Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out

 < Day Day Up > 

Curtis Frye
Award-winning author of books and online courses

Wayne Freeze
Computer consultant, author, and programmer

Felicia Buckingham
Principal of FKB Consulting, and Office VBA expert

Microsoft Press
A Division of Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, Washington 98052-6399

Copyright © 2004 by Microsoft Corporation

All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Frye, Curtis, 1968-
Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out / Curtis Frye, Wayne S. Freeze, Felicia K. Buckingham.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-7356-1985-9
1. Microsoft Excel (Computer file) 2. Business-Computer programs. 3. Electronic
spreadsheets. I. Title.

HF5548.4.M523F792 2003
005.54-dc22 2003064850

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Acquisitions Editor: Juliana Aldous
Project Editor: Dick Brown
Technical Reviewer: Mark Dodge
Indexer: Richard Shrout

Body Part No. X10-09355

To our families


From Curtis Frye:

First and foremost I'd like to thank my co-authors, Wayne Freeze and Felicia Buckingham, for their knowledge and skill at presenting a series of complex topics so effectively. Westley Annis pitched in on several chapters as well, for which I am grateful.

I value my relationship with Microsoft Press for many reasons, but right up there on the list is the terrific working relationship I have with everyone there. I'm happy to say our relationship survived intact despite many changes in all of our lives that transpired during this project. Juliana Aldous Atkinson invited me to submit an outline and shepherded the proposal through the review process. Sandra Haynes was the first project editor, and Dick Brown took over when Sandra assumed different duties within Press. Wendy Zucker stepped in to help during the revision process when Dick went on vacation for a week. The phrase 'team effort' doesn't begin to describe the sort of support they provided.

I was also very fortunate to have Mark Dodge, co-author of Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out, as my technical editor. His knowledge of both the series and Excel gave him the perspective to make many terrific recommendations. Lisa Pawlewicz, ably assisted by Jaime Odell, performed what was probably one of the more involved copy edits that has passed over their desks in a while. Page proofs were handled by Sandi Resnick at Microsoft and the nSight team of Joe Armstrong, Steve Boudreault, Catherine Cooker, Beth Lew, Katie O'Connell, Dan Shaw, Asa Tomash, and Melissa von Tschudi-Sutton. Barbara Levy and Carl Diltz turned my Word files into the beautiful pages you see before you, William Teel got the graphics ready for production, Joel Panchot created the original art, and Richard Shrout created a thorough index. Tess McMillan heads the team that created the Companion CD.

Finally, I'd like to thank my agent, Neil Salkind of StudioB, for introducing me to Microsoft back in December of 2000. He was concerned about recommending a relatively new author to such an important publisher, but I'd say things have turned out pretty well.

From Wayne Freeze:

Curt: thanks for putting up with me while writing this book. I valued your patience, especially when I was running behind schedule as usual. Laura: thank you for making my first year at Studio B a very worthwhile experience. Steve: thank you for the opportunities and challenges you tossed my way this year and I have even higher expectations for the next. Christopher and Samantha: thanks for tolerating the long hours I've spent working on this book alongside my other projects. Jill: thank you for being you-I love you.

From Felicia Buckingham:

Thanks to everyone from Microsoft Press for their work on the project, and thanks to Curt for the opportunity to co-author my first book.

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Our goal at Microsoft Press is to create books that help you find the information you need to get the most out of your software.

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About the CD

The Companion CD that ships with this book contains many tools and resources to help you get the most out of your Inside Out book.

What's on the CD

Your Inside Out CD includes the following:

  • Complete eBook. In this section, you'll find an electronic version of Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out. The eBook is in PDF format.

  • Computer Dictionary, Fifth Edition eBook. Here you'll find the full electronic version of the Microsoft Computer Dictionary, Fifth Edition. Suitable for home and office, the dictionary contains more than 10,000 entries.

  • Insider Extras. This section includes the sample files used in the book.

  • Microsoft Resources. In this section, you'll find information about additional resources from Microsoft that will help you get the most out of Microsoft Office Excel 2003 and other business software from Microsoft.

  • Extending Excel. In this section, you'll find great information about third-party utilities and tools you use to further enhance your experience with Microsoft Office Excel 2003.

The Companion CD provides detailed information about the files on this CD, and links to Microsoft and third-party sites on the Internet. All the files on this CD are designed to be accessed through Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 5.01 or later).


The links to third-party sites are not under the control of Microsoft Corporation, and Microsoft is therefore not responsible for their content, nor should their inclusion on this CD be construed as an endorsement of the product or the site. Software provided on this CD is in English language only and may be incompatible with non-English language operating systems and software.

Using the CD

To use this Companion CD, insert it into your CD-ROM drive. If AutoRun is not enabled on your computer, click on Index.htm in the WebSite folder in the root of the CD.

System Requirements

Following are the minimum system requirements necessary to run the CD:

  • Microsoft Windows XP or later or Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 3 or later.

  • 266-MHz or higher Pentium-compatible CPU

  • 64 megabytes (MB) RAM

  • 8X CD-ROM drive or faster

  • Microsoft Windows-compatible sound card and speakers

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or later

  • Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device


    System requirements may be higher for the add-ins available via links on the CD. Individual add-in system requirements are specified at the sites listed. An Internet connection is necessary to access some of the hyperlinks. Connect time charges may apply.

Support Information

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the book and the contents of this Companion CD. For feedback on the book content or this Companion CD, please contact us by using any of the addresses listed in the 'We'd Like to Hear From You' section.

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Conventions and Features Used in this Book

This book uses special text and design conventions to make it easier for you to find the information you need.

Text Conventions



Abbreviated menu commands

For your convenience, this book uses abbreviated menu commands. For example, 'Click Tools, Track Changes, Highlight Changes' means that you should click the Tools menu, point to Track Changes, and click the Highlight Changes command.

Boldface type

Boldface type is used to indicate text that you enter or type.

Initial Capital Letters

The first letters of the names of menus, dialog boxes, dialog box elements, and commands are capitalized. Example: the Save As dialog box.

Italicized type

Italicized type is used to indicate new terms.

Plus sign (+) in text

Keyboard shortcuts are indicated by a plus sign (+) separating two key names. For example, Ctrl+Alt+Delete means that you press the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys at the same time.

Design Conventions

New Feature This icon identifies a new or significantly updated feature in this version of the software.

start sidebar
Inside Out
This statement illustrates an example of an
'Inside Out' problem statement

These are the book's signature tips. In these tips, you'll get the straight scoop on what's going on with the software-inside information about why a feature works the way it does. You'll also find handy workarounds to deal with software problems.


Tips provide helpful hints, timesaving tricks, or alternative procedures related to the task being discussed.

end sidebar


start example

This statement illustrates an example of a 'Troubleshooting' problem statement Look for these sidebars to find solutions to common problems you might encounter. Troubleshooting sidebars appear next to related information in the chapters. You can also use the Troubleshooting Topics index at the back of the book to look up problems by topic.

end example


Cross-references point you to other locations in the book that offer additional information about the topic being discussed.

CD-ROM   This icon indicates information or text found on the companion CD.


Cautions identify potential problems that you should look out for when you're completing a task or problems that you must address before you can complete a task.


Notes offer additional information related to the task being discussed.

start sidebar

The sidebars sprinkled throughout these chapters provide ancillary information on the topic being discussed. Go to sidebars to learn more about the technology or a feature.

end sidebar

About the Authors

Curtis Frye is the author of Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Step by Step, Microsoft Excel Version 2002 Plain & Simple, Faster Smarter Home Networking (all from Microsoft Press), several books on Microsoft Access, and numerous online training courses.

Wayne S. Freeze, a computer consultant and author with more than a dozen books and 50+ articles to his credit, specializes in programming for Microsoft Office, Microsoft SQL Server, and Microsoft DirectX.

Felicia K. Buckingham, an expert on Excel and VBA programming, is the principal of FKB Consulting, based in Manitoba, Canada.

 < Day Day Up > 

Microsoft Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out
Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out (Inside Out (Microsoft))
ISBN: 0735619859
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 161 © 2008-2017.
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