objects, creating, 25

connections, closing, 26

connections, establishing, 24–25

displaying data, 25–26

Filling data to DataSet or DataReader object, 25

namespace references, adding, 23–24

ADO.NET events, handling, 209–232

code listings

ColumnChanging and ColumnChanged Event Handlers, Writing, 222–223

Connection Events, Writing Code That Executes, 214–215

DataAdapter FillError Event Handler Code, 217

DataAdapter's Fill and Update Methods, Calling, 219–220

DataView Event Handler Caller, 230–231

DataView OnListChanged Event Handler, 230

InfoMessage and StateChange events, Writing Event Handlers for, 213

MergeFailed Event Handler, Calling, 220–221

NodeChanged Event Handler, 228

NodeInserted Event Handler, 229

NodeRemoved Event Handler, 229

RowChanging and RowChanged Event Handlers, Writing, 224

RowDeleting and RowDeleted Event Handlers, Writing, 225–226

RowUpdated Event Handler, 218

RowUpdating Event Handler, 218–219

SqlDataAdapter Event Handler Bodies, 217

XmlDataDocument Event Handling Example, 227–228

Connection events, 211–215

DataAdapter events, 215–220

DataSet events, 220–221

DataTable events, 221–226

DataView and DataViewManager events, 229–231

fundamentals, 209–211

XmlDataDocument events, 226–229

ADO.NET in connected environments, 135–208

code listings

AcceptChanges and RejectChanges methods of a DataSet, Using, 191–192

Calling a DataAdapter's Fill Method, 171

Connecting to SQL Server and Reading SqlConnection Properties, 144–145

Connecting to SQL Server Using OleDb Data Provider, 144

Creating Two Connections with Different Strings, 147–148

DataAdapter's Update Method, Calling, 178

DataColumnMapping, Using, 180–181

DataReader Reads From SQL Server Database, 162–164

DataSet Rows, Adding, Editing, Deleting, 190–191

DataTableMapping to Map Northwind Orders Table, 179

DataTableMapping with Table Option, Using, 179–180

DeleteCommand Property of DataAdapter, Setting, 176

Displaying Customers Table's Data in DataGrid Using SqlDataAdapter, 174–175

Displaying Orders Table Data in DataGrid Using OleDbAdapter, 173–174

ExecuteScalar Method to Retrieve Single Value, 160

Executing Batches Using DataReader, 164–165

Executing Multiple SQL Queries Using SqlTransaction, 207–208

Fill method of a DataAdapter, Calling, 177

Filling Data From Multiple Tables, 188–189

FillSchema method of SqlDataAdapter, Using, 172

INSERT SQL Statement, Adding Records to Table Using, 159

Merging Two DataSet Objects, 189

OleDb Database, Connecting to, 143

OleDbCommand, Using to Access an Access Database, 154

Optimistic Concurrency, 202–203

Parameter, Creating a, 185–186

Pessimistic Concurrency, 204

Private Members, 196–197

ReleaseObjectPool, Calling, 149

Removing a Row and Calling Update Method of DataAdapter, 177

Savepoints in Sql Data Provider, Using, 205–206

Saving Only Modified Rows of DataSet, 193

SELECT Statement, Executing Using OleDbDataAdapter, 167–168

SqlCommand Properties, Setting and Getting, 151

SqlCommand to Read Data from Database, 153

SqlCommandBuilder Class, Creating and Using, 183–184

SqlConnection objects, creating, 139–140

SqlDataAdapter Instances, Creating, 167

SqlDataAdapter Properties, Using, 169

SqlParameter, Creating, 177

Stored Procedure, Calling Using SqlCommand, 155

Stored Procedure, Executing and Reading Results of, 156–157

Stored Procedure Results Output, Adding Subtotal Listing to, 157

Stored Procedure (Sales by Year) in Northwind Database, 156

TableDirect to Read Table, 158

Command objects and executing SQL statements, 150–160

calling stored procedures, 155–157

Command methods, additional, 160

Command properties, 150–151

CommandType enumeration, 154–155

creating Command objects, 151–153

executing Commands, 158–160

OleDbCommand, creating and using, 153–154

TableDirect, 157–158

CommandBuilder object

creating, 182

SqlCommandBuilder members, 182

SqlCommandBuilder, using, 182–184

connecting to data sources, 139–150

connection pooling, 145–149

Connection properties and methods, 140–141

CreateCommand and ChangeDatabase methods, 149–150

creating connections, 139–140

opening and closing connections, 142–145

DataAdapter, 166–181

adding DataTable to DataSet, 172

constructing DataAdapter objects, 166–168

DataAdapter example, 172–175

Filling DataAdapter from RecordSet, 175–176

Filling DataSets, 170–171

methods, 170

properties, 168–169

table and column mapping, 178–181

updating database using Update method, 176–178

DataReader, 160–166

basics, 160–161

Command Behaviors, 165–166

initializing, 161

interpreting batches of queries, 164–165

properties and methods, 161–162

reading with, 162–164

DataSet in connected environments, 188–194

accepting/rejecting changes through DataSet, 191–192

adding, updating, deleting through DataSet, 190–191

DataSet vs. DataReader, 193

fetching data based on wildcard characters, 194

Filling DataSet from multiple tables, 188–189

saving only changed data, 192–193

SQL statement, reading from two or more tables with, 190

DataView in connected environments, 194–208

batches, executing, 206–208

multiple views, creating, 195–197

Rollback, Commit, and Savepoints, 204–206

transactions and concurrency, 198–200

using concurrency, 201–204

using transactions, 200–201

generic data provider model, 135–136

namespaces, importing, 137

parameters, construction of, 184–187

System.SqlClient namespace, 137–139

ADO.NET in disconnected environments, 73–133

architecture, 75–76

basics, 73–74

class hierarchy, 76–80

code listings

AddRowBtn_Click Method, 109–110

Class-Level DataTable and DataSet Variables, 107

ColumnMapping Property of DataColumn, Using, 92

Columns, Creating Using Different DataColumn Constructors, 88–89

Contains, Find, and Remove Method of DataRowCollection, Using, 116

CreateCustomersTable Method, 107–109

Custom Properties, Adding and Removing, 93

Customer/Orders Relationship Example, 102–105

Data Column, Setting as Primary Key, 90

DataColumn, Creating and Setting Properties, 89–90

DataRelation, Creating Customer/Order Relationship Using, 100

DataRow's RejectChanges and Delete Methods, Calling, 98

DataTable Objects, Adding to a DataSet, 124–125

DataTable, Saving in XML Documents, 114

DataView Objects, Creating from a DataTable, 129

DeleteRowsBtn_ClickMethod, 110–112

Form's Constructor Calling CreateCustomersTable, CreateOrdersTable, and BindData, 102

ID and Name Data Columns of Customers Table, Creating, 90

InsertAt and RemoveAt Methods, Using, 116

Merging DataRow and DataTable Objects, 127

Merging Two DataSets, 126–127

Ordinal and MaxLength properties, Using, 94

Removing Column From a Collection, 117

Rows, Adding to DataTable Using DataRow, 96–98

Rows, Editing Using BeginEdit, CancelEdit, and EndEdit methods, 119

Rows, Finding in DataView Using Find Method, 131

Rows of DataView, Adding, Updating, and Deleting, 130

RowState property, Calling, 99

SearchButtonClick Method, 112–113

Select Method, Sorting Data Using, 113–114

Setting and Reading Custom Properties of a DataSet, 123–124

Setting Values of ID, Address, and Name Columns of DataRow, 95

State of a Row, Determining, 118

Table, Creating Using DataTable and DataColumn, 91–92

data providers, choosing, 80

DataSet objects. See DataSet objects

DataTables, 83–119

AddRowBtn_Click Method, 109–110

Class-Level DataTable and DataSet Variables, 107

CreateCustomersTable Method, 107–109

DataColumnCollection class, 116–117

DataColumns. See DataColumns

DataRelations, 99–100

DataRow states and versions, 117–119

DataRowCollection class, 115–116

DataRows, 94–99

DeleteRowsBtn_ClickMethod, 110–112

fundamentals, 83–85

properties and methods, 100–105

Saving DataTable in XML Documents, 114

SearchButtonClick Method, 112–113

Select Method, Sorting Data Using, 113–114

DataView objects, 128–131

DataViewManager, 132

disconnected classes, 81–83

ADOX From Managed Code, Using (code listing), 717–718

ADOX, using with ADO.NET, 716–718

aliases and joins, 806–807

AllowNavigation in Action (code listing), 319

AllowPaging, PageSize, and AllowSorting Properties (code listing), 501

ALTER TABLE SQL Statement, 353

alternating rows, multiple columns, and grid lines, 568–569

AlternatingItemTemplate code, 575

Appending in an XML Document Fragment (code listing), 254

Apple Data Access Language (DAL), 4


building Web. See Web applications, building

writing ADO.NET, 22–26

choosing .NET providers, 22–23

Command or DataAdapter objects, creating, 25

connections, closing, 26

connections, establishing, 24–25

displaying data, 25–26

Filling data to DataSet or DataReader object, 25

namespace references, adding, 23–24

architecture, ADO.NET, 75–76

ASP.NET for database Web applications, 465–516

ADO.NET Web application, creating, 478–480

ASP.NET application development, 468–478

Button Click event handler, writing code on, 477–478

control properties, setting, 474–475

creating new application, 469–472

Document Outline viewer, 475–476

Web controls, adding to Web Form, 472–473

code listings

Add Button Click Event Handler, 505

AllowPaging, PageSize, and AllowSorting Properties, 501

DataGrid's PageStyle Modes, Setting, 501

Deleting Data on Delete Button Click, 507

ExecuteSQL Method, 504

FillDataGrid Method, 503

Filling Data from Database to Data-Bound Controls, 478–480

Filling DatSet from DataAdapter, 498–499

First ASP.NET Application, 486–487

Guest Data, Adding to Database, 510

HTML View of asp:DataGrid, 501

My Home Page and View Guest Book Buttons, 514

PageIndexChanged Handler of DataGrid Control, 500

Page_Load Event Handler Code of ViewGuestBook.aspx, 512–513

Setting Image as DataGrid Control's Next and Previous Page Text, 501

Updating Data on Update Button Click, 506

ViewGuestBook.aspx, opening, 511

data binding in ASP.NET, 487–507

adding data, 505

data-bound server-side controls, 488–489

DataGrid and DataList controls. See DataGrid and DataList controls in ASP.NET

deleting data, 507

updating data, 506

Web Forms, adding, editing, deleting in, 502–504

guest book, creating, 507–515

basics, 507–508

compiling and running, 514–515

default Web Form: MyGuestBook.aspx, 508–511

Web Forms, adding, 511–514

overview of ASP.NET, 465–468

server-side controls, 480–487

HTML server controls, 481

.NET Framework Library and, 483–485

user controls, 483

validation controls, 482–483

Web Forms, adding to, 485–487

Web Forms controls, 485

Web server controls, 481–482

ASP.NET server controls and data binding, 537–608

code listings

Button Click Handlers, Writing, 541

ButtonColumn Click Event Handler, 592

Calendar Control, Getting Selected Date of, 542

Calendar Control's Properties, setting, 544

Data Binding in a DataGrid Control, 583–584

DataGrid Column's Sequence, Rearranging, 588

DataGrid Control, Sorting in, 606–607

DataGrid Control's Style Properties, Setting, 585–586

DataGrid with Button Columns, 593–594

DataList Control, Data Binding in, 564–566

DataList Control's Properties, Setting, 568–569

DataList Control's Styles, Setting, 570–571

DropDownList Control, Data Binding in, 559–560

Editable DataGrid, 601–604

Editable DataList Control, 578–581

Formatting BoundColumn's Header and Footers, 588–589

ListBox Control, Data Binding in, 557–558

Repeater Control, Using, 554–555

Simple Template, Applying on a Repeater Control, 546–547

Template Columns in a DataGrid Control, 596–598

Template Columns, Using, 595–596

Templates, Adding to a DataList Control, 549

Templates of a DataList Control, Adding Formatting to, 550–551

TextBox, Button, and Image Controls, Data Binding in, 561–562

Update, Delete, Cancel, and Edit Command Handlers, Adding, 572

Update, Delete, Cancel, and Edit Command Handlers Code, 573

VisibleMonthChanged Event, 545

complex Web Forms controls, data binding in, 562–607

BaseDataList class, 562–563

DataGrid Web server control. See DataGrid Web server control

DataKeyCollection class, 563

DataList Web server control. See DataList Web server control

data binding in Web Forms, 537–539

simple Web Forms controls, data binding in, 540–562

ASP.NET templates, 547–548

Button control, 540–541

Calendar control, 542–545

DropDownList control, 558–560

ListBox control, 556–558

ListControl class, 555–556

Repeater control, 552–555

templates, Web server control. See templates, Web server control templates

TextBox, Button and Image controls, 560–562

ASP.NET server-side controls, 480–487

adding to Web Forms, 485–487

HTML server controls, 481 .NET Framework Library and, 483–485

user controls, 483

validation controls, 482–483

Web Forms controls, 485

Web server controls, 481–482

ASP.NET syntax, 486

assemblies, defined, 709

atomic values, 780

attributes, defined, 779

Auto Format option (DataGrid), 492–493, 552

AutoGenerateColumns property, 586–587

AutoIncrement columns, creating, 822

Applied ADO. NET(c) Building Data-Driven Solutions
Applied ADO.NET: Building Data-Driven Solutions
ISBN: 1590590732
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 214 © 2008-2017.
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