
Note to the Reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.


Access Control tab, 472–473

accounts. See user accounts

Accounts pane for user accounts

creating, 23

deleting, 26

login process, 102–103

passwords, 50

root logins, 33

user levels, 10

Acrobat Reader, 249

Activation tab, 65

Active Network Ports, 311

Active Processes box, 293

add-ons, 128–132, 130–131


add-ons, 128–132, 130–131

printers, 415–418, 417, 423–424, 423

administrative actions, automating, 502–504, 503

administrative shares, 389

administrators and Admin users, 10, 26

limiting access to, 450

permissions with, 36

security for, 452

sharing with, 347

Advanced Add Printer dialog, 437

Advanced tab, 291–293

AFP (Apple File Protocol), 351, 384–385

AFS Properties tab, 357

AirPort utilities, 257, 310, 314

Aladdin, 350

alerts, 75

Alfred program, 130–131, 131

alias command, 534–535


for files and folders, 198–199

in Finder, 190

for PDF files, 441

in sharing, 394–395, 395

in Unix commands, 534–535

AliasMenu program, 234

AliasMultiplier X program, 200

All Off location, 314

Allow Universal Access Shortcuts option, 84

Allow user to administer this computer option, 23

Allow user to log in from Windows option, 23

allowed packets, 453

Alsoft, 487

alternate server ports, 382

Always open folders in a new window option, 169

Always show file extensions option, 162, 170

analog utility, 552

Animate opening applications option, 217

animating Desktop, 68–69

anonymous FTP access, 362

anti-aliased text, 62

.app extension, 122


of Classic Environment, 301, 301

of toolbars, 53–54

Apple Background Images, 57

Apple File Protocol (AFP), 351, 384–385

Apple menu

bringing back, 555–556

in Classic Environment, 304

clearing, 61

Force Quit from, 274, 274

for preference pane access, 54

Apple System Profiler utility, 257–258

AppleCare channel, 253


for PDF files, 441

on toolbar, 180

AppleTalk protocol

for Personal File Sharing, 356

for printers, 416

application switchers in Dock, 227–229

applications, 239. See also utilities

in Apple System Profiler, 257

Backup, 243

Calculator, 243–244

Chess, 244

in Classic Environment, 301–302, 302

Clock, 244

DVD Player, 245–246, 245

groups of, 200–201

help for, 241–242

hiding and minimizing, 240

Image Capture, 246–247, 247

installation location for, 120

kinds of, 240–241

Mac Slides Publisher, 248

menus and preferences for, 242, 556

moving, 123–124

for PDF files, 441

permissions for, 6

Preview, 248–250

priorities for, 507, 508

QuickTime Player, 250–251

quitting, 404

root account for, 30–31

Script Editor, 251

Sherlock, 251–253, 251

Stickies, 254–255

text, 276–280, 278–279

TextEdit, 255–256, 256

toolbars for, 87–89, 88, 179, 240

troubleshooting, 273–275, 274

in updates, 144

Watson, 252–254, 252

windows in, 556–557

Applications folders

files in, 123

in home folders, 8

Apply to enclosed items option, 37

apt-get program, 543

Aqua toolbar, 88

Archive and Install option, 142–143, 142

arguments in Unix, 524

ASM program, 556–557

associations for files, 160–162, 161

asterisks (*) in Unix, 536


for files, 165–167

for Keychain items, 471

for TextEdit documents, 255

Attributes tab, 471

autodiskmount command, 568

automatic operations

administrative actions, 502–504, 503

logins, 22

logouts, 467

share connections at logins, 399

Automatically hide and show the Dock option, 217

Mac OS X Power Tools
Mac OS X Power Tools
ISBN: 0782141927
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 152
Authors: Dan Frakes © 2008-2017.
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