

sample fields/tables, 192
sample forms, 752
customizing, lxxiv, 772
opening, 783
timecards (see time card forms)
travel itinerary (see travel itinerary forms)
Save and Close button, 407,497, 526
Save As dialog box, 306, 480
locating folders in, 308
Save button, 229
Save button (Standard toolbar), 32
saving, 863
all files, 595
appointments, 497
automatically, 187
Calendar, 540
Calendar, as Web page, lxi,54041
delete queries, 296
documents, 7, 32
documents, in other formats, 12
drafts, automatically, 404
e-mail messages, 693
e-mail messages, as drafts, 431
e-mail messages, as HTML, lvii, 481
e-mail messages, as text, 481
files, all, 595
files, for use in otherprograms, xxxiii
filtering criteria, 249
filters as queries, 250
forms, 216, 754
manually, impossibility of, 187
naming files when, 11
navigating folders when, 7
Places bar and, 7
presentations, 306
publications , 669
publications as a template, 678
publications as Web sites, 700
Web pages, 585
when switching from Design to Datasheet view, 200
scalable font, 863
scaling, 863
drawings, 647
schedules, publishing, to intranet, 542
schedules, group
adding members to, 537
creating, lxi, 536
scheduling meetings with, 539
viewing most recent information on, 538
appointments, lvii
events, lviii
groups (see group schedules)
meetings, 52026
NetMeetings, lxi, 527
resources for meetings, 526
schema, 863
screen area, 601
designing sites for, 601
settings, displaying current, 601
screen display, optimizing, 601
screen real estate, 863
screen resolution, 863
ScreenTips, 221, 303, 548, 863
for colors, 647
scripts, 863
scroll bars, 13
navigating with, 16
removing from forms, 230
scroll boxes, dragging, 16
forms, 210
slides, 310
search folder, 863
Search Folders, 45762
creating, lv, 458
criteria, setting, 461
default, 457
finding messages with, 459
renaming, 460
searching. See finding, finding and replacing
section break, 863
section tabs
creating new, 728
renaming, 725
sections, adding to forms, lxxv
Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail extensions (S/MIME), 863
security, digital signatures,760, 845
attaching, 760
security level, 864
security zone, 864
select, 864
Select Attendees and Resources dialog box, 521
Select Browse Object button, 14, 16
Select Members button, 408
Select Members dialog box, 537
Select Names dialog box, 410
select queries, 253, 864 See also queries
converting into action queries, 292
converting into delete queries, 295
creating, 292
duplicate queries, 254
running, 293
unmatched queries, 254
adjacent columns , 203
all, 591
bullet points, 346
columns, 244
columns, adjacent, 203
columns, multiple, 244
comments, 585
controls, all, 213
documents, 29
drawings, multiple, 651
e-mail messages, 455
fields, 283
fields for tables, 192
files, multiple, 617
filtering by, xlv, 246
hyperlinks , 590
labels, 212
labels, multiple, 214
lines, 29
meeting time slots, 523
objects, 341
paragraphs, 2829, 31, 588
pictures, for editing, 640, 645
pictures, in photo galleries, 655
pictures, multiple, 651
rows, 272
sentences, 28
subforms, 236
table cells , 84, 616
table cells, multiple, 84
table columns, 621
table columns/rows, 84
table rows, 630
tables, 84, 588
text, 28
text objects, 34041
text, all, 101
text, all with same formatting, xxxv
text, with particular formatting, 58
through end of document, 101
words, 28
selection area, 29, 864
selection boxes, 340, 864
sizing handles (see sizing handles)
selector, 864
self-running slide shows, 380
Send button, 401, 525
Send button (E-mail toolbar), 766
Send Update button, 534
Send/Receive button, 414
attachments, liii
blind carbon copies, 404
e-mail messages, 401, 694
e-mail messages, to all meeting attendees, 535
e-mail messages, to multiple recipients, 404
instant messages, liii, 418
meeting requests , 525
messages, 41214
publications as e-mail messages, 693
sensitivity, 864
field, adding, 438
setting, 429
capitalizing first letter automatically, turning off, 34
selecting, 28
sequentially increasing numbers , 197
server farms, 568, 864
Server Health, 864
server rules, 465, 864
Server Type dialog box, 394
server-based Web site, 864
server-based Web sites, 568
vs. disk-based Web sites, 568
servers, Web, 568, 871
farms, 568
server-side applications, 864
Set Up Show dialog box, 371
field size , 274, 275
meeting reminders, 524
reminders, lx
slide timings, manually, li
tab stops, 61
setting up
e-mail accounts, multiple, 414
instant messages, 417
Outlook, 392
profiles, 394
SGML, 864
shading, 864
adding to cells, xl
table cells, 92
tables, 90
shadowing controls, 214
shadows, adding to drawings, 646
shapes , 864
deselecting , lxv
drawing, 646
grouping, 646
inserting, lxv
positioning, lxv
rotating, lxv
shared attachments, 864
shared border, 566, 864
link bars in (see link bars)
SharePoint team Web sites, 865
Calendar, on the Web, 542
Calendar, over the network, 539
databases, 865
folders, lvi, 474, 477
forms, 76568
Short Date format, 199
shortcut icons, creating, 5
shortcut menus , opening, for toolbars , 551
shortcuts, desktop, creating, 304
shortcuts, keyboard, 590
Show Code View button, 566
Show Design View button (Page view editing window), 644
Show Preview View button, 568
Show Split View button, 567
Show Split View button (Page view editing window), 644
Show Table button, 231
Show Table dialog box, 231
showing. See displaying
signatures, 44347, 865
applying, 446
centering, 445
creating, lv, 443
editing, 444
font, changing, 445
in forwards/replies, inserting automatically, 446
signatures, digital, 760, 845
attaching, 760
site map, 865
Site Summary report, 865
displaying, 560
reports in, viewing individual, 560
sites. See FrontPage-based Web sites; Web sites
size, font, 592
action buttons , 375
AutoShapes, to fit text, 347
columns, 102, 202
columns, to fit, 236, 261
controls, to fit, 222
Detail section, 220
drawing canvas, 647
drawings, 647, 652
form backgrounds, 217
form sections, 220
forms, 408
labels, to fit, 215
Navigation Pane, 395, 492
pictures, lxv, 639, 64142
rows, 202203
table cells, to fit contents, lxiii
table columns, lxiii, 622
table columns, appropriately, 620
table columns, to fit contents, 622
table columns/rows, 85
tables, 8385, 88
text objects, 340, 344
text objects, to fit text, l, 347, 353
thumbnails, 644
windows , 195, 399
sizing handle, 865
slanted -line selection boxes, 340, 865
Slide Design task pane, 314
Slide Finder dialog box, 331
Slide Layout task pane, 303,31920
displaying, 326
selecting layouts in, 317
Slide Master, 865
Slide Master view, 865
Slide pane, 865
Slide pane (Normal view), 303
entering text in, 324
Slide Show button, 368
Slide Show view, 309, 865
slide shows. See also presentations
adding slides to, 372
advancing automatically, 377
advancing slides, 377
advancing to next slide, xlviii
annotating, li, 368, 370
annotating, discarding annotations, 371
black screen at end, removing, 313
black screen at end, turning on/off, 369
custom, displaying slides in, 367
customizing, 372, 376
customizing (see also custom slide shows)
delivering (see delivering slide shows)
drawing on slides (see annotating slide shows)
ending, l, 367
ending before last slide, 312
erasing annotation, 370
giving (see delivering slide shows)
hiding slides in, 373
jumping to specific slides, l, 367, 369
looping continuously, 381
navigating, 363, 36768
navigating, keyboard shortcuts for, 368
pen tool, li, 369
pen tool, changing color , 370
pointer, displaying, 368
pointer, drawing with, 368
popup toolbar, displaying, 368
presenting (see delivering slide shows)
rehearsing (see rehearsing slide shows)
removing annotation, li
running automatically, li
self-running, 380
starting, with particular slide, l, 367
transition effects (see transition effects)
Slide Sorter view, 309, 865
hiding slide formatting in, xlviii
switching to, 312
Slide Sorter View button, 333
slide timings, 37680, 865
applying to all slides, 378
automatic, setting, 377
rehearsing, 379
setting manually, li
slide transition, 865
Slide Transition button (Slide Sorter toolbar), 377
adding to favorites, 331
adding to slide shows, 372
creating, 32328
deleting, from custom slide shows, 373
dragging, 333
editing text (see also text boxes)
formats, applying, xlviii
formatting, hiding in Slide Sorter view, xlviii
formatting, reapplying original, xlix
hidden, displaying, 374
hiding, li, 373
hyperlinking to, 375
inserting, from other presentations, xlix, 33032
layouts, selecting, 317
marking, with pen tool, li
marks, removing, li
moving between presentations, 333
rearranging, xlix, 33234
rearranging, in custom slide shows, li, 373
text on (see text objects)
timings (see slide timings)
Slides tab (Outline/Slides pane), 303
small caps, 58
Smart Tag Actions button, 34, 204
Smart Tags, 34, 204, 865
in instant messages, 418
turning on/off, 38
soft page break, 865
Sort Ascending button, 244
Sort Descending button, 244
Sort dialog box, 88
Sort Text dialog box, 72
sorting, 24245 See also grouping
ascending, 244
assets, 764
columns, 244
descending, 244
fields, multiple, 244
form data, 760
forms, 244
lists, 72
messages, liv, 434
numbers, 243
queries, 257
vs. queries, 254
reversing order, 244
table rows, 85
tables, xxxvi, 83, 85, 88
tables, multiple, 253
text, 72
source code. See HTML code
source control, 865
source document, 866
source files, 96, 866
source program, 866
spaces in field names, 195
paragraph, l, 344, 347, 594
text objects, 344
labels/text boxes, 215
spam, 866 See also junk e-mail messages
speaker notes, 334
inserting, xlix
Spelling and Grammar, 866
Spelling and Grammar button (Standard toolbar), 47
Spelling and Grammar dialog box, 48
Spelling button (Standard toolbar), 354, 356
Spelling dialog box, 356
spelling, checking, xxxiv, 47, 35458
adding mistakes to AutoCorrect list, 50
adding words to dictionary, 48, 357
as you type, 354
as you type, turning off, 354
as you type (see also AutoCorrect)
entire document, 47
ignoring errors when, 48
ignoring words when, 357
individual words, 47
marking words as foreign, 355
in other languages, 354
replacing words when, 356
resetting spelling checker, 49
splash screen, 866
split bar, 866
Split pane, 866
switching to, 567
Split pane (Page view), 564
table cells, 85, 628
tables, lxiv, 62931
Spot color, 866
spot printing, 684
spot-color processing, lxvii
spreadsheets, exporting forms to, 764 See also worksheets
SQL, 866
SQL database, 866
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), 866
standard module, 866
Standard toolbar, 552
Start Reading button (Standard toolbar), 22
custom slide shows, 373
Form Wizard, xliii, 209
FrontPage, 549
Input Mask Wizard, xlvii, 278
NetMeeting, 528
NetMeeting, automatically, 527
Outlook, the first time, 392
PowerPoint, 302
PowerPoint, with desktop icon, 304
Query Wizard, 262
slide shows, with particular slide, l, 367
Table Wizard, 193
tasks , 563
Word, 45
static HTML page, 866
static page, 866
stationery, liii, 422, 866
creating, 426
customizing, liv, 426
setting default, 425
Stationery Picker button, 426
status bar, 866
Stop Reading button (Reading Mode toolbar), 24
storing, 576
storing graphics in fields, 198
strings, 866
empty, 269
structure, database, 182
creating empty, 191
structure, table, 201
Structured Query Language (SQL), 866
style, 867
Style box, 77
style checker, l, 355, 357
Style Options dialog box, 357
style sheets, 596
styles, 76
applying, 78, 185, 427
applying to forms, 229
character, 76
creating, 77, 79, 219
creating, for bulleted/numbered lists, 77
customizing, xxxvi
deleting, 80
modifying, 80
paragraph, 76
table, creating, 91
stylus, 867
sub procedure, 867
subdatasheet, 867
subdocument, 867
subentry, 867
subfolder, 867
Subform Wizard, 233
subforms, 230, 867
creating, 233
creating, with Form Wizard, 238
defining relationships for, 234
selecting, 236
submenus, viewing, 550
subpoints, 867
subreport, 867
Substitution component, 867
subtrees, in Navigation view, displaying alone, 558
subweb, 867
summary lists
displaying, 761
viewing details in, 761
summary slide, 867
switchboards , 208, 867
displaying, 187
forms, displaying, 187
reports, displaying, 190
between panes, 568
to Hyperlinks view, 562
to Navigation view, 557
to Notes Page view, xlix
to Reports view, 560
to Split pane, 567
to Tasks view, 562
views, xlviii, 311, 560
Symbol dialog box, 9
symbols, inserting, xxxiii, 9
synchronizing, 867
synonyms. See thesaurus
syntax, 867

Microsoft Office 2003 Step by Step
MicrosoftВ® Office ExcelВ® 2003 Step by Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))
ISBN: 0735615187
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 350
Authors: Curtis Frye © 2008-2017.
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