Mihail C. Roco Unifying science based on the material unity of nature at the nanoscale provides a new foundation for knowledge, innovation, and integration of technology. Revolutionary and synergistic advances at the interfaces between previously separated fields of science, engineering, and other areas of relevance are ready to create nano-bio-info-cogno (NBIC) transforming tools, products, and services. Developments in systems approaches, mathematics, and computation in conjunction with NBIC allow us to understand the natural world and scientific research as closely coupled, complex, hierarchical entities. At this unique moment of scientific and technical achievement, it becomes possible to improve human performance at individual and group levels, as well as to develop suitable revolutionary products. These are primary goals for converging new technologies. Most nanotechnology applications are realized at the confluence of nanotechnology with other technologies. NBIC addresses long-term advances in key areas of human activity, including working, learning, aging, group interaction, organizations, and overall human development (Roco and Bainbridge 2003). Fundamentally new tools, technologies, and products will be integrated into individual and social human architectures. This chapter outlines research and education trends and discusses the potential for the development of revolutionary products and services. |