Build Planning

Visual Basic 6 distributed development would appear to restrict the options for build and integration planning because of the dependencies among different elements of the development. However, by developing components and using layering, you can manage dependencies.

Your build should take advantage of the layered architecture (as shown in Figure 15-10) so that builds can start earlier. Because the layers obviously interact, moving ahead in one area might require you to make assumptions that could prove to be false and result in rework. Part of the project manager's job is to understand the risk and balance it with the benefit of producing quicker results.

A thin user interface layer can be built as soon as requirements settle down and can emerge from prototyping. The business logic can be attached behind this layer when that logic is written. The design and build of the data services are likely to be the longest-running tasks. But provided a logical data provider is built to insulate the application from changes in database design, the data provider can be written to interface to a dummy database to provide a test harness for the application. The application will usually be written within a framework that handles generic interface services, error handling, persistence, and so on.

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Figure 15-10 Build planning

Ltd Mandelbrot Set International Advanced Microsoft Visual Basics 6. 0
Advanced Microsoft Visual Basic (Mps)
ISBN: 1572318937
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1997
Pages: 168 © 2008-2017.
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