Chapter 1

Section: Part I:  Setting the Stage

Chapter 1. Why This Book Was Written


        The Need for Information Security

        The Root of the Problem

        Network and Host Misconfigurations

        Why Education in Security Is Important

        From the Eye of the Beholder

Sams published Maximum Security because there is a real need. In the remaining paragraphs, I'd like to explore that need.

Thousands of institutions, businesses, and individuals go online every day. This phenomenon which has been given a dozen different names is commonly called the Internet explosion. That explosion has drastically changed the Internet's composition.

A decade ago, personnel with at least basic security knowledge maintained most servers. That fact didn't prevent break-ins, of course, but they occurred rarely in proportion to the number of potential targets.

Today, Internet servers are established by average folks, many of whom have little security experience. The number of viable targets is now staggering and that number grows daily. However, despite this critical situation, corporate America urges citizens onward. The Internet is safe, they say, so don't worry about a thing. Is that true? No.

Marketing folks are lying through their teeth. Either that, or they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. The truth is, the Internet is not secure not even moderately so.

What makes the situation even more dire is that authorities in the computer industry often assist Madison Avenue in snowing the public. They make extraordinary claims about their security products, leading the average consumer to believe that all is well. The reality is harsher than that, I'm afraid: Each month, hackers or crackers break yet another industry-standard security mechanism.

Maximum Security is a tool that can be used to start fixing the problem. Whether you use this book as a kick-start, a roadmap, or simply a reference guide, it should be handy to anyone having to deal with information security issues. We've taken special care in this revision to not only provide information that is relevant today, but information that will continue to be relevant in the years that follow. Some of the material will obviously become dated over time, but much of the methodology presented is timeless.

Our additions build upon the original author's foundation, taking many of his concepts one step further. It is our hope that we've taken his hard work to the next level, and provided the masses with the tools necessary to help address the information security industry's current nightmare.


Section: Chapter 1.  Why This Book Was Written

The Need for Information Security

So what's the big deal? Why is this information security problem supposedly so large? Although I could talk about hacking trends, the increasing number of Web defacements, the round-the-clock compromises of government agencies and organizations, the theft of corporate secrets, and so on, I'd rather approach this from a more down-to-earth level. Why should we care?

Well, let me first ask whether your organization's data is valuable. Personnel data, social security numbers, credit card numbers, salary information, contact lists, marketing strategies, research and development efforts, intellectual property, earnings reports, and financial forecasts are these of any value?

Next, let's take a look at some of the systems today that rely on computers:

        Transportation systems

        Personal and corporate financial records and systems

        Credit card processing systems

        Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs)

        The public telephone network

        Emergency communication, such as 911 calls

        Air traffic control systems

        Systems responsible for storing and transporting healthcare data

        Power systems

        Generic payment processing systems

        Ticketing systems

Now, let's say that I, as a "black hat" hacker, can attack and compromise any of these systems. What can I do? Well, I could go look up healthcare records on anyone. I could steal money from your bank account or a series of bank accounts. I could steal credit cards. I could monkey with the phone system, and turn your home phone into a pay phone or maybe just disconnect it. I could issue myself travel tickets, or turn the power off in your neighborhood. I could use the information on your spending patterns and your cell phone to track your movements and daily routines. In short, I could be a real pain in the ass.

Or, I could start doing far worse. I could use obtained information to assume your identity, get credit cards under your name, and thrash your credit rating while spending tens of thousands of dollars. I could bring e-commerce based "dot com" startups to their knees during the holiday seasons, resulting in the loss of millions of dollars for both employees and shareholders. I could alter healthcare records resulting in eventual harm or death to my victims. I could cripple air traffic control systems, or attempt to stage in-flight collisions.

Although I don't know of any single individual that has pulled off all these stunts, most of them have already been attempted or successfully executed individually. Read that again most of these have already happened.

Still not convinced?

Okay, let's pull back a second and assume that you aren't employed by a massive hospital, airport, or living in a strategic missile silo. Let's assume that you work for a Global 1000 (but this could easily apply to much smaller organizations). Now imagine I am a disgruntled employee, and I have it out for you. I trojan a bunch of your internal systems to launch automated and distributed denial of service attacks on your key database and production servers. I introduce hidden agents to attach to your databases at intermittent times, and corrupt random records. I order the cancellation of a few of your key WAN links. And I coordinate all of this fun to begin on the exact same day.

The result? Your organization is brought down globally to a standstill for at least a few days. You then face continued challenges for months to come, as you hunt down all the little demons I have left behind. Would this, perhaps, cause a problem?

Convinced yet?

Whether you see yourself as a target or not, by the time you finish this book, you'll realize that everyone is a target. It's that simple. You are either part of the problem, or part of the solution there are no neutral bystanders in this war. Learn how to protect yourself, and hope that we never see such an attack occur.


Section: Chapter 1.  Why This Book Was Written

The Root of the Problem

The simple truth is we face many challenges when attempting to secure enterprise environments. Most of the problems we face, however, can be grouped into the following categories:

        Network and host misconfigurations

        Operating system and application flaws

        Deficiencies in vendor QA efforts and response

        Lack of qualified people in the field

Let's briefly examine some examples in detail.


Section: Chapter 1.  Why This Book Was Written

Network and Host Misconfigurations

One of the biggest drivers behind security breaches is the misconfigurations of the targets. This can bring down any site at any time, regardless of the security measures taken. (For example, when the Justice Department server was cracked, DOJ was running a firewall. As they discovered, a misconfigured firewall might as well be no firewall at all.)

Misconfiguration can occur at any point along the distribution chain, all the way from the factory to your office. For example, certain network utilities, when enabled, open serious security holes. Many software products ship with these utilities enabled. The resulting risks remain until you deactivate or properly configure the utility in question.

A good example would be network-printing utilities. These might be enabled in a fresh install, leaving the system insecure. It's up to you to disable those utilities. However, in order to disable them, you first have to know of their existence.

Seasoned network administrators laugh about this. After all, how could anyone be unaware of utilities running on their box? The answer is simple: Think of your favorite word processor. Just how much do you know about it? If you routinely write macros in a word-processing environment, you are an advanced user, one member of a limited class. In contrast, most people use only the basic functions of word processors: text, tables, spell check, and so forth. There is certainly nothing wrong with this approach. Nevertheless, most word processors have more advanced features, which are often missed by casual users.


There is an often-quoted axiom in computing publishing circles, and it goes like this: "Eighty percent of the people use only twenty percent of a program's capabilities."


For example, how many readers that used DOS-based WordPerfect knew that it included a command-line screen-capture utility? It was called Grab. It grabbed the screen in any DOS-based program. At the time, that functionality was unheard of in word processors. The Grab program was extremely powerful when coupled with a sister utility called Convert, which was used to transform other graphic file formats into *.wpg files, a format suitable for importation into a WordPerfect document. Both utilities were called from a command line in the C:\WP directory. Neither were directly accessible from within the WordPerfect environment. Despite the power these two utilities possessed, they were not well known.

Similarly, users might know little about the inner workings of their favorite operating system. For most, the cost of acquiring such knowledge far exceeds the value. Oh, they pick up tidbits over the years perhaps they read computer periodicals that feature occasional tips and tricks, or perhaps they learn because they are required to at their job or another official position where extensive training is offered. No matter how they acquire the knowledge, nearly everyone knows something cool about their operating system.

Keeping up with the times is difficult, though. The software industry is a dynamic environment, and users are generally two years behind development. This lag in the assimilation of new technology only contributes to the security problem. When an operating system develop ment team materially alters its product, many users are suddenly left knowing less. Microsoft Windows 95 is a good example. When it was released, 95 had new support for all sorts of different protocols protocols with which the average Windows user wasn't familiar (and migrating to a Registry-based system was quite a leap). It is possible (and probable) that users can be unaware of obscure network utilities.

That's one scenario. Utilities and services are enabled, and this fact is unknown to the user. These services, while enabled, can foster security holes of varying magnitude. When a machine configured in this manner is connected to the Net, it is a hack waiting to happen.

Such problems are easily remedied. The solution is to turn off (or properly configure) the offending utility or service. Typical examples of this type of problem include the following:

        Network printing utilities

        Remote system-configuration utilities

        File-sharing utilities

        Default passwords

        Sample CGI programs and scripts

Of the examples listed, default services (i.e. file sharing, printing, or Web-based sample scripts) with known vulnerabilities are the most common. There is also the reverse situation. Instead of being unaware of active services that threaten your security, you might be unaware of inactive utilities that could strengthen your security.

Many operating systems have built-in security features. These features can be quite effective when enabled, but remain worthless until you activate them. Again, it boils down to knowledge. If you're lacking in knowledge, you are bound to suffer needlessly.

But, unfortunately, it doesn't end there. There are other problems facing the modern network administrator. For instance, certain security utilities are simply impractical. Consider security programs that administrate file-access privileges and restrict user access depending on security level, time of day, and so forth. Perhaps your small network cannot operate with fluidity and efficiency if advanced access restrictions are enabled. If so, you must take that chance, perhaps implementing other security procedures to compensate. In essence, these issues are the basis of security theory: You must balance the risks against practical security measures, based on the sensitivity of your network data.

You'll notice that most network security problems arise, however, from a lack of education. For that reason, education is a recurring theme throughout this book.


Education issues are entirely within your control. That is, you can eliminate these problems by providing yourself or your associates with adequate education. (Put another way, crackers are most effective at gaining entry into networks where such knowledge is lacking.)


Operating System and Application Flaws

As if the complexity surrounding advanced security features combined with the fact that operating systems are shipping with dozens of enabled services weren't enough of a problem, we face an additional challenge: vulnerabilities introduced by flawed programming. Unfortunately, these forces are well beyond your control. That's too bad because here's a fact: Vendor failure is one of the most common sources of security problems. Anyone who subscribes to a bug or security mailing list (such as BUGTRAQ) knows this. Every day, bugs or programming weaknesses are found in network software. Every day, these are posted to the Internet in advisories or warnings. Unfortunately, not all users read such advisories.

System flaws needn't be classified into many subcategories here. It's sufficient to say that a system flaw is any flaw that causes a program to do the following:

        Work improperly (under either normal or extreme conditions)

        Allow crackers to exploit that weakness (or improper operation) to damage or gain control of a system

There are two primary types of system flaws. The first type, which I call a primary flaw, is a flaw nested within your operating system's security structure. It's a flaw inherent within a security-related program. By exploiting it, a cracker obtains one-step, unauthorized access to the system or its data.

The Netscape Secure Sockets Layer Flaw

In January 1996, two students in the Computer Science department at the University of California, Berkeley, highlighted a serious flaw in the Netscape Navigator encryption scheme. Their findings were published in Dr. Dobb's Journal. The article, "Randomness and the Netscape Browser," was written by Ian Goldberg and David Wagner. In it, Goldberg and Wagner explain that Netscape's implementation of a cryptographic protocol called Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) was inherently flawed. This flaw would allow secure communications intercepted on the WWW to be cracked. This is an excellent example of a primary flaw.

Conversely, there are secondary flaws. A secondary flaw is any flaw arising in a program that, although totally unrelated to security, opens a security hole elsewhere on the system. In other words, the programmers were charged with making the program functional, not secure. No one (at the time the program was designed) imagined cause for concern, nor did they imagine that such a flaw could arise.

Secondary flaws are far more common than primary flaws, particularly on platforms that have not traditionally been security oriented. An example of a secondary security flaw is any flaw within a program that requires special access privileges in order to complete its tasks (in other words, a program that must run with root or superuser privileges). If that program can be attacked, the cracker can work through that program to gain special, privileged access to files and services.

Whether primary or secondary, system flaws are especially dangerous to the Internet community when they emerge in programs that are used on a daily basis, such as FTP, DNS, SSH, or Telnet. These mission-critical applications form the heart of the Internet and cannot be suddenly taken away, even if a security flaw exists within them.

To understand this concept, imagine if Microsoft Word were discovered to be totally insecure. Would people stop using it? Of course not. Millions of offices throughout the world rely on Word. However, there is a vast difference between a serious security flaw in Microsoft Word and a serious security flaw in the Apache Web server. The serious flaw in Apache would place hundreds of thousands of servers (and therefore, millions of accounts) at risk. Because of the Internet's size and the services it now offers, flaws inherent within its security structure are of international concern.

To understand the true scope of this problem, take a look at just some of the vulnerabilities discovered in services during 1999 and 2000 that have allowed "root" or "administrative" level compromises:

        The wu-ftpd FTP daemon shipped in many BSD and Linux distributions

        The University of Washington imapd daemon

        ISC's Bind (an implementation of DNS)

        Numerous services found in Sun Solaris

        Microsoft's IIS

        The Linuxconf configuration utility

        SSH (Secure Shell)

and that's just a small sample. At the time of this writing, based on the Security Alert Consensus (SAC, a weekly vulnerability newsletter put out by SANS, Network Computing, and Neohapsis), there are new vulnerabilities being discovered at the rate of 10 30 per week. We will go into the entire process of vulnerability research and publication in greater detail in Part III, "Hacking 101: The Tricks of the Trade." For now, know that when a flaw is discovered within sendmail, FTP, DNS, SSH, or other indispensable elements of the Internet, programmers develop patches (small programs or source code) to temporarily solve the problem. These patches are distributed to the world at large, along with detailed advisories. This brings us to vendor response.

Deficiencies in Vendor QA Efforts and Response

Two summers ago I found myself sitting in on a meeting between Microsoft officials and one of their larger clients. During this meeting the topic of the hidden flight simulator in Excel came up. The client wanted to know what a flight simulator was doing in a spreadsheet pro gram. They wanted to know how much room it was taking up in the program, in memory, and on their workstations. But above all else, they wanted to know how it had gotten past Microsoft's QA/QC efforts. A few lines of code is one thing, but an entire flight simulator is quite another. Microsoft's response? That they knew it was in there all along, and that this "Easter egg" was just something they let their programmers in Redmond do for fun. "It's part of the development culture," the Microsoft representatives said.


If you weren't aware of the embedded gift in your Microsoft Excel application, fire up a copy of MS Excel that shipped in Office 97. Press F5 (to go to a location), type X97:L97, and then click OK. Press the Tab key. Then hold down Ctrl and Shift at the same time, and simultaneously click the "chart wizard" button once it's the one with the colorful bar graphs. Viol instant flight simulator.


The first word that came out of my mouth began with a "B" and ended with a "T." But what else was Microsoft going to say? Whoops? Sorry? We missed the few thousand lines of extra code that just happened to be a mini video game?

So in the spring of 2000 when "rain forest puppy," an infamous and clever member of the underground reported that the phrase "Netscape Engineers are Weenies" had been used as a key and served as a pseudo back door into servers running FrontPage 98 extensions, I couldn't wait to hear Microsoft's excuse for this one. Was this part of the development culture as well? Back doors and cheap shots at the competition's development staff?

It turns out Microsoft initially admitted to the existence of the egg that was all over their face, but then quickly masked it with an even bigger problem that was released a bit later. Check out the updated advisory at at no point is there any mention of the word "weenie," back doors, or other such shenanigans. Microsoft has appeared to have swept this one under the carpet as well.


One more thing I'd like to note about the Excel "Easter egg" story. When MS offered this client the "We knew about it" excuse, this client demanded a list of other back doors and Easter eggs MS supposedly knew about. MS agreed and then never delivered on its promise. Makes you wonder, huh?


So if the largest software vendor in the world can't control what is entering its code, is there any hope for the rest of the industry? The simple fact of the matter is that many software companies don't have adequate quality control/quality assurance programs in place. Microsoft is an easy target as it has SO MANY software products in the marketplace, but the truth is that a lot of companies are guilty of this as well. Who winds up ultimately paying for these oversights? We do the consumers. We're the ones who get hammered when these oversights get used for breaching our networks. However, the vendors claim that their customers want more features, not more security. If that's not the case I encourage the readers of this book to make their voices heard. Tell your vendors how you really feel.

Let's take a look at a few of specific examples of oversights and their impact on the scene.

Allaire's ColdFusion Problems

The beginning of 1999 was a great time for Allaire. Their product, ColdFusion, had taken the industry by storm in giving Web developers some powerful but easy tools for designing Web sites that interacted with database back-ends. In the spring of 1999, however, rain forest puppy reported a number of problems with the CGI sample scripts Allaire shipped with ColdFusion. Remote attackers could leverage these scripts to execute code on the vulnerable machines, retrieve protected files, and ultimately compromise the targeted machine. A few months later, the L0pht reported more problems. Although administrators probably shouldn't have been installing sample scripts on production servers to begin with, ignorance had prevailed once again. Soon black hat hackers all over the planet were hacking ColdFusion servers at an alarming rate, and Allaire had a major public relations issue on its hands.

Allaire was slow to react, as this was its first exposure to the harshness known as the information security community. Eventually Allaire released advisories urging customers to remove the scripts and patch their servers, but the damage was done. Hundreds upon hundreds of machines had already been hit, and the trend continued throughout the rest of the year.

Eventually the chaos subsided, and attackers moved on with more popular attack trends. Allaire has since then beefed up its internal security efforts, released new, more secure versions of ColdFusion, solicited third-party application reviews, and launched an awareness heightening campaign within its user base. Allaire is now one of the most pro-active vendors out there when it comes to security. However, Allaire has been paying for its sins ever since. In June 2000 when SANS (System Administration, Networking, and Security) released its report on the Top 10 vulnerabilities found on the Net today, Allaire's ColdFusion problem had crept up once again it was on the charts because it had been a BIG problem. Even though the vulnerabilities had been addressed for close to a year, people remembered them. The simple fact of the matter was that the vulnerability hit the security scene really hard, and organizations were hurt pretty badly by it. Vulnerable servers based on older versions of ColdFusion still creep up once in a while, and administrators who suffered through the siege of 1999 were slow to forgive.

Fortunately, Allaire learned from its mistakes and its customers will benefit from this. However, the people who were hacked because of ColdFusion's earlier problems paid the price of this education.

Microsoft PPTP

Another example that wasn't exploited en masse but is definitely flawed is Microsoft Corporation's implementation of Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP). PPTP is a protocol that's used to build Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) over the Internet. VPNs enable secure, encrypted traffic between corporate link-points, thus eliminating the need for leased lines. (Through VPNs, corporations can use the Internet as their global leased line.)

Microsoft's implementation of PPTP had been lauded as one of the most solid security measures you could employ. In fact, it even won an award or two in consumer computing magazines, Microsoft's PPTP had been written up as an industry standard solution. That's great.

One month before the second edition of this book went to press, Microsoft's PPTP was broken by two well-respected encryption authorities, Bruce Schneier and Mudge. The press release rocked the security world. Here's a portion of that release:

Doesn't Microsoft know better? You'd think they would. The mistakes they made are not subtle; they're "kindergarten cryptographer" mistakes. The encryption is used in a way that completely negates its effectiveness. The documentation claims 128-bit keys, even though nothing remotely close to that key length is actually used. Passwords are protected by hash functions so badly that most can be easily recovered. And the control channel is so sloppily designed that anyone can cause a Microsoft PPTP server to go belly up.

Frequently Asked Questions, Microsoft's PPTP Implementation. Counterpane Technologies.

That doesn't sound as if Microsoft's version of PPTP is very secure, does it? Researchers found five separate flaws in the implementation, including holes in password hashing, authen tication, and encryption. In short, they discovered that Microsoft's implementation of PPTP was a disaster.

I am willing to bet that you never saw that advisory. If you didn't, you're like information officers in companies all over the country. They believe that the products they're using are secure. After all, Microsoft is a big, well-established company. If they say their products are secure, it must be true.

That's the mindset of the average network manager these days, and thousands of companies are at risk because of it.


Mistakes of this sort are made all the time. Here's an amusing example. It was discovered a while ago that the encryption scheme in Microsoft Windows NT could be effectively turned off. The attack is now known as the "You Are Now in France" attack. It works like this: France did not allow private citizens access to strong encryption. If Windows NT interpreted that your location was France, the operating system's strong encryption was disabled. Not very secure, is it?


The bottom line is this: You're on your own. That is, it's up to you to take measures to secure your data. Don't count on any vendor to do it for you. If you do, you're setting yourself up for a serious fall.

Vendor Response

Vendor response has traditionally been good, but this shouldn't give you a false sense of security. Vendors are in the business of selling software. To them, there is nothing fascinating about someone discovering a hole in the system. At best, a security hole represents a loss of revenue or prestige. Accordingly, vendors quickly issue assurances to allay users'fears, but actual corrective action can sometimes be long in coming.

The reasons for this can be complex, and often the vendor is not to blame. Sometimes, imme diate corrective action just isn't feasible, such as in the following cases:

        When the affected application is comprehensively tied to the operating system

        When the application is widely in use or is a standard

        When the application is third-party software and that third party has poor support, has gone out of business, or is otherwise unavailable

In these instances, a patch (or other solution) can provide temporary relief. However, for this system to work effectively, all users must know that the patch is available. Notifying the public would seem to be the vendor's responsibility and, to be fair, vendors post such patches to security groups and mailing lists. However, vendors might not always take the extra step of informing the general public. In many cases, it just isn't cost effective.

Once again, this issue breaks down to knowledge. Users who have up-to-date knowledge of their network utilities, of holes, and of patches are well prepared. Users without such knowledge tend to be victims. That, more than any other reason, is why we wrote this book. In a nutshell, security education is the best policy.

Lack of Qualified People in the Field

So if we didn't have vendors and programmers putting out buggy code, operating systems shipping with every possible service enabled and running by default, sample scripts installed everywhere, and a slew of misconfigurations and mistakes being made, we'd still have one major problem not enough people have information security experience. IT managers are having a hard enough time these days finding competent network engineers, system administrators, and programmers, much less security professionals.

Making matters worse, you can't get training that will instantly make you an information security specialist. You have to take it in steps. First, become competent with routers, switches, and firewalls. Learn the ins and outs of UNIX and Windows NT. Learn the basics surrounding cryptography and programming, and obtain a SOLID understanding of TCP/IP. And then you can BEGIN to learn the intricacies surrounding security, incident response, and other late night and stressful activities.

Excited yet?

The lack of personnel contributes to misguided or absent information security programs within organizations. Policies remain incomplete or nonexistent. Companies operate without a threat identification effort. Machines go unpatched, development efforts go awry, logs go unmonitored, and users remain uneducated. In short, we find ourselves living in the world that we exist in today.

It doesn't have to be like this, however. If administrators and users held up their areas of responsibility from a security standpoint, we wouldn't be needing fleets of all-encompassing infosec gurus. We're hoping for the day when security practices are as common as running system backups part of any good system administrator's job. Unfortunately, we believe that day is a ways off.

The funniest part about this crazy field is that most of us who are considered information security professionals got here by accident. However, as time goes on, it continues to get easier to exchange knowledge and learn at a quicker pace. More books are coming out, more conferences exist, more papers are being written, information security portals and sites continue to improve, and the security mailing lists that exist on the net are only getting better. Security-related certifications like the CISSP and the SANS GIAC programs are starting to crank out more and more qualified people. In short, it's getting easier to learn as there is a lot more out there then there was even two to three years ago.

Suffice it to say, however, that there will be a shortage of good security people for quite some time.


Section: Chapter 1.  Why This Book Was Written

Why Education in Security Is Important

Traditionally, security folks have attempted to obscure security information from the average user. As such, security specialists occupy positions of prestige in the computing world. They are regarded as high priests of arcane and recondite knowledge that is unavailable to normal folks. There was a time when this approach had merit. After all, users should only be afforded such information on a need-to-know basis. However, the average American has now achieved need-to-know status.

Today, we all need at least some education in network security. We hope that this book, which is both a cracker's manual and an Internet security reference, will force into the foreground issues that need to be discussed. Moreover, we wrote this book to increase awareness of security within the general public.

Whether you really need to be concerned depends on your station in life. If you're a merchant, the answer is straightforward: In order to conduct commerce on the Net, you must have assurances about data security. No one will buy your services on the Internet unless they feel safe doing so, which brings us to the consumer's point of view. If crackers are capable of capturing sensitive financial data, why buy over the Internet? Of course, there stands between the consumer and the merchant yet another individual concerned with data security: the software vendor who supplies the tools to facilitate that commerce. These parties (and their reasons for security) are obvious. However, there are some less conspicuous reasons.

Privacy is one concern. The Internet represents the first real evidence that an Orwellian society can be established. Every user should be aware that nonencrypted communication across the Internet is totally insecure. Although the Internet is a wonderful resource for research or recreation, it is not your friend (at least, not if you have anything to hide).

Finally, there are still other reasons to promote security education. We'd like to focus on these briefly.

The Corporate Sector

For the moment, set aside dramatic scenarios like industrial espionage and international spy rings. These situations are exciting for purposes of discussion, and they do indeed happen, but their incidence is rare in relation to general data security threats. Instead, let's focus on a simple example case of a common corporate application: an e-commerce initiative.

Modern day e-commerce applications have many components, but usually they are split into three primary areas: front-end Web pages, middle-tier applications, and back-end databases. Database access might ultimately require the use of one or more languages to get the data from the database to the actual Web page. We've seen scenarios that were pretty complex.

In one scenario, we observed a six-part process. From the moment the user clicked a Submit button, a series of operations was undertaken:

1.       The variable search terms submitted by the user were extracted and parsed by a Perl script.

2.       The Perl script fed these variables to an intermediate program designed to interface with a proprietary database package.

3.       The proprietary database package returned the result, passing it back to a Perl script that formatted the data into HTML.

That single process touches network administrators who provision the connectivity between the machines, system administrators who maintain the machines, database administrators who configure and maintain the database, and application developers who write the programs and scripts. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that this can get incredibly complex, fairly quickly. Each stage of the operation boasts potential security holes.

While some organizations might even have an information security officer (most don't), it's not practical to expect that individual to be able to keep everything locked down single handedly. Worse, the chances of all of these groups (system administrators, network administrators, database administrators, and application developers) all performing their tasks in a secure manner is a long-shot, at best.

Managers are sometimes quick to deny (or restrict) funding for security within their corpora tion. They see this cost as unnecessary, largely because they don't understand the dire nature of the alternative. The reality is this: One or more talented crackers could in minutes or hours destroy several years of data entry.

Education is an economical way for companies to achieve at least minimal security. What they spend now in time and effort might save many times that amount later.

The Schools

Although those of us in the field love to pound on the vendors for sloppy programming, consider this: Colleges and universities are not helping the situation. I've spoken at a number of universities, and I often ask whether or not any of the students'professors have ever spoken to them about buffer overflows, bounds checking, or general data scrubbing techniques in class.

The answers I get point to a unanimous "No" rarely are these subjects addressed in class. I've asked this question at colleges and universities across the nation. The answers are almost always the same.

So although we have a shortage of talented people in the field, the next generation of programmers we are bringing up in the schools are not being trained in the previous generations'mistakes. At least not in the area of security, anyway.

The Government

Folklore and common sense both suggest that the U.S. government agencies know something more, something special about computer security. Unfortunately, this simply isn't true (with the notable exception of the National Security Agency). As you will learn, government agencies routinely fail in their quest for security.

In the following chapters, we examine various reports that demonstrate the poor security now maintained by U.S. government servers. The sensitivity of data accessed by hackers is amazing.

These arms of the U.S. government (and their attending institutions) hold some of the most personal data on Americans. More importantly, these folks hold sensitive data related to national security. At the minimum, this information needs to be protected.

It's not just the U.S. government that needs to bone up on network security. The rest of the world is also at risk. A good case in point is the incident that occurred in India a few years ago. At the height of tensions between India and Pakistan (each country loudly proclaiming themselves a nuclear state), a curious thing happened. Crackers some of them a mere 15-years-old broke into a nuclear research facility in India and intercepted private email between nuclear physicists there. Not satisfied with that hack, the teenagers went a step further. On June 8, 1998, Bill Pietrucha of NewsBytes reported this:

A group of teenage hackers, more accurately known as crackers, who broke into India's Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC) yesterday have set their sights on doing the same to Pakistan, Newsbytes has learned. The group, which calls itself MilW0rm, consists of about a half dozen teens, aged 15 to 18, from around the world. MilW0rm members include a former member of the Enforcer hacker group, which broke into U.S. military and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) networks earlier this year. Officials at India's BARC earlier today confirmed the break-in to Newsbytes.

Extraordinary, right? That's not the end of the story. Only 24 hours later, those same teenagers penetrated a nuclear facility in Turkey.

Many people were amused by the teenagers'antics, but there's a darker underside to their activity. At one point, one of the young crackers joked that it would be "funny" if they had forged an email message from India to Pakistan warning that India was about to undertake a first strike. Now, although no one receiving such a message would take action until they had confirmed it through other sources, the point was not missed: As we ease into the 21st century, information warfare has become more than amusing armchair discussion it has become a reality.

Are you scared yet? If so, it's time to allay your fears a bit and tell you a bedtime story. It's a brief insight into the mind of an attacker.


Section: Chapter 1.  Why This Book Was Written

From the Eye of the Beholder

Our bedtime story, from the eyes of the intruder, goes something like this:

I power up my Linux-based firewall while rummaging through my diagrams. While looking for the legal pad that I use to track my progress, I hear my firewall start dialing, and the familiar hiss of my modem negotiating the baud rate. Although I have DSL in my apartment, I prefer to mask my midnight escapades as much as possible by using hacked out ISP accounts. The phone company has records, sure, but that's just one more hop that any potential pursuer of mine will have to negotiate. Besides, I've hacked a dozen ISPs locally and rarely use the same one in the same month.

The modem connects and syncs, and my firewall rule set kicks into place. I'm up. I power on my other machines: a few simple Pentium-based boxes a local company was getting rid of, and a fresh set of Pentium III machines I just built the other day. I left off last night with an R&D network I found somewhere in Holland I think. Heck, it doesn't matter where it is anyway as long at it's useful. It was pretty open when I got there, but a little hard to find. Thank God for ARIN.

My eventual target is a manufacturer of cell phone software. Although I know little about cell phones, my curiosity was sparked a few months ago. These guys appear to be a worthy challenge. But I haven't actually started knocking on their doors yet. You see, I need a buffer zone a little padding. I figure if I can bounce off of a dozen organizations or so, even if they do catch my attacks, they'll never find me. They might trace me back through the first three or four organizations, but I'll be long gone before they get anywhere close. So where was I oh yeah that R&D network.

I fire up nmap, and pump my output into whisker looking for vulnerable CGI sample scripts. My results come back in about 30 seconds. It appears that these bozos haven't patched their IIS servers yet. They are still vulnerable to that RDS/MDAC hole. I snicker as I fire up my msadcpl exploit script I can't believe that the RDS/MDAC problem in IIS has been out for over a year now, and they still haven't patched it. Too bad for them.

After two minutes, I'm in and discover that one of the machines is an NT domain controller. Jackpot. There are more than a thousand accounts in this domain alone. Assuming I can crack them, the owners will have a hard time locking me out with access to that many user accounts. I initiate a backup copy of the NT SAM, download it, and move on.

From there I start poking at a data warehousing company because I know they have a ton of HP/UX and Solaris machines. I prefer UNIX machines, but will settle for NT when I have to. I launch into my reconnaissance phase again using whisker and nmap. What does this data warehousing company handle? Healthcare data was it? Ah, who cares. More accounts. More territory. More padding.

I ponder for a second on whether or not legal precedence will be set if the second company sues the first for negligence. But then I realize not my problem. The thought leaves my head as quickly as it entered. I turn the shadowed password hashes and the NT SAM over to my Pentium IIIs running John the Ripper. I grab some RedBull and vodka, and head out to the clubs the password cracking session might take a few hours. My day is coming I just need to give my Pentium III clusters some more time to chew on those passwords. After all, time is on my side.

Who am I?

It doesn't matter who I am, what age I am, or where I am working from. You can't classify me because I am not of one type. Instead, you should be worrying about how close I am to you, how I am going to get at your data, use your systems, and what I am going to do when I own your network.


Enterprises - Maximum Security
We Only Played Home Games: Wacky, Raunchy, Humorous Stories of Sports and Other Events in Michigans
ISBN: 0000053155
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 38 © 2008-2017.
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