

tab leaders , 62, 867
tab stops, 61, 867
decimal tabs, 66
positioning, 62
removing, 62
setting, xxxv, 61, 66
Table AutoFormat, 867
Table AutoFormat button (Tables toolbar), 627
table of authorities, 867
table of contents, 868
table of figures, 868
Table Properties dialog box, 283
table titles, 610, 868
table validation rules, 283
Table Wizard, 192, 868
business tables, 192
field properties created by, 194
fields available for specific tables, 192
personal tables, 192
renaming fields in, 194
sample tables, 192
starting, 193
tables, 83, 605 “31, 867
adding, 84
adding information to, lxiii
adding to forms, lxxv
adding to queries, 256
aligning, 623
AutoFormat, 625
AutoFormat, applying, lxiv, 627 “28
AutoFormats, 90, 93
AutoFormats, applying, xxxvi
backing up, 293
borders, 90, 93, 623
borders, setting, 612
business, 192
calculations in, 83, 95
captions, inserting, 630
cell padding, 612
cells (see cells, table)
centering text, 92
columns (see columns, table)
controls, inserting, 780
converting text into, xxxvi, 88, 617
copying, 293, 781
creating, lxiii, 86, 191, 614
deleting, 588
deleting from, 294
dividing, 615
dividing (see also splitting, tables)
drawing, 614
editing, lxiii, 786
entering information in, 617 “20
extra white space in, 784
field properties, 194
fields (see fields)
formatting, 83, 90 “91, 625 “29, 779
formatting, manually, lxiv
formulas (see formulas)
functions, 95
header cells, specifying, 626
inserting, xxxvi, lxiii, 84 “85, 610
inserting in messages, 405
inserting rows, 772
inserting, in forms, 778
inserting, with command vs. with dialog box, 612
insertion point, moving, 618
layout, setting up, 612
linking lookup lists to, 285
linking lookup lists to (see also lookup lists)
manipulating structure of, 201
margins in (see cell padding)
modifying, 84
moving, 85
moving all fields to query, 295
moving information in, 621
moving to new pages in, 188
multiple, 191
multiple, filtering/sorting, 253
navigating in, 84, 87, 618
opening new, 193
opening, in Datasheet view, 194
pages in, switching between, 188
personal, 192
previewing, 628
primary keys (see primary keys)
for queries, specifying, 256
relationships, deleting, 295
rows (see rows, table)
sample, 192
selecting, 84, 588
selecting cells, 616
selecting fields for, 192
shading, 90
single-cell , creating, 615
size , specifying, 612
sizing, 83 “85, 88
sorting, xxxvi, 85, 88
sorting in, 83
splitting, lxiv, 629 “31
structure, changing, 201
structure, editing, lxiii, 620
styles, creating, 91
switching to Design view, 195
Table Wizard, 192
text in, aligning, 93
text in, formatting, 91
text in, italicizing, 92
text, aligning, 780
text, changing font color , 92
titles (see table titles)
totaling columns/rows, 98
totaling, with formulas, xxxvii
updating, 290 “93
views (see views)
width, specifying, 623
Tables toolbar, opening, 621
Tablet PC, 868
using One Note with, 720
tabular lists, lack of, 610
tag, 868
task list, 868
task panes, 5, 868
closing, 6
displaying, 670
Getting Started, 5
New File, displaying, xlii
opening, 6
showing/hiding, 5
switching, 5
taskbar, displaying, 16
TaskPad, 868
tasks , 559, 868
adding/assigning in document workspaces, 802
adding/assigning in meeting workspaces, 831
assigning, 563, 747
completed, displaying, 563
created by wizards, 581
creating, 562
creating alerts for, 803, 810
creating in document work-spaces, lxxvii
creating in meeting work-spaces, lxxviii
displaying, 559
displaying (see also Tasks view)
editing, 832
history, displaying, 563
marking complete, 563
opening, 563
setting due dates, 802, 831
setting notes as, 746
starting, 563
Tasks view, 559, 868
icon for, 562
switching to, 562
Tasks View button, 562
teams , 868
 templates, 5, 77, 182 “83, 572, 868
Corporate Presence Wizard, 579
creating, 677
creating presentations with, xlviii
creating publications from, lxvi, 678
creating publications with, lxvii
creating sites with, 572
displaying available, xlii
form (see sample forms)
One Page Web, lxii, 573
Personal Web, 576
placeholders, 577
hyperlinks , 561
input masks, 280
input restrictions, 273
thumbnails, lxv
validation rules, 282
adding, 675
adding to e-mail messages, 692
adding to Web sites, 697
aligning, 93, 780
animating, 59
applying styles, 427
automatic (see AutoText)
bolding, 58, 92, 630
capitalization, changing, 359
centering, 64, 92, 427
character spacing, 54
clearing formatting, xxxv
color, changing, 57, 423
columns, 83
converting into tables, 88, 617
converting, into tables, xxxvi
copying, xxxiv, 31, 586, 590
correcting while typing (see AutoCorrect)
cutting and pasting, xxxiv, 735
deleting, 29, 31, 727, 784
deselecting , 29
editing, 727
entering, 8, 273, 582, 714
entering in Quick Notes, 735
entering, shortcuts for, 33 “38
existing, inserting, 586
fancy (see WordArt)
finding and replacing (see finding and replacing)
finding and replacing (see finding and replacing text)
finding/replacing, 290
font color, changing, 92
fonts (see fonts)
formatting, 54, 591, 675
formatting, as you type, 74
formatting, displaying, xxxiv
hidden, displaying, xxxiii, 17
highlighting, 58
indenting, 62
in input masks, 280
inserting, 28, 582
inserting existing, 586
inserting in Note Flags, 737
insertion point, 583
italicizing, 92, 592
justifying, 65, 101
label, aligning, 214
lowercase/uppercase, 281
macros (see AutoText)
moving, 30
objects (see text objects)
overtyping, 28
overwriting, 590
in page banners, replacing, 589
paragraphs, 584
pasting, 590
in pictures, 639
selecting, 28, 672
selecting all, 101, 591
selecting, all with same formatting, xxxv
selecting, with particular formatting, 58
size, changing, 423
sorting, 72
special formatting (see WordArt)
in tables, formatting, 90
WordArt (see WordArt)
wrapping, 64
wrapping in cells, xxxviii
text animation, 868
Text Box button (Drawing toolbar), 340, 341
text box control, 868
text boxes, 207 See also text objects
control source, editing, 214
deleting, 775
inserting, 646
moving, 218
properties, xliii, 212
size of, 211
spacing from labels, 215
text form field, 868
text labels, 340, 868
changing into word processing boxes, 341
creating, xlix, 342
text objects, 339 “60, 868
aligning text in, 344
bullet point (see bullet points)
centering text in, 344, 347
columns, creating, 353
copying, 340
creating, 340, 342
deselecting, 340 “41
dotted -line selection boxes, 340
editing text in, 340
inserting, 340
moving, 340
resizing, 340, 344
resizing to fit text, lt, 347, 353
selecting, 340 “41
selection boxes, sizing handles on, 340
sizing handles, 340
slanted -line selection boxes, 340
spacing, adjusting, 344
text labels (see text labels)
word processing boxes (see word processing boxes)
text placeholders, 869
editing, 336
text wrapping, 64
text wrapping break, 869
themes, 422, 869
adding to meeting work-spaces, 836
applying, 426
applying to document work-spaces, 814
colors in, 626
previewing, 426
thesaurus, xxxiv, 38 “39,359 “60, 869
opening, 38
thumbnails, 643 “45, 869
creating, lxv, 643
creating automatically, 639
displaying, xxxiii, 23
HTML code, 644
previewing in browser, 645
resizing, 644
testing, lxv
tick-mark labels, 869
time and date, 34
time card forms
filling out, 753
opening, 753
payroll information, inserting, 759
time zones
changing, lix, 510
displaying multiple, 510
swapping, 510
timings, slide, 376 “80, 865
applying to all slides, 378
automatic, setting, 377
rehearsing, 379
setting manually, li
tips, resetting, 358
Title Master, 869
title slides, 314, 869
title text, 869
titles, table, 610, 868
TOC, 869
Toggle Pane button (Standard toolbar), 557
toggles, 5, 869
toggling panes, 557
Toolbar Options button, 869
toolbars , 548, 869
buttons (see buttons, toolbar)
closing, 617, 660
dimmed options on, 548
displaying, 555, 617
docking, 552
hidden, displaying, 617
hiding, 555
moving, 552, 618
orientation, changing, 552
resetting to original appearance, 554
ScreenTips, 548
shortcut menu, opening, 551
switching from vertical to horizontal, 552
unavailable options on, 548
toolbox, displaying, 221
Toolbox button, 221
totaling table columns/rows, 98
Totals button, xlvi, 265
tracking meeting responses, 534
transaction record, 869
transition effects, applying to all slides, 378
transparency film, 869
transparent color, setting, 639
transporting presentations,364 “66
travel itinerary forms
appointment information,inserting, 755
filling out, 755
opening, 755
tri-fold style printing Calendars in, 514
TrueType fonts, embedding in presentations, 364 “65 See also fonts
turning off
checking spelling as you type, 354
controls, 230
Getting Started task paneat startup, 549
grouping, 437
record selectors, 224
reminders, 526
word wrapping, in AutoShapes, 345

Microsoft Office 2003 Step by Step
MicrosoftВ® Office ExcelВ® 2003 Step by Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))
ISBN: 0735615187
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 350
Authors: Curtis Frye © 2008-2017.
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