- saving
The process of storing the current state of a database or database object for later retrieval. In Access, new records and changes to existing records are saved when you move to a different record; you don t have to do anything to save them. You do have to save new objects and changes to existing objects.
- scalable font
A font that can be represented in different sizes without distortion.
- scaling
Sizing an entire object by a set percentage.
- schema
A description of the structure of XML data, as opposed to the content ofthe data. Applications that export to XML might combine the content and schema in one .xml file or might create an .xml file to hold the content and an .xsd file to hold the schema.
- screen real estate
A term for the amount of space a designer has in which to present the information in a Web page.
- screen resolution
The width and height of a computer monitor display in pixels.
- ScreenTip
A pop-up box that tells you the name of or more information about a button, icon, or other item on the screen when you place the pointer over the item.
- scripts
A list of commands executed without user interaction.
- search folder
A virtual folder that contains a view of all e-mail items matching specific search criteria.
- section break
A portion of a document that you can format with unique page settings, such as different margins. A section break appears as a double- dotted line across the page with the words Section Break and the type of section break in the middle.
- Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail extensions (S/MIME)
A standard specification for authenticating and encrypting e-mail.
- security level
A setting that determines whether presentations that contain macros can be opened on your computer.
- security zone
A feature that you can use assign a Web site to a zone with a suitable security level.
- select
To highlight an item in preparation for making some change to it.
- select query
A query that retrieves data matching specified criteria from one or more tables and displays the results in a datasheet.
- selection area
A blank area to the left of a document s left margin that you can click to select parts of the document.
- selection box
A gray slanted line or dotted outline around an object.
- selector
A small box attached to an object that you click to select the object.
- Sensitivity
A security setting of an e-mail message that indicates whether a message should be treated as normal, personal, private, or confidential.
- server farms
Large-scale operations for hosting corporate or organizational Web sites.
- Server Health
A FrontPage feature used to detect and repair potential problems with links on a server.
- server rules
Rules that are applied to messages that are received or processed by the Exchange server.
- server-based Web site
A Web site that is located on a computer that is configured as a Web server. See also disk-based Web sites .
- server-side applications
Programs, run on the Web server rather than on a Web visitor s own computer, that enable you to post and modify content on a Web site.
See Standard Generalized Markup Language.
- shading
Background and foreground colors or pictures the designer places on the Web page.
- shape
An object that can be drawn free-form or created using tools provided by PowerPoint. Shapes can be sized , moved, copied , and formatted in a variety of ways to suit your needs.
- shared attachments
Attachments saved on a SharePoint Document Workspace Web site, where a group can collaborate to work on files and discuss a project. Also called live attachments .
- shared border
The areas at the top, bottom, left, or right of all or some of the pages in a Web site, in which common elements are displayed. Shared borders give the site a consistent look.
- Share Point team Web sites
A collaboration site for team use that consists of a Home page, a Document Libraries page, a Discussion Boards page, a Lists page, a Create Page page, and a Site Settings page.
- sharing a database
Providing access to a database so more that one person can access it to add or alter its information.
- signature
Text and/or pictures that are automatically added to the end of an outgoing e-mail message.
- site map
A graphical depiction of the locations of Web pages in a Web site.
- Site Summary report
A FrontPage report that summarizes statistics for the entire Web site.
- sizing handle
A white circle on each corner and side of a shape that you can drag to change the shape s size . To preserve the shape s proportions , you can hold down the [SHIFT] key while resizing a shape.
- slanted-line selection box
The border of a selected object that indicates that you can edit the object s content.
- Slide Master
The part of a template that controls the characteristics (background color, text color , font, and font size) of the slides in a presentation. To make uniform changes to the slides, you change the Slide Master.
- Slide Master view
In PowerPoint, the view from which you make changes to slides, using the Slide Master View toolbar. You switch to Slide Master view by pointing first to Master and then to Slide Master on the View menu.
- Slide pane
Area in Normal view where you can view a slide and add text, graphics, and other items to the slide.
- Slide Show view
In PowerPoint, a view where you can preview slides as an electronic presentation.
- Slide Sorter view
In PowerPoint, a view where you can see all slides in a presentation in miniature .
- slide timing
The length of time that a slide appears on the screen.
- slide transition
The visual effect when moving from slide to slide in presentation.
- Smart Tag
A flag that helps you control the result of certain actions, such as automatic text correction, automatic layout behavior, or copying and pasting.
- soft page break
A page break that Word inserts in a document when the text reaches the bottom of the specified text column. In Normal view, a soft page break appears as a dotted line across the page.
- source control
A feature that ensures that only one person at a time can edita particular file.
- source document
The original document, created in the source program, to which an object is linked.
- source file
A file created in a source program that you are inserting in a destination file.
- source program
The program that created the document that has been linkedto a slide object.
- spam
Electronic junk mail.
- Spelling and Grammar
A feature that finds errors and suggests and makes corrections.
- splash screen
An introductory screen containing useful or entertaining information. Often used to divert the user s attention while data is loading.
- split bar
A line the defines which cells have been frozen at the top of a worksheet.
- Split pane
One of the four panes in Page view. This pane simultaneously displays the design view and HTML code.
- Spot color
A method of printing that creates color by mixing a limited numberof colors with shades of black.
See Structured Query Language.
- SQL database
A database that supports SQL and that can be accessed simultaneously by several users on a LAN.
- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
A comprehensive system for coding the structure of text documents and other forms of data so that they can be used in a variety of environments.
- standard module
A VBA program that contains general procedures that are not associated with any object.
- static HTML page
A Web page that provides a snapshot of some portion of the database contents at one point in time.
- static page
A Web page with hard-coded content.
- stationery
A preset or automatic format for e-mail messages that specifies fonts, bullets, background color, horizontal lines, images, and other design elements.
- status bar
The bar at the bottom of the presentation window that displays messages about the current state of PowerPoint.
- string
A series of characters enclosed in quotation marks.
- Structured Query Language (SQL)
A database sublanguage used in querying, updating, and managing relational databases ”the de facto standard for database products.
- style
A set of character and paragraph formatting that can be applied by selecting the style from a list.
- stylus
A pen-shaped input device that is used to write, draw, or point and clickto items on a touch screen.
- sub procedure
A series of VBA statements enclosed by Sub and End Sub statements.
- subdatasheet
A datasheet that is embedded in another datasheet.
- subdocument
A subordinate document that is used in master documents.
- subentry
A subtopic index listing.
- subfolder
A folder within a folder.
- subform
A form inserted in a control that is embedded in another form.
- subpoints
Indented items below a bulleted item.
- subreport
A report inserted in a control that is embedded in another report.
- Substitution component
A component in FrontPage that associates names , or variables , with text. See also variable .
- subweb
A stand-alone Web site that is nested inside another Web site; subweb scan have a unique set of permissions.
- summary slide
A slide that lists titles of slides in a presentation and which can be used as a home page or an agenda slide.
- switchboard
A form used to navigate among the objects of a database application so that users don t have to be familiar with the actual database.
- synchronizing
The process of comparing and updating information between two versions so that both are up-to-date.
- syntax
The format that expressions must conform to in order for Access to be able to process them.